Monday, 11 March 2013

Human Brain without Soul

Human brain consumes about 20% of energy used by the human body, more than any other organ. The brain metabolism is normally completely dependent on blood glucose as energy source, since fatty acids donot cross blood brain barrier. During fasting ketones will be used as energy source and during exercise lactate is utilized and there is no provision f storing energy in contrast to skeletal muscle. Although human brain in 2% of body weight, it receives 15% of cardiac output, 20% of total oxygen consumption, 25% of total body glucose utilization.

Human brain functions using electrical signals. The neurons are the principle components of brain. The feature that define a neuron are electrical excitability and presence of synapses, where complex membrane junctions that transmit signals to other cells. The key to neural function is the synaptic signaling process, which is partly electrical and partly chemical.  A human brain has approximately 10^11 and 10^14syanpses. In the simpler terms, the neurons form the wire and the synapses are the switches and other control/logic elements.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed from can only be transformed from one form to another.  All the energy can be defined in simple terms as vibrations.  The frequency, wavelength, amplitude and other properties of the vibrations define the characteristic of the nature of the energy. Every atom has a distinct energy identity and using this identification scientists are able to tell the elements present in the distant galaxies. It is a known fact that earth is giant magnet and the magnetic potential protects the life forms from harmful radiations coming from sun and other cosmos.

The waves in the oceans are supposed due to the attractive forces of the moon, sun. The high tides on full moon days are due to the influence of the moon. These clearly indicate the effective magnetic forces acting on the surface of this planet. Every point on the planet earth is uniquely affected by the earth’s magnetic field and it is no wonder that any electrical network is minutely affected by the earth’s magnetic field. Also there will be magnetic effects of other planets, sun on the magnetic field.

When a current carrying conductor moves in a magnetic field the two fields will yield a resultant force depending on the relative strengths of each field. The way a brain develops is definitely influenced on the place where the fetus has been developing apart from several other external and internal factors. This may be the reason for the similar attitudes of the people living in one place nearer to one another.  The attitudes, languages and other brain related characteristics and other physical characteristics are dependent on the place of growth of fetus.

When astrologer takes into account the place of birth, it is with the assumption that through the growth the fetus, the person is in the same place and thus can determine the nature of the person. The characterization of the person based on the effect of magnetic fields on the brain along with the space time coordinates with reference to the position of stars and planets is called astrology. The astrology that we know is the light, but the science behind it is not learnt and people are happy to criticize it, but actively take up some fraudulent theories of some psychiatrists, and undergo some electric shock treatment and others to brain disorders.

Human brain may be one of the most complex systems at work still in the process of being understood by the so-called modern scientists. Like in many other researches the scientists feel that they have the solved the last problem, only to find many more cropping up. It is because there is a universe with in a atom, and a universe outside it and within each particle is a God.   Even though the definition of God is debatable, but the presence of soul is a universal truth but never acknowledged.  Unless the science is oriented towards this concept and everything is looked from the prism of the soul, the quest for unraveling the secrets of the human brain will never be complete.


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