Friday, 28 December 2012

Grand Illusions

The people of India have been great admirers of art, and hence we have somany temples which are supposed to be centers of art and culture. The worship of the idols, the elaborate decorations to the deities are all part of keep the alive the traditions, which require huge number of artists to keep the work going for generations. Also the show is more important than the essence of it. The more grand, the more appreciation from many and as is the nature of humans, there will be some sour grapes. Of all the illusions that have been created to mesmerize the people, the most brilliantly implemented one is the latest one, called Vision 2020, that of India becoming a super power.

Going through the numbers available on the size of economies, per capita incomes, human development index which is the modern measure of the levels of life, India stands in the bottom half of the table. From the time this illusion has been created some countires have graduated from developing to advanced nations list like singapore, taiwan, etc. The per capita GDP of our most favourite competitor China is 4times that of India and our role model USA percapita GDP is 35times that of india. The percapita GDP of Pakistan is 1201 is 0.86times that of India.So much for mesmerizing the people to continue the hard work and keep the people busy in hope of better tomorrow and having a stand against Pakisthan.

GDP(Billion $) of   Pakistan 2787, India 3693, China 8382, USA 15094.
Percapita GDP($) of Pakistan 1201, India 1388, China 5413, USA 48386 

Being a non financial person the significance is not known, but one thing is clear that the bigger the GDP the more valued is the economy and more spending capacity of the people. Many of the developed nations are smaller in size compared to India, China, lesser population, less area and less resources. The development is mainly due to the the technological advancements and the the revenue earned due sale of technological goods. Many oil rich countries have initially been selling just oil, but since it not viable for the long term have become tourist destinations, business hubs, manufacturing hubs, shipping hubs etc. The transfomation of Dubai is one such glaring example. At the other end the transformation of Singapore is an example of the will of leadership and people that can do the economies.

Many of the developed nations have engaged in very long wars of independence, which brings in the need of better weapons to win over the enemies. Better weapons must include both for offensive and defensive purposes, which require development in almost all the fields of science which ultimately leads to innovation. It is here India lost the huge opportunity for being a advanced nation. Through out the history of India, the literature proves that there were great achievements in the fields all the fields of science but most were used for peaceful purposes unlike the in the history of developed nations.

The beauty of the Indian culture and traditions is the embedded principles of respecting fellow citizens and being at peace with nature. But the invasions of this land with foreigners has broken the cultures and a false principles are enforced. Much of the knowledge and wealth is either stolen or destroyed. But everytime the country has been beaten to the ground, the people have again built the nation from the very foundation and flourished. The looted wealth by foreign kings itself the story of the richness of the nation. But many petty minded Indians have been the kings with a few extraordinary personalities is a also a reason for the present state of the nation.

History apart, the people after achieving freedom in the worst possible ways without blood as is told by the books is false. Much blood has been spent for the freedom of this country, but the Illusion created makes to believe otherwise. The peaceful ways of achieving freedom is also a illusion to keep the citizens in a suppressed conditions. But the oppression of naxalites is not the kind of anti government activities that is required, but the requirement of challenging the government in their own dens like the offices if more important. It would have been a great service to the nation had the naxals have given up the arms and be inthe society and demand the justice from the civil servants. 

But the naxals are created and maintained for some political accomplishments and they are also kept under illusion. The new age politicians, coming from all political parties are masters of creating illusions and mesmerising people with promises, and freebies. Keeping the public from the truth has been the biggest accomplishment of the partners of the politicians(leaders) the media who were supposed to bring the people outof the illusion. Whatever the trick played will always have some time till which it excites the audience. The same trick played repeatedly will being to bore the audience and come out of illusion and there will be people the so called sour grapes among us who work to de-mesmerize the people. One group of people are called RTI activists. 

The Illusion is losing its effect. The Government is coming with another trick called DCT but how effective it is only time tell. 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The so called Bad Habits

In general households smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol consumption, drugs, prostitution etc are all considered bad habits and some others may be added to the list and some removed depending on the customs and traditions. It means consumption of alcohol may be accepted in some households, but all others may definitely not acceptable in general some 10years back. Individuals get to the these habits except the last two, mainly the last at a young age around 10-12years. Individuals tend to think that having one of the above habits makes them mature and stand above in their group. The habits are shown off to first close friends and slowly to others also, but always trying to hide from the family who usually do not approve these.

Many first attempts are done out of curiosity, but repeated often to know more and feel the punch. Then this experiments will the talk of the group, and being the guru and the teacher for others around will inself give some additional respect. This respect will be more addictive then the item that is consumed. Thus inorder not to lose the feel of being respected, the consumption is continued under the pretext of saying that "I am in control", "I can stop at any instant", "Its for fun". But with time, the addiction has set in and consumption only increases and the statements will always be the same initially.

Since the habits come at an age when there is no source of income, but to seek money from parents for everything there will some control. With some increase in age around 15years the pocket money increases, and so the freedom to go for knockout and for gaining more peer respect. One habit leads to another and many will be happy with one and few will be otherwise. The addiction levels doesnot depend on the free money available, but on the home environment mainly. All kinds people get into these habits and also get out of these habits from time to time. Usually as the age grows up, the habits also grow up and it seems to be all part of the fun, timepass and sweet memories.

The real problems start when the money supply stops when still in the student time, the friends become more important. Some people give up other necessicities and spend all the money to keep their habits going. But with a job in hand there is no questioning until the habits are maintained within the income levels. If it becomes out of control, then there will loans, rolling of money, requesting of money from many sources, unending lies, etc. Many people control their habits after marriage or in some cases after the first born knowing it would be a bad influence on the child. But many couldnot control their urge and continue with their life. Some people quit their habits after a strong wrods from a doctor and in rare cases out of blue people quit their habits.

It is always not to fall for the mentioned habits which are in no way good for the people and the sad part is that the people with full knowledge let these habits enter the lives with much fanfare. There is no control if knowingly you enjoy the habits, controls is there when you can abstain from even trying.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012


The protesters who were demanding quick action for the gangrape committed are lathicharged, treated with water cannons and teargas. One police dies, some say due to cardiac arrest and others claim it is due to violent actions of the protesters.

Some media houses have published articles about rapes occuring in non Congress ruled states like Karnataka, MP, WB etc, and all the channels are flooding their viewers with the incidents of rape occurring all over the country.

In one corner of the country Narendra Modi is being sworn as the CM of Gurajarat for the 4th time amid loud cheers and applause and CM of AP is called by the party High Command to Delhi, where Governer of AP is already camping to discuss the political situation of the state.

PM of the party, I say so because the party members say it like "PM is first answerable to the party", reads out a scripted speech and party president speaks to some unknown protesters whose details are nowhere mentioned. But generally even a better interviewed by the media, is inquired whether he is from Gujarat, whether he is affected by Godhra roits, what is caste, did Modi did injustice to him. But the visitors of Sonia are not to be questioned.

Thinking over the recent events and the past events, I really beginning to wonder whether we are in a country where the weak are protected and the mighty are controlled with the laws to avoid the law of Jungle.

Due to the non-disbanding of the Congress, the nation is hypnotized that MK Gandhi is the sole reason for the Congress and Nehru is second only to Gandhi in the freedom which is far from truth. The Government (Congress) selectively clipped certain facts and fed it to the masses. Ever heard about the loot carried out the British from India. Ever heard the loot carried out by the Muslim Kings. Everyone heard about the recently carried loot by the Congress government. Every government either at the center or the state has done loot of the nations wealth and hoarded outside this nation. But before the Moughals, there are no shift of wealth, but the wealth was within this land, but with time it got shifted. Currently with complex financial jargon, the looted is bought back as holy white money and further the nation is looted. All the time called the residents are poor and hungry people.

