The observable part of universe is 93billion light years in
diameter (8.8x10^23 meters) and it contains only 10^82atoms which 13.77billion
years old. So every atom in the universe is 13.77billion years old, because
mass can neither be created nor destroyed. The energy present in the universe
should be constant because of the law of conversation of energy which states,
that energy can neither be created or destroyed but can be changed from one
form to another. If this were the case the universe would have been static, but
the thermodynamics tell us the entropy (disorder) in the universe is ever
increasing, giving the required dynamism.
Einstein has helped the people with his mass energy equation,
E=mc^2, through which he tells that mass can be converted into energy and
energy to mass. All that scientists have been perplexed to find the source of
the universe, because at the beginning of time, t=0 there is singularity to all
the mathematical equations that define the universe. The universe the
scientists can describe is after 10^-32 seconds after the so-called big bang
and till now they donot have the answers for the big bang.
The scientists claim all their theories based on mathematical
models, verified using data sampled over a period of 150years which is like
asking opinion of one person in India to know the entire history of world.
Truly scientific and we are supposed to believe because of the highly
sophisticated jargon, technology used to determine the so called facts. The
cost of the projects is also tremendous. How can such a sampling be of any value?
The answer to these questions can again be given in jargon that people with
ordinary intelligence or for that no ordinary human will ever understand.
Scientists are trying to find the particle that gives mass to the
particles, namely the Higgs Boson. But if mass and energy are related, then
energy should also have mass and should have the gravitational effects. By dividing
the particles we end with smaller particles and by dividing the energy we will
end with smaller quantities of energy and whose detection will be that much
Scientists claim that the matter is moving farther away from each
other and after very long time, the gravitational pull between the atoms will
cease and the matter will be ripped into its constituent elements. This is a
good interesting concept for further research and wasting the money, but a good
employment opportunity. The science of life is very simple as told by the sages
of India. There is a soul in everything which is the source of dynamism, but
solving in this type will create loss of employment, and there can be no
intermediate results, thus this theory is discarded as junk and is bought up in
various other ways using different jargon.
We can see huge distance between galaxies, stars, but if all the
matter were to be close at the beginning of time, then the density of matter
should be infinite. The entire matter would appear to be zero, because infinite
density means zero volume. Thus out of the zero volume, infinite matter is
created and the force of creation is so huge its expanding and when the forces
to exist the universe contracts like a balloon which deflates when air pressure
inside is allowed to reduce and everything vanishes into the zero volume.
The scientific community will never admit the presence of the soul
and keep on finding smaller and smaller particles. But once the presence of
soul is accepted, then its ways of interaction with the matter, the energy we
know if understood, then all the ills of the society can be solved very easily.
The ways of man in presence of material energy is to increase the entropy and
not to decrease. To find solace it is not worth to read scientific journals,
but religious scriptures which can give true knowledge about the source.
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