Every great man/woman have at sometime has talked about the mind, and agreed that it is more difficult to control then everything else. In some religious texts, someone told that it is easier to control the wind than to control the mind. If you have too many distractions ie.too many things going on in the mind, then the allocation of the mind power for all these is difficult and your efficiency will reduce.
Obsession is a disastrous way to control the wandering mind. Instead of having somany things going on in the mind, it will be limited to one or at the max two. The problem with the human mind is that, anything that repeats regularly will become a habit and the mind masters the habit to the most efficient manner that it can calculate.
Start developing a obessession, like a thought or a daydream and develop it and repeat it somany times, that the thought will keep your mind interested in the initial stages, then it will be a habit. If the mind can be bought to control to one obessssion then in the near time or parallell times, the obsession can also be controlled and the concentration will defenitely improve.
Many people find it difficult to migrate from the obessession and get addicted. The difference is not there, but if you can control you mind from obsession you are saved otherwise you will be controlled by it and you become addicted and be in a dream world. The challenge is one big than several small ones, but one battle is always worth, and why not fight one.
The problem with controlling the wandering mind, is that every battle the mind wins over you, the more stronger it will become. The harder it is to control it than the previous time. Those fail to get rid of addiction have to struggle harder to avoid a lapse. But failure is for sure cause the ego will never allow "the you" to win.
The Wandering Mind the gift of god, if the mind doesnot wander then the world would be static and there is no fun. The dynamic world is what keeps the life going. The struggle to control is part of the fun.
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