Even the Supreme Court of this government has rapped up the government for allowing the grain to rot in the open. The government should have distributed the grains to the poor. The reason for not doing so is to control the economy, where in free goods given will be cheaper and finally destabilize the nations fundamentals. All bullcrap to the liberals and the rich. Accroding to some UN reports, in India 45% of the population suffer from malnutrition, which means the country under famine. But the government doesnot mind, because to please its masters a.k.a Sonia Gandhi, who want to bring the RTF(Right To Food) and only then the food be distributed. Otherwise the people will not give importance to the bill and there is no benefit during elections. Even the people of this country are made to think on the same lines, and hence the THE FAMILY party comes to power again and again.

Many eminent economic pundits claim that the BIMARU states are the big problem to achieving the growth numbers to get good marks from the US rating agencies. We seem to be hell bent of getting appreciations from the US than from our own people. The BIMARU states include Bihar, MadhyaPradesh, Rajasthan, UttarPradesh. fortunately the two non congress governed states have been faring well for quite some time. Every party has good and bad sides, but some are more good than bad. But the development of a particular region comes from the aspirations of its people. People want free TVs, labtops. mixies, power, etc they will get, if people want good governance, water, roads etc, it can also be provided. The people should be clear in what they want, because the giver is always the same whether it is congress, bjp, jud, rjd, dmk, cpi, etc.

The people that each citizen possesses is very small, but a group has more power, This is the reason the British have found the theory of "Divide and Rule", and were able to control the entire nation and many other nations as well. With traitors/opportunists within every society it will not be a difficult job for any foreigner to 
take control of the society. May be this is one reason for guarding the borders every second and every country does it, but our leaders have allowed the influx of people for some secretive agendas is no secret. The british have gone a long time ago, but the mask that many people have used to project themselves as Indians worked well to continue the good work of the British. Everyday the society at large is more divided then united on every issue.

The uppercaste false supremacy exertion over the lower castes is the first step in the degradation of this nation. The vedas even talk about the 4varnas, but the 4varnas are equal in their own right. The varnas are not obtained by birth, but the qualities of the person, which is distorted by the then eminent personalities or the traitors that we results we are suffering today. But not accepting the past fully and also selectively accepting the past to get a feeling of revenge among one sect against other sect many people have political, economical and other kinds of milages. This type of revenge feelings never have helped the regular citizen but only the leaders of the sects who want more divisions and hence more control. This we call "CONTROL FREAK SYNDROME" and the party high commands are suffering for the last 65years.

Just because I can write this article, I can follow my religion, I can do a job that I prefer etc doesnot mean I am independent. If my past was glorious and present horrible and future uncertain, I can never call this independence. We are always on verge of war with our unfaithful neighbours and our soldiers lay their lives everyday, and we invite the neighbours to entertain our countrymen by a non governmental body and playing with our emotions. The media pushes its own agendas and diverts the opinions to a large extent. I have a choice to switch off the TV and lay on bed. 

But do we have Independence?

Monday, 24 December 2012



Until last Thursday when the Delhi Gang rape incident, the whole country especially in Delhi, the people were busy with their lives. Even though they knew the problems prevailing in the society and the laws that are at fault, and the less punishments to the criminals is insufficient. Even with the knowledge that every month around 45 women were being raped in Delhi alone, people were roaming freely without worrying, believing that Police/Public will come to their rescue. This is the hope of the society and this hope alone keeps the society sane at all the times. But what triggered the protests, due to which large number of people came out for protesting against the government and demanding actions and also to bring in change in the justice and police systems. 

The events that trigger are not the direct incident, but at large the people are made to emotionally connect with the victim. Media here at large is the key element for the current protests to grow big. The media need not necessarily be press it can be internet communications. But the freedom movement and other movements post independence of much larger scale have happenned in this very country without the presence of the media. The emotions that come out of the people after the reception of the news is more important than the medium in which the information is received. Earlier Anna Hazare has gathered all the anti-corruption anger of the people, which Ramdev also tried to exploit, but finally the media and the government was able to blow it beyond the capacity of the protestors. Finally the movement got punctured.

The problem with the recent protests is the lack of the following and a greed among the followers to get the maximum coverage. Everyone wants to have a share of the power that comes with the leading the protest campaigns. The respect of being a leader, and authority over the people. But question is whether the founder of the movement is good enough to be a leader is highly debatable. Always there are elements become part of a movment who will ultimately hijack the cause and finally become champions of the movement. The most glaring example is MK Gandhi, who now is projected as the sole person responsible for bringing freedom to the country and the masses are fooled, and the surname is being currently misused by a particular family to their personal interests.

The hope of people when diminishes, the protests which start as peaceful can turn into violent or the protest itself may vanish with time. In this beautiful country nobody can be declard without any selfish interests based on past performances. Only death can tell your sincerity, because many a great souls have given their lives for building this country and we have forgotten and we have glorified only the living. When all this is being accepted, why cannot people cannot accept inaction by the government, and this worries the people at power. They have become so insensitive, that even during and after the protests the people in power donot want to act. For them any action means being dictated to do work, and being a largest democracy there can be dictatorship. There must be consensus.

How many times, have we heard about the several assurances given by various ministers to improve the situation? We have even heard one MP saying that in India 99% of terriorist activities are being controlled and he is glorified by his party. PM feels that the anger of the protestors is genuine. The Congress Party President assures that speedy action will taken. This is a government which is more answerable to the party first, and whose promises for removing poverty still are being repeated in election rallies. The Inaction of the people of this country has come a full circle and many will not agree for this but this is the reality.


Sunday, 23 December 2012

VIPs in India

If India is to be understood, then one has to go to not the slums/ghettos in the cities, not to the villages, but to the houses of the so called VIPs. These VIPs are unable to enjoy the natural resources of the country like the polluted air, water, sunlight for the fear being attacked by the non-vip Indians. They have spend time abroad or under very security cover to have relaxing time and to de-stress themselves. These VIPs lead highly stressed life, constantly under a death threat to the lives of not only themselves but also to the people surrounding them. But for the last 10years of news following, only few VIPs have been attacked, or plans of attacking been thwarted. But the common man is left unprotected on the streets and the reason cited is lack of police personnel who are busy protected just another life. This brings the question, whether life of one rich and famous more important than the man on the street?

Usually to those people whom the government has given protection with the tax payers money can arrange privates security guards, since they have the money and resources. To protect the non-VIPs from attackes that are directed at the VIPs, the VIPs are given special; priviliges usually at all walks of life. So much for the perception of threat and imortance. But a different attitude by the government, means the MPs and MLAs will also lose their security covers and cannot show off their importance to the common public. The security cover by the government is a symbol of power now a days and is a pride to those who are under it. But the common man wonders at all the paraphenerlia around the VIP and dreams of becoming a VIP one day.

If the common man is taken care of, the VIP will also be taken care of automatically. But the usual practice is to make shortcuts and reduce the work of the employees. To achieve this, the security of the VIPs are increased and the common man is left to the goons. Everytime there is a atrocity on women on streets, on dalits etc, the cycle starts all over again. Questions on VIP security, etc will come and become big just like a balloon being filled with air. The ever improving efficient media devises plans to puncture or brust with excessive blowing up of he issue. The media has achieved in the recent times many times and as perfected the art. They are also hoping to become VIPs someday. Some of them already are receipents of some big awards for their social contribution.

