Many articles have been written regarding this issue haunting the women in general and Indian woman in particular. I would like to give a new way of understanding the malagning problem.
The title "who to blame?" if it seems to be acceptable, then there is something wrong in our preconceived ideas and thoughts about the whole issue. Here the defining the problem is done correctly ie., "Discrimination against woman". In what ways woman are shown discrimination is the core issue to be understood - women are not given financial freedom, no proper education, responsibility of taking care of children, responsibility of domestic chores, lesser wages, unequal scope of growth potential, and no entrry for certain jobs. All these things make the woman feel they are discriminated against by their male counterparts.
Why does the men donot want treat a woman as an equal iin all areas? May be the problems lies in the way the stories like bedtime stories, the puranas and other literature are written. From the times known these are the initial source of wisdom and when repeated by generations the actual meanings are lost and only the superficial knowledge remains. In all the historic stories, the men are protrayed as the authoritian while the women are to be under the control of men.
This was comfortable to women and got widespread acceptance. Other reason for men to wield power over women is the muscle strength, non display of emotions and other traits predominantly found in men. The women got the minimal respect and were content.
But due to the visual media in particular and others in general, and some random revolutionary women broke the barriers and acheived success in what was once considered men's domain and more wlman joined the band wagon and we are here today.
The man in general not able to compete against women in fairway resorted to put unnecessary obstacles but still the woman folk fought and kept winning. The pathetically disheartened men who cannot wield any control over their near and dear women folt resort in raping small children, pressurise for female foteicide and in freak ways celebrate victory against the women.
Otherwise there is no reason for a man raping a old woman, a small gir, unless he is a psycho. These people have to be punished and i am not only talking about the rapists, but also those men who try to create obstacles to the progress of women.
The god created men and women as equals and the balance of society happens only when the man gives woman the authority, repect wholeheartedly and not for just showoff.
The other problem is in understanding of the meaning equals. Whatever may happen a man and woman may never be equal in all respects because they are fundamentally different, and how two different creations can ever be equal. If it is understood then there would be peace.
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