The the government rids of this VIP culture only then can be the common man be safe in the country. Till then its another victim on the streets and the criminal roaming free and sometimes even making laws to nab the criminals.

Saturday, 22 December 2012


People usually mind their business and do not bother what happens or what is going in other persons life unless there is a strong relation or connection. In today's connected world, the neighbours may have spoke to each other, but people remain in touch with people far away. This is the trend of the modern society or the modern civilizations. We are far away yet very near, and very near yet far away. The reason is that people are busy with their own set of worries and have no time for others lives, unless they are into gossiping. There gossip mongers are the essential connections between the lives of various people. Few housewives, the maids who work at the homes at various houses in today's soceities are the status updaters. This was continuing from very long times, the status updating in some form or other.

The people who usually are not mindful of other people's problems, suddenly come to the streets and hold placards and stand in sun or in the night is a indication that things are not as they are supposed to be. Whether the people are paid to do so or they have come on their own or also with a little push is different matter. Usually when a political party is involved in the protests the latter cases may be in point. But when a horrific incident like a gangrape of women on the capital of the country takes places and the people from all walks of life coming together for a common cause is a sure shot work of not a political party. The emotional connection between the people has been done and the anger gets multiplied in a group and the protesters may go violent.

What the government should do? Recently in Mumbai there was a rally by a minority community against atrocities against their religious people in some neighbouring country. The rally turned violent, the police beaten, press beaten, and monument of national importance was damaged in the course of rally. The police didnot charge any lathis, no water cannons, no tear gas, etc. when a fool named Baba Ramdev, protested in a 5star range, in Delhi, at night the police evacuated all the people by using Ramdev should fear Media more than he fears the God. Also now the police is evacuating and using mild force dispersing the protestors, because the protests are being carried out against our government of the majority, for their inaction to do justice for our fellow citizen.

If the prosters are gong on a rampage and killing one another, then Governemnt and the media think of telling the protestors to come to talks. The media may sit in their AC rooms and tell the people to maintain peace. With a large scale voilence about burst, with no option left if police fires at the peopel real bullets instead 
of rubber bullets, then it is a pogom, holocoust. The government should have announced peace talks in such a situation. There is big industry which works on some skewed agenda funded by unknown sources. If the protestors are peaceful, force is used and if the protestors are violent then police maintains calm. When both people act it is called a pogom or mass murdering or a holocoust in our country.

Our media houses, doesnot count the death of a soldier, police as equivalent to the injury of people of some particular caste, region. The lives of minorities are more priority than others put together. But the questions that is never discussed why should in a democratic country, a MP doesnot talk what the people want. People have to demand answers from elected respresentatives, and donot want as per the requirement. When the MPs is supposed to cast his vote, he walks out. Whether what we have is a democracy is highly questionable, with nobody willing to take action for the fear of being punished by the Media Morons. But luckily if you are from wealthy back ground and if you have paid at the proper locations you may be protected and even may be projected the way you want.

When protesters come out to the streets and demand justice, what other work f**king the parties have, than to come out and talk to the people. The power center of this country doesnot want to issue a statement, but talks when son-in-law is accused. Since Delhi is not her constituency and hence powercenter is not responsible for the citizens. Since Delhities have given more votes to BJP in the municipal elections, they have suffer as a punishment for not falling in line with the party in power at the State level. If this is the mentality of the current government, then there is no wonder the "Cash for Votes" scheme being implemented hurriedly through UDAI "Direct Cash Transfer" is highly useful. Yuvraj also claimed that this scheme(scam) will bring the party to power for the next two general elections

This is what happens when people sleep for very long times, and worry about their own families and be in their own worlds. The divide that is happenning in the society, the imbalance, the injustice will all come out in various forms. This rape is just one form and mere laws donot help, but its implementation is requried. Since many of the MPs are having some or other cases related women, the law for sexual harassment will take a very long time to draft, because all the powerful politicians and their kith, kin all have to protected and all theirs cases should be able to escape through the loopholes of the law that is drafted.

I hope very little action will result in the end, because we as a nation forgot to respect women on a day to day basis. For quite a few these protests are way venting

a anger and being part of the fun.

Friday, 21 December 2012

The Follower of Modi

There is a huge of army of people on the internet that supports and rejects the claims of Narendra Modi, the communal Chief Minister of Gujarat. Some eminent people have even gone on to say that Gujarathis are entrepreneurs and it is because of them the Gujarat is a well of state from a long time even before Modi became the Chief of Minster. Ever other eminent personality wants to rubbish the claims of Modi about his work done and the promises he delivered, but people donot want to listen or see any those. It is said that the mind sees what it want to see, and since these eminent personalities want to see a bad Modi it is what they will see. There can be no perfect leader, a leader who has not done any mistake. So does Modi being a human may have committed mistakes, but when the courts of the land tell that there is no evidence that Modi can be connected directly to the killings of the people in which nearly 750muslims and 250hindus have died, these people do not want to listen.

A huge battle was fought in the media and courts to connect Modi with the roits and killings, but so after 11years and 3elections, the verdict of the people and that of the court have not changed. But the eminent people donot want to unlearn what is wrong and learn what is correct. I feel pity with these people for being so skewed and for having sold their self respect and conscience for money. For any nation to progress people should have faith in the universal systems, since the parliament is sold out for money, judiciary being partially sold, press is sold out, the belief is very thin but still there is some in the people who are for the nation and who are the followers of the person. These so called eminent persons  are created, sustained and destroyed by the media itself and the boss of the media is highly secretive and the money they receive/generate is also dubuious. Recent evidences linked to Barka Dutt, Zee TV etc all are all cases to strength this point.

The eminent people have failed to deliver the justice to the people who with their social status and powers at their disposal can do good to the common man. Pity is that many have been bought out foreign agencies with a maligning agenda. The present UPA government has the distinction of being the most corrupt, insensitive government of India in the Indian history. The country which was on a growth story was dragged to a stand still by the various looting schemes, not taking effective steps at the right time, selling the interests of the nation. A party for every finalcial trouble pointed at European crisis and for every trouble in the Parliament blamed the opposition party and a puppet Leader can be a disgrace to the entire nation.

The people of this country have become so obessed with the ideas of liberalism, secularism, modernization, globalization etc, gave mandate to the Congress which is more busy in looting and serving the interests of the dynasty than of the nation. Policies were held so that the Young crown Prince can give direction, but who never has any idea either about this nation or its people, and what direction he is expected to give. But still people have faith in him and call him the next PM of this country. I hold my head in shame, when better able leaders in the UPA should speak like slaves of the dynasty. A non dynasty party like the BJP, Communist can be the only alternate solution.

We cannot expect any party to be perfect. Just like officers are transferred at regular intervals to avoid building rapport with customers and involving in illegal activities, so also does the government at the state and central level should be changed at regular times. Too long a single party stays in power, the more corrupt the government becomes. The same is the case with the BJP in Gujarat. It has governed Gujarat for too long  and people should also realize this. Unless the opposition is weak and give no better solutions than the present government, then the peoples' verdict is the ultimate. It is the people who decide their fate through elections and they are the final authority.

But people of this country due to their philosophical mindset and the ideology of karma and reincarnation accept all the problems are inevitable and many political parties are happy to keep it that way. The parties feed these hopeless communities with hate against the better off people usually along caste lines, and make blocs of votes more famously called Vote Banks. Now that everyother party has involved in the race called Secularism, meaning appeasement of muslims, they have forever distanced themselves from BJP. The success of the Congress is their projection of BJP as a communal party and instilling fear in the minds of minority communities is no small achievement.

In the southern part of India, the voters are wooed with free stuff, from gold to mixies, from free power to free tvs. The trend is yet to catch in the Nothern India where still the bijli, sadak and pani and the major issues. After 65years of independence, the governments discovered that toilets are not available in all the houses and people are openly passing the stools. There is another issue of manual scavenging. Where in urban India, malls are being constructed at such a rapid pace, what would it take to build toilets to build in every village. Does India not have the capability? The reason why the followers of Modi hate the congress is for the simple reason for its methods of governance.

Firstly there is at present a PM who is powerless. Those who are in power are more loyal to the family than to the nation. The family is owned by foreign national and not a India and who interests are highly suspicious. The policies that are created are only to further divide this country on caste lines in the name of inclusive politics. Election manifestos are full of false promises which they have not kept for past 30years. The present Yuvraj or the PM in waiting only talks about his great grand father, grand mother, father and thier sacrifices as if no other person has done any sacrifice to the nation. Being is power, it is the first thing is to do sacrifice for a greater cause. The speeches of the family is full of lies and utter nonsense.

So for all these that the present Congress is not, Modi stands apart. His interactions with the public whether preplanned or on the spot is highly appreciable. His dealings are transperant. The vision inspires confidence and hope. A leader is unfit if he not able to take criticism and defeat. The former he has taken with a smile but the later is still untested. I hope that Modi will never get defeat in the next 20years of elections, but as the aspirations of the followers if he takes on the challenge for the PM post and gets unsuccessfull, whether Mr.Modi continue to be a leader of opposition and bring the party to power in 2019? One term in office can do wonders to the hopes of the peoople of this nation, this is for sure, but whether you are upto face the heat is the question Mr.Modi has to answer to his followers.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

We raise again

Congress has been defeated in Gujarat on expected lines, but the National and State leaders have not been able to think where their strategies have gone wrong. Some minister even claimed that wherever Rahul Gandhi campaigned, the Congress won. If the Congress wants to polish the Rahul Gandhi's charisma and pitch him against Modi, then Rahul Gandhi, should have campaigned in Maninagar for Swetha Bhatt, the wife of soc called Gujarat Top Cop. The Congress Party is always protective of its owners ie, the Nehru family members. The party is so out of mind that they can lose their face to save the faces of their bosses. When the party workers have sold their self esteem, how can they work for the people. They can work only to satisfy their bosses and to hoard crores of rupees.

The media after all its campaign against Modi must have been shocked at the victory of Modi. Unable to praise Modi, they may even think of ways and means to discredit the people of Gujarat as communal and anti secular, etc. They start to tar the image of Modi by using the non issuance of Visa by the USA. What the F**k USA has got to do with Gujarat and Modi? The media is projecting that Modi is in urgent need of going to USA and as if USA is the certifier of Good Politician and Humanitarian works, just like the Congress is certifier of Secular credentials. The politics of USA is in its interests only, and with Modi as PM, the country will bargain well for the sake of Indians unlike the congress and this is why they work hand in glove with our Congress to tarnish the image of Modi. But a clean and uncorrupt people's CM cannot be stopped by a bullying nation.

The Election Comission wants to take the credit of the massive voter turnout in the recent Gujarat elections. If this is the case, the same massive voter turnout should also be happened in Himachal Pradesh. But there were no surprises there. What worked in Gujarat didnot work there or EC is more concentrated in its efforts in Gujarat? Whatever it may be, noone wants to credit the people's CM in the public for the goods he delivered and with the engaging governance he has implemented. Everyone is in que to criticize and throws bricks at him. But the art of building stairs using the bricks thrown has been perfected by Modi. The more media and others criticize Modi, more is the curiousity it will evoke in the minds of the people. Many people are recognizing the fact that media has become a house of lies.

The Congress is trying its tested policies of splitting the votes on caste lines, by making a new party in the form GPP, but it didnot effect the result. This may worked in the Andhra Pradesh who are more or less slaves of the Congress and more communal then the people of Gujarat. The people of Andhra Pradesh have a huge longing to see themselves as slaves of the dynasty and they will get what they deserve. But the Gujarat case has not worked in the favour of the Congress, so what effect the Aam Admi Party can do the votes in Delhi has to be followed when Delhi goes for elections? Whether AAP bites into the votes of BJP or of Congress?

But collective the anti-Modi Industry even after repeatedly loses and losing their faces, proudly say " We raise again, and We will back".

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Lawless - World's Largest Democracy

Some scriptwriter of the movie The Great Debaters has told, "An Unjust law is no Law at all". 

Everytime there is a crime scene usually the victim if he/she is alive is questioned to no end, and if unlucky he/she is questioned repeatedly to ascertain the facts and get all the possible details. But in due to course of time, that law in our country takes, the investigation is handed to bigger agencies and more Q&A sessions. Then if everything goesright, then a FIR is lodged on unknown persons name and the hunt begins and after a long time(usually very long time) the criminals are arrested, if they are not roaming publicly and giving TV interviews all the while. 

Ancient people of this country and many places of the world told that, the punishments for the powerful should be more stringent than to the less powerful. The effect that it will cause will be much more. If a pickpocketer and a MP accussed of theft are given the same amount of punishment, what does the MP or the pickpocketer fear for. Luckily both doesnot never get punished as one gets to repeatedly postpone the case, and the other pays the bribes for not getting caught. Many times we have heard stories that the theft in powerful people's houses is closed immediately because of the close links between the police and thieves.

One month back we had news about a youth threatening to hijack a plane, but the alert passengers have gained upper hand and the suspect is handed over to the police. During the course of Law it was proved that the person was mentally unstable, and no media doesnot want to highlight this case. This is a serious issue and the responsible agent of the democracy has been irresponsible. Some may say the person was a muslim and hence the issue was diverted, but its validity needs to be checked and the current status of the person noone knows. Whether the mentally unstable person is undergoing treatment or he is roaming around to do more hijacks etc.

Everytime police does an encounter, sometimes out of necessary and at others due to misjudgement or other political reasons, a huge human rights activists are visible on the national TVs and their endless debates goes on and on. Similarly when a women is raped we have debate on TV on what is the reason for such behaviour, what punishment should be given, etc. The justice is delivered on the TVs and people have come to believe that our courts also follow the same and people tend to forget the issue. But the courts donot work as fast as our media houses does and which also have their own compulsions like the TRP, politicial, religious, economical compulsions for the type judgement they pronounce.

The justice delivery system which is supposes to uphold the rights of the citizens because the legistature and bureaucracy has failed drastically. But the judiciary is too much in sync with the legislature. Everyone wants to have a share of the growth story of the Independent India and those in power are never willing to lose the share come what may. The Institutions which have failed this nation are the Assemblies and Parliament for all the 6% GDP growth for a few powerfully rich. For, the common man has been struggling with the same issues throughout the time of Independent India.

Reforms, price rise etc are taken on a war footing, because this will yield more money to the parliamentarials whose wealth keeps increasing. The reforms on judiciary, women's bill, Police etc are collecting dust and which are in the interests of the common man are not accorded much importance. In a country where the national resources are given at the whims an fancy of the ministers who take the share of the profits that are earned, if luckily, doesnot bother about the common man. Now a rape of a 23year old in the national capital has gathered limelight, but it will just another day's work for the police. There are somany cases the police have to bother, and if too much pressure is exerted, then the rights activists quickly point out the number of police/citizen is below the international standards and other bullcrap.

The cultural ethos have vanished from the urban, rural areas. Respect for the fellow citizens is fast diminishing. Anger, helplessness induced fearlessness has crept the mind of a many. Media is feasting on the deaths, tragedies of the common man. Government is busy holding its position with behind the scenes manipulations using money and other agencies. 

And we proudly call ourselves World's Largest Democracy.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Case of Indian Politicians

Indian Politicians on a average are very connected to the people of this country. The connection is by the way of money, during elections they spend on certain quarters to get votes, and then after that get commissions for getting some works done. Throughout their time as being elected representatives, some people will be benefited, some willnot be benefitted, but the politicians wealth will definitely increase. Some politicians have increased their wealth 400times, some have doubled their wealth. But few have not been able to do this, and one such person is Lal Bahadur Shastri. I am pained that I have not used Sri or some other honorary word, because it is devalued that some our politicians are using such honoury titles for Osama bin Laden, Hafiz Saeed and who knows before the 2014 elections Dawood Ibrahim may become His Highness Dawoodji. 

The Indian politicians doesnot want to see his people suffer, so when ever there are natural calamities, they come in Helicopters, tour the areas and make estimates of the loss. Only in the end that out of the 1rupee that the central government releases that only 15paise is received by the common man. If you donot visit the area then your popularity decreases, so this is a must go situation for any politician. But these same politician doesnot go the parliament whom the people have sent in the first place to express their concerns, but will listen to the party leader either to walk out or sit or abstain from voting. All this is done to be in the good books of the top leader so that when the time is ripe thier loyalty will be rewarded with plum postings. Even Sachin got a  Rajya Sabha MP seat, and god knows for what reason he got but hope he will do something for the commonman.

May be because of the dooms day scenario, we have been witnessing somany rape cases, recently in haryana, now in delhi, in general throughout the country. Some old widsom has even mentioned that rape cases are on the raise due to the eating of chowmein. What the f**k? The media is actually degrading a serious issue into a joke for the sake of TRPs. The conduct of the media has gone worse to %&%&%&%%^%$*&)^&$%*)%. If at all anyone has to be blamed for the failure of the political class to address this issue, it has to be the media, which has got all the powers to keep the issue alive and garner the support and get laws changed. It will be great service to the nation if the media doesnot change its campain.

But our media on the other hand is making shows on shaved men, Don2, Taalash, Cars, Gadgets, Page3 Parties. Even worse is the film industry where in the role of heriones have become eyecandy. If by chance any women centric movie is made and if it becomes a commercial success then it is a near miracle. Showing skin is not issue but the general protrayal of the women is the issue. Everything is connected. Instead of campaigning on anti-tobacco, guthkas etc, there should be more campaigining on the race cases which is some serious, because the victim is unaware till he/she is struck. But our political class with all its sheep mentality bow infront one woman, who is not bothered for any serious actions.

Time has come for the Indian Politicians again to become common man and behave.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Indian Obsession with Congress

The Indian National Congress or Congress Party as is popularly called is formed in 1885 during the freedom struggle, to unite the political forces. But after achieving the goal ie., the Independence, it said that M.K.Gandhi wanted to disband the congress. But our beloved Chacha Nehru didnot like the idea and with the idea of being the head of the state let the INC grow from a selfless party working for cause of the nation, to a family enterprise. The number of scams, loots. anti-national decisions are too many to list. Of the 65years of independence, the congress was in power for more than 52years, and the Nehru family members are in power for 45years, considering the fact that the current PM has no authority to take any independent decisions like the PVN Rao.  
86% of the time out of the congress governance, Nehru family members had the power. 
80% of the time of Independent India is governed by Congress party.
70% of the time of independent India is governed by Nehru Family.

State -  Time Period - INC Party as Ruling Coaliation Member/Total time in years
Andhra Pradesh -   1956-till date - 43/56years ( 76%)
Karnataka -   1947-till date - 46/65years ( 70%)
Goa         -   1963-till date - 25/49years ( 51%)
TamilNadu -   1969-till date - 00/43years (  0%)
Kerala -   1957-till date - 20/55years ( 36%)
Orissa -   1947-till date - 39/65years ( 65%)
Maharastra -   1960-till date - 46/52years ( 88%)
Gujarat -   1960-till date - 26/52years ( 50%)
Rajasthan         -   1949-till date - 47/63years ( 74%)
Punjab -   1947-till date - 38/65years ( 58%)
Jammu and Kashmir -   1947-till date - 15/65years ( 23%)
Himachal Pradesh -   1952-till date - 29/60years ( 49%)
Haryana -   1966-till date - 35/46years ( 76%)
Delhi          -   1993-till date - 14/19years ( 73%)
Uttarakhand -   2000-till date - 5/12years ( 41%)
Uttar Pradesh -   1946-till date - 37/66years ( 56%)
Madhya Pradesh -   1952-till date - 45/60years ( 75%)
Chattisgarh -   2000-till date - 3/12years ( 25%)
Jharkhand         -   2000-till date - 2/12years ( 16%)
Bihar -   1946-till date - 38/66years ( 57%)
West Bengal -   1947-till date - 25/65years ( 38%)
Arunachal Pradesh -   1975-till date - 24/37years ( 65%)
Assam -   1946-till date - 51/66years ( 77%)
Sikkim -   1975-till date - 5/37years ( 13%)
Meghalaya -   1970-till date - 23/42years ( 54%)
Nagaland         -   1963-till date - 14/49years ( 28%)
Tripura -   1963-till date - 18/49years ( 36%)
Mizoram -   1972-till date - 13/40years ( 32%)
Manipur -   1963-till date - 33/49years ( 67%)

On an average 50% of the total time Congress has ruled the states. Except a few states where are no strong regional parties, if the congress has ruled the states for lesser time period then there is more unstability in the governments. One thing is for sure is that Congress can give political stability, may be hook or crook. It has got enougn money power to do MP trading as seen recently in FDI voting where SP walked walkout, BJP MPs shown cash offered by the Congress to do cross voting for the nuclear bill. But the power hungry(money hungry) Congress will make sure the government will not fall unless its interests are not taken care of ahead of the national interests.

The congress proudly said that as if invented the truth that for every rupee sent from the center only 15paise reaches the common man. Being in power at the center and in states for so long and still not able to control the leakages means there is something ideological issues with the party machinery. The present Congress President, and Rahul Gandhi always boast of the works of their family members. There were more honest ministers than the Nehru family, but the party members behave like they are working for the family. 6/10 presidents of India are mere puppets in the hands of the Congress party and more loyal to the party. There are sworn MPs and MLAs who are more loyal to the Nehru family than to the nation.

What has Congress party has achieved that the people of India have repeatedly and for very long periods have given. States that have been governed by non-congress parties like Tamilnadu for long periods have developed equally well compared to states that have been governed by Congress party for long periods like Maharashtra. But the congress governed states have always got better treatment from the center and hence may have a lead in terms of development, but there is nothing great achievement to project that there is no alternative. People of this country have been so much Britishised, Indian body with slave mindset, that we want none other the Nehru family to rule this country, than to provide governance.

The media, judiciary, police all have become slaves of the INC and the democracy we claim just has become a pseudo-democracy. If not for the Nehru family member's availability only other people from congress have become PMs otherwise the post of PM is a defacto property of the family. Since the family cannot have so many people, the CMs of the state are given to the loyal members of the family. The rebels have made their own parties and maintain a patchy relationship with the Congress party. Whey does one family wrest so much power on the political situation of this country?

As we can see, in the initial stages ie.,until Nehru was alive, Congrss was the only visible party, and hence there was no alternative and people never looked beyond because of the faith. To keep the faith going, the Nehru family have intelligently started to misuse the name of Gandhi and foolish people in blind faith and popular speeches and schemes kept on voting the congress until the regional parties started to emerge and corrode the muscle power of the Central Congress and of the family. Now the situation is such that the regional parties have become more powerful the two national parties.

People usually compare Congress and BJP, maybe the people as MPs have the same age, but the party machinery works in a different way. Since the elections in India are very costly affair, the party that spend more money on the ground level only can win the elections. This money power seems to be the only reason for the survival of Congress party and Indian people's obession with the Gandhi family makes it a deadly combination. This combination is broken only due to the faults of the congressor a overconfident/disintegrated non congress ruling paty.

There can be nothing new achievements possible from Congress party which now is fully immersed in corruption. An alternative to Congress should be given. This is one time BJP definitely should be elected to power at the Center in 2014 elections otherwise the nation will be gone to a far worse levels than 1991 when due to the compulsions of World Bank and IMF we have opened our doors for liberalization. The FDI is nothing but a loot of the nations wealth and Congress is supporting this well. India is a very big market waiting to be exploited by the foreign nationals who donot have a sense of wellness of the indians, except for their profit margins. BJP with all its talk about Hindutva etc has done nothing much significant but still it is projected as anti muslim. 

In reality, Congress is more anti-muslim than BJP. But the secular race is organized and referreed by Congress it is the numeber in the race. With 18% of the population of India, Congress still calls Muslims as a minority community is nothing but shame on the community to accept such remarks. There seems to no other community which is minority than muslim community like the christian, sikh, parsi, jain, etc. The Muslim Community is unified and kept under the close monitoring by the Congress for getting votes, otherwise there is no other reason that one particular community with so much nembers have remained backward as claimed by the media and made the victim of misrule.

If the muslim community is a victim of misgovernance, then it is entirely responsibility of the congress party, which governed this country for the maximum period. Only common sense is not sufficient but also good sense and nationalism should also prevail in all the people's minds so that for once Congress is shown the doors and put the BJP at the Lokhsabha for all its faults within the party. For good action of the Congress there can be 2 misdeeds and so is the case of the BJP. But one family governing one nation as large as India and still being a developing country is a shame on the people of this nation.

Vision 2020 will remain a dream if this Congress will be in power, they will make populist schemes to keep the people under poverty and make vote banks. It is said "Never give a man fish, but teach a man how to fish, he will have meal for his life". Congress give fishes but never teaches how to fish as we have seen for so long and there can be no change in its idealogy. I can say this by the speeches of its PM in waiting for ever claiming his works of ancestors instead of once mentioning his vision for the nation. With hope that BJP teach how to fish.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Origin of Life

The great Western Scholars/scientists starting from Darwin, claim that the life as we know is formed from a primordial soup of cooling gas. Due to chance, which includes a perfect tempeature, and other ambient conditions single cell life forms have got created. They further evolved into multicell and finally into humans, It is also claimed that Humans or homosapeins have evolved from monkeys and to prove their point they found some bones of neathanderals. Even though there are many proofs that are available at the disposal of the scientists that can proove this theory wrong, they continue to make efforts to proove it right. This is because of the huge investments made by the governments in making people believe the theory. It makes one wonder, whether the new born infants with no skin, heart outside the body, with more more than 2hands, joined twins etc are all the process of human evolution and the nature is only selecting the fittest. Whether it is a survival of the Fittest as proposed by Darwin? 

"I think it is legitimate to take a broader view, and include externally transmitted information, as well as DNA, in the evolution of the human race," Stephen Hawking said. With due respect to Hawking, all through the life cycle of the planet there is always external information and DNA. Even animals have memory and can select an option based on past history. There are many jokes in this regard, a cat was given hot milk and this made it to burn its mouth and then on it never touched the milk. Whether it is true or not, we can see similar things in animal interactions with the surroundings. Basically, if Darwin's theory has to be prooved then only the change in DNA should be the reason for evolution, and DNA can change due to several reasons both internal and external.

The scientists claim that the humans first evolved in Africa, thus Africans are close to monkeys. This is because humans have evolved from monkeys to put in a crude way. This can be one of the most sophisticated and wide approved racist comment universally appreciated. But when our own Harbhajan Singh allegedly caled Andrew Symonds "Monkey" on a cricket field, all hell broke loose on the poor cricketer. The scientists donot face such discrimination, because they use all the jargon to make people be in a confused state. The Westren Scientists are hell bent on discrediting the technological and knowledge of the East, mainly the vedic people, who are supposedly have been existing on this planet, mainly the present India from before the times of the predicted times of evolution of modern humans.

The present dominant americans are not native people, but people from British Empire who got settled by displaced the Red Indians. Even before Columbus discovered America, people were present on America, but credit goes to Columbus. It may be possible that Columbus might have lost his way in the oceans and reached America. He should have been saved by the Indians on America, and he travelled back to Portugal and became the discoverer of America. What a way of glorifying a loser. Throughout the Westren history the losers are glorified and heros are forgotten. Nobody wants to tell his failures to the world when he can keep his secrets.

Thus even the Origin of Life as being propagated by the West is nothing but a hoax to fool the people. The Vedic Knowledge tells all forms have been coexisting together. If with supercomputers and other technology when the scientists can predict the universe, why cannot they predict and publish about the next phase of human evolution? They cannot because they are fools and we also fools to not believe in our ancient treasures of wisdom and truth.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Playing the Victim

Victim are the people who usually suffer due to the actions of third party. The actions of the third party should not be out of provocation by the Victim. But in India, the muslims are the Victims even they are the provocators, and the loyal media for the minorities projects as per their master's dikhats who are generally Congress People. The Congress MPs, MLAs in general can be clubbed as anti-national because of their actions. Recently during the Anna-Hazare protests, a cartoonist named Trivedi made a cartoon insulting the congress and he is charged with treason. A twitter user charged Karthi Chidambaram(son of PC) for some derogatory comments and was taken into Police custody. Who says police in India doesnot act, unless told by their masters. In the two cases mentioned, some amount of dissent was relieved through the available sources without physically or mentally harming anyone, but still some physical action is taken. These two persons can be called the victims of IT Law, Section 66A.(Trivedi, the twitter user). The Press doesnot come the support the victims.

But another corner of our country we have one Gilani, a seperatist leader who spews venom on the integrity of the nation. He is supposed to be under house arrest, but gives somany interviews and contols the Kashmir. This person is even more dangerous than the terriorists that infiltrate our porous borders. The soldiers can kill the infiltrators, but this person is amidst our security and spreads hatered. The demand for a seperation of Kashmir is the key point of his agenda and also driving out the Kashmiri Pandits. The rumour is that innumerable number of these pandits were shipped of India to the England to study the Sanskrit Scripts in which there was the ancient wisdom of the Vedic people is written. After decoding and translating all the knowledge, they were killed or not tracable. The aeroplane was not invented by Wright brothers, but by an Indian named Talpade. The whole story is narrated by Mr.Rajiv Dixit). The Kashmiri Pandits are the victims. The Press doesnot come for their rescue except a film involves the Pandits.

The pogom/mass murders that occurred in 2002 in Gujarat, after the burning of 59 karsevaks who were returning from Ayodhya is supposed to be retaliation of the Muslim community due to unnecessary actions of the Hindus in the case of Babri Demolition. A detailed investigation is carried out, and the cause of the fire was petrol/diesel some 200liters were moved within the town some time back and this entire incident was a premeditated attack, not a spontaneous one. This event triggered large scale violence in which some 759muslims and some 254hindus were killed in total. This numbers are given the RajyaSabha Congress MP from Gujarat subsequent to the riots as an answer to a question. The media got the food for their channels and for the last 10years they have been spreading lies, and this has made one person popular, stronger, determined. Every year media celebrates the Godhra Riots incident, but never people killed in the train burning incident interviewed, but only those muslims are killed during the subsequent attacks are questioned. The media comes to the rescue of the pseudo-victims, The Muslims.

The Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992, and when 1993 Mumbai blasts occurred it was told that it is a reply to the Babri Demolition. The media made everyone convinced, and those who got convinced are the pseudo-secularists or current secular people. There is a race amont the eminent personalities to be most secular among the group. To prove their secular credentials you need to do a few things, call Narendra Modi names, bash some Hindu traditions, hail Muslims as lovers of peace and talk about the sufferings of Muslims due to the upper caste Hindus and the contribution of Muslim forgetting the destruction that the Muslim invaders caused to the traditions, fabric of this country. The media comes to the side of Muslims by saying Babri case where it should be named as Ayodhya-Ram temple case.

Even the PM, Mr.Manmohan Singh once told that, Muslims have the first right over the natural resources of this country, when their people demanded a seperate country of their religious people and India was broken into three parts. Now those who stay in India have chosen to with the Hindus, but still the Muslims donot want to learn and mend thier extreme ways. The likes of Jakir Naik who says he wouldnot agree that Osama Bin Laden is a terriorist because he didnot meet him and hence he cannot judge his character. He also says there is no place in this world for those who worship idols referring to Hindus, and mocks at the Hindu gods. Some pseudo secularists agree with him. Only one media channel has dared to show his evil speeches and the corrupt ways to poison the minds of lakhs of the muslims. The channel is Sudarshan TV, and this channel is not getting enough revenue due to its leaning towards the hindu culture. Rest of the popular English/Hindi Channels are silent on the issue of Jakir Naik.

Even worse in the case of Abu Jundal, the media wants to convince the people of India especially the pseudo-secularists, that the 26/11 Mumbai attacks are a retaliation to the Godhra mascarre. After every attack, if the attacker is muslim then it is linked to Pakistan/ISI and if he is a Hindu it is linked to Sangh Parivar. So for in all the so called Saffron terror activities, there is no collabarative evidence to claim that Sangah is involved and many cases are on trail in various courts. But in many cases of Islamic terror there is evidence but the case is being dragged and we are not able to corner the Pakistan the holy land for Indian Muslims. The recent Assam Roits caused due to the immigrant muslims from Bangladesh is protrayed otherwise in the media. The media wants to shielf the Muslims from the guilt, but every Islamic terror it tells it is a retaliation of some saffor terror activity. The pseudo-secular eminent persons are happy to play along the lines of the media. 

Even during the elections, the politicians especially the Congress talk about the appeasement of the Muslims by giving quotas to the Muslims. The GOI has been giving HAJ subsidy, but taking money going for Haj piligrimage is against the rules of Islam, but no idot Mullah has given a fatawa against and no talibanic attack on the receipents of the subsidy. Some press called we have a fatawa factory in our country and many Muslims want to follow the fatawas and want a crave out a distinct image for themselves. But these people forgot that when they decided to stay back in this country, they in principle agreed to follow the rules of this nation. Thus the uniform civil code was to be bought and it is a requirement of the constitution. The Shah Bano Case is a example on how the politicians have derailed the bringing the Uniform Civil Code from being implemented. Even a court has given permission for a muslim girl who is a minor to be get married, because muslim personal laws allow such marriages.

Playing the Victim card, the Muslims have been dragging themselves into a abyss and their ship is sinking. With 18% of the population, the Muslims call themselves a minority which the UN doesnot support. But the media and politicians call the Muslims a minority. Recently muslim community in Swiss raised objections to the cross on the national flag, saying it hurts the sentiments of the worshippers of other religions. This is nothing but hippocracy. But Swiss didnot even consider the objection and dismissed it. I salute the Swiss for not budging on the issue when even the US, UK and other nations have been giving away to the Islamic fundamentalist demands. A 100% muslim country is not at peace throughout, then how can the whole world ruled under the law of Sharia can be at peace. This is another load of s**t being propagated by the oil rich Arabs for control. When you have plenty of money at your disposal, either you play with others minds and control them or donate. For this reason the Indian kings repeatedly made yagnas and donated most of their wealth for keeping the circulation of money in good state and also to eliminate poverty.

When you stay in a country, follow the rules of the country whether you belong to majority or minority. The people of this country, those who follow the vedic to some extent have seen so many atrocities, but still have a large heart to forgive and go on with life. Simply by Playing the Victim for too long make this country into a Sharia Controlled. Before this country becomes Mugalisthan, there will be a huge fight, much blood will be spilt because still people go the temples and everyone has a a breaking point. Get out of the forced Victimhood and work live with your neighbours. If you cannot do this, then you are welcome to leave this country. An article by Dr.Subramanyam Swamy on "How to wipe out Islam terror" should be made a legistation and implemented only then this pseudo victimhood will vanish, because then they will be the victims of treacherous plans.



Everyone on this planet has the right to have an opinion/choice. Everyone includes, humans, animals, plants, birds, etc., all that is living entities. They choose the available options, communicate with their peers and life goes on. There are research proofs that even plants communicate, but well knows are the communications between animals, birds and humans. But the speciality of humans, is that during the communications we use references of time, place, persons to have assert the truthfulness. This can be termed as referencing and is required because of highly complex suspicious analyzing capacity of the human minds. But there is one Agency on this planet, that has tricked even the human mind, its called THE MEDIA, and keeps those who follow in a state of trance, changing the opinions.

When Mr.Sanjeev Bhatt, filed an affidavat in SC against Modi, the media reported the event with great enthussiasm, as if Lord Vishnu has agreed to Fight Ravana in the form Rama. But factually in this case person who is nobler is shown as the villian, Mr.Modi, the raw material for anti-modi industries pvt limited. This particular industry is a group of large number of small scale industries and provides huge employment opportunities, and also Padma awards. But Bharat Ratna award is still some distance. The media happily reported about the stand of Sanjeev Bhatt to show Mr.MOdi as the villian, but many havenot fallen for it. But because of the sophisticated works, few have fallen.

A former CAG says that in his report the loss of 2G scam is much small compared to what Mr.Vinod Rai, present CAG put in his report as 1.44lakh crores. The Congress through its mouthpiece, The Media, has announces the incompetence of the present CAG and his political inclinations and false reporting to divert the attention of the public. Even the panel of the CAG was planned to be changed from single chair to multiple Chair to bring balance to the decisionmaking process of the CAG. But this plot was dropped due to the wide spread angst against the government. The incompetent CAG, Mr.Vinod Rai has been re-elected as the CAG for the UN and this tells something about him, which we donot understand.

A fromer CBI director says that there is government inteference in its working, and the whole nation believes so, but the perfectly adamant Congress says that the person was under the BJP government and hence the BJP is answerable.He further goeson to say that under the Congress alias UPA, the CBI is independent of the government. But the nation knows that CBI stands for Congress Beaurau of Investigation, and like Mr.Modi said in one election speech that Congress and CBI have joined hands to fight the elections and to gain support of its allies.

The memory also works on principle of references to the past datas already available. It is said that the memory is not a CD which will never change during the course of time. Only a few events will be etched which are of absolutely significant and can be counted on fingers, but remaining all will get diluted over a period of time. This dilution and forgetful ness is more important for the growth of the individual.

The Power of Maya

Maya is the shawdow of the Lord and is the reason for the forgetfulness of the soul and hence a reason for the detachment from the lord. The soul has to go through numerous birth and death cycles and only in the life of a human can it gain the consciousness of its true state. If proper efforts are put then there can be advancement in our journey towards our final destination, ie., to the Lord, otherwise the cycles continue. This is a belief of Vedic people who belief in rebirth and that the soul never perishes but discards one body and wears another body based on the Law of Karma. There are many other belief systems. But what I would like to talk about is another set of Maya that we have on our planet. One acts as the PM of India, another is the ex-chief minister of UP.

The Maya who was the ex-chief minister of a State called UP is the shadow of itself. This Maya doesnot have anypurpose but to please itself. The works of this Maya is to build memorials for itself and is highly self centered. Only those who worship this Maya are blessed with untold fortunes and those who want to control are given punishment. But every Maya is the shadow of the original Lord. Since this Maya is a shadow, the definition of the Lord is important. The Lord who presides this maya is the Justice which includes CBI, Supreme Court.

The Maya who acts as the PM of India, is one of the most difficult to understand, because it doesnot act on its own. Like the true shadow of the Lord, what we see is the dance of the Lord but never the Lord. The Lord here is one of the most powerful women called Smt.Sonia Gandhi. Usually the Lord has to give a direction to the invidual souls to attain salvation, this lord wants to keep the people in their current state, otherwise the lord itself will be insecure. This Lord is usually worshipped with lakh crores of rupees, and the offerings have to be made to the grand-father-in-law of this Lord who is the supreme Brahaman of the Indian political Universe. 

Everything starts and made to end in the name of Gandhi and the Nehru is the shadow of Gandhi, thus Nehru can never give salvation, and neither can his kin. Since the original Gandhi has gone to the heaven(probably), the path of salvation is neverlost but forgotten temporarily. A kalki has to arise since we are in Kaliyuga to deliver justice to the people.


We have already heard of women empowerment, people empowerment meaning giving power what it is rightfully theirs. But this new M-power-meant works in the reverse way. Here the what is yours is taken and then you will be told to beg for what is rightfully yours. The letter M stands usually Money, but with huge amounts of money, you also require/acquire its companions like muscle and madness. There are many who strive for M-power-meant but only a few are lucky ones are able to achieve this. 

In this cut-throat(actual) competitive world, the bar is always going higher at the top end, and going lower at the lower end. A glaring example is the definition of richness where once upon a time a person with 5lakh is considered rich, but now with 5crores is only a corepathi and not a rich. For us rich should be in the range of the Tatas, Ambanis, Godrejs, Gandhis, Pawars, etc. The defintion of the BPL another example for the bar going down.

Those who got M-power-meant are doing nothing for those who have not, and thus the difference is ever increasing and giving a dynamism to the life. This is continues till a new cycle starts, and it is still a long away ahead.

The Boss

Dr.Rahul will be leading the 2014 general elections as per the news reported and this will give him greater responsibility. If he succeeds then there will be huge applause by everyone around the world. Even Obama will talk about the vision of the Rahul Gandhi, since both are controlled by same nodal agency of which Walmart is a shareholder. If by god's grace UPA loses the 2014 general elections, then there will many Congress who will be ready to take the responsibility and still praise Rahul Gandhi's vision of strengthening the youth congress in early 40s.

The Congress still wants to name Rahul Gandhi its Youth icon a legislation should be passed to change the age for senior citizens, which should be set at 90years. According to the media reports, Manmohan Singh doesnot have the mind to stepdown till the general elections, and the transfer of power between the Singh and Dr.Rahul should happen in a smooth way to show the world how well Singh has been disciplined. There is no fear for congress that Manmohan will speak against them because of the 10years of disciplining he received being PM of Congress Party.

If we go by the Internet comments to articles related to Gujarat Elections and Narendra Modi, there are people of religions(only going by the name) supporting and rejecting Modi candidature for the post of PM. Since elections are not fought on net but in the physical wrold, only a collective effort by the BJP by backing Modi only can give some chance of winning to the party. Modi being a good orator, his presence in the opposition(god forbid) will be huge morale booster and atlest gives some sense of direction to the debates.

But in a country with 120crores population,10-15crore people can decide the winning or loosing and for this reason the small but united Muslim community has become very crucial in the elections. The Muslims can be easily convinced as is being done by the Congress for the past 65years. The Muslims at 18% of total population will constitute 18crores and if 8crores are eligible for voting the calcuations is clear. Then by wooing the SC/STs, OBCs, and other caste the required numbers can be obtained in all the electorate except where the situations and populations concentration is different. 

The collective approval of Hindu Community is a difficult task due the presence of large number of sects, subsects, variants within communities. This made the political caste pundits to break the one large community into upper castes, backward castes, most backward castes, other backward castes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, The KHAM theory, etc. United we stood and now divided we fall is very true to the integrity of this nation once called Bharat.

Thus going through all the data there is no one single Boss but many bosses and to become one you need to polarise the votes. If Modi can achieve this, better make him the PM candidate. Let him be the Boss unlike our Manmohan whose Boss is Sonia.

Appreciation for Gandhi Family

Criticizing the Congress party frequently and its majority stake holders, I realized that no other family has sacrificed as much as the Gandhi Family for the sake of the nation. All the members of the dynasty have served the nation in some capacity either as party of Congress or BJP. Even the great-great children of this party have been part of the recent UP election campaign. The current son-in-law also wants to serve the nation. Which family has done so much work for the upliftmnent of the poor, dalits, muslims and other backward caste people.

There can be no parallel to the work done by one family such as the Gandhi family in the whole world. The time for interacting with the poor people will be lost because as PM of big market nation we have to frequent other nations for unknown secret and useless meeting. Keeping this mind, one member of the dynasty has been given up the claim of PM of this country.

The through knowledge and study of the history by the family members itselt tells the dedication towards the nation. It is quite evident during the election campaigns. Ever seen any PM in waiting for ever eating in a poor dalits home to under the problems.  Even though he is called the Yuvraj, the family member has travelled in trains. He wanted to even pull rickshaws, but the police requested him not to, for otherwise the traffic jams would wreak havoc and it would be impossible for them to clear the jams.

Which other family members have the most number of airports and other national property in their names. If not for the sacrifices of the family, no government would dare to allow this. It is in the honour of the family we keep naming and the trend doesnot end because the sacrifices are still going on. Never wonder if tomorrow a state be renamed as Gandhirajya.(dirtystate).

My heart pours our and my filled with tears for the sacrifices of this family.
I salute with my feet(fell down actually trying to do this).

God bless the Family