Thursday, 28 March 2013





Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Marriage – Bounds, Lost Glory

Indians have survived thousands of years, evolving and adapting to the changing scenarios all the time. A race continues by the children being born, and so there is a huge pressure for the birth of a child especially male child also popularly called varis.  A child born through a legitimate relationship is valued more than through other means and the legitimate relationship is the institution of family. The legitimacy is granted through marriage. Thus Indian society lays huge importance to marriage which results in the extension of the family and ultimately the extension of the race.

The globalization, modernization and other ____tions has led to the marriage between people who could never bear a child. A marriage between same lesbians, gays or transgender does not result in procreation and hence no extension of the race. The marriage results in the family which is the fundamental building block of the society, but with newly approved marriages the basic building blocks have much more variety and the long term implications of such actions can hardly be estimated.

The LGBT groups have become more aggressive and have formed lobbying groups. The human society with all its cruel attitudes has the compassion to take along various kinds of people with it. There will be mutual respect between various kinds of groups, but the society usually filled with conservatives and hardcore religious fanatics is not able to digest the new building blocks of the society. The marriage between people is losing its appeal and also its sacredness which is evident in the increase in the divorces.

On one hand, the society at large has become more accommodating, but at the individual level the accommodating capacity is reducing, ultimately resulting in divorces. This is the stark contrast between the reactions at the macro and micro level, the reason for this type of behavior is still not clear to either the social scientists or the behavioral experts. The LGBTs are here to stay, but they are not so powerful in the India but will slowly find acceptance. Many Indians believe it as a western lifestyle disease, but it is basically due to the openness in sexuality that it was come out more quickly in West than in India.

The success and survival of Hindus is due to marriage and children being the central concept. A person who is considered to be marriageable age is usually under pressure to get married and the couple to produce a child. The pressure is from parents, friends, relatives and all known and unknown persons, because an unmarried person is not generally seen in the same light as that of a married person. The concept of being celibate though existed all through the ages, the texts don’t recommend such life style but in the end it is the personal choice.

In the current scenario, people who want to make it big in their career think marriage is a obstacle because of the requirement to produce a child and which requires both time efforts before and after the child birth. This reason has made many people from getting married at the right time and resulting in delayed marriages with increasing complexities in child birth. All this mess has created a huge black market of womb rentals in India. Apart from womb rentals, there are many other methods of begetting a child for a childless couple and those who have problems of fertility issues.

The advancement of technology and the availability of surrogate mothers has both is pros and cons, but one thing they have achieved is the destruction of the sacredness of the marriage and the institution of family. With changing times, the priority of people keeps changing and so are the ethics, morals of the society. With sex being commoditized in the west, the average of a person losing his virginity is around 17 in USA it is around 22 in India, but still India has huge population growth. Apart from the population growth, the number of single parents in USA is pretty high per lakh of population compared to India.

Many people believe that sex is fundamental to marriage apart from that there are references that the pleasures coming out of the act are the most tempting and the urges most difficult to control. Thus highly philosophical and intellectual sages of this land have put the institution of marriage at the center of the person’s life, where in the pleasures are not taken away and the person is made accountable for his actions.

The 4stages of the human life brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa are all equally important and there is no stopping of anyone from enjoying all the pleasures of the life. The only requirement is that the person has to follow the principles which put a lid on any excesses and help the person advance in his spiritual and material pursuits. The former part of pursuit if forgotten and has become merely symbolic and the later pursuit has become the central focus. There is nothing wrong in material pursuits, without which there could be no wealth generation and all the people would be poor but not hungry.

There is always enough food in the world to feed the man’s hunger but not enough to feed man’s greed.  Sex after being commoditized and being treated as hunger which has to be fed, has yielded in the reduction of sacredness and the value of the institution of marriage. All the societies that have commoditized sex have brought about their downfall slowly but surely. Of the urges in general, it is difficult to control the sexual urges and the bounds made by the society are broken in the name of _____tions. Only after a full cycle of destruction and downfall, marriage and family will regain their lost glory.


Friday, 22 March 2013

Nature got it all wrong

All beings on this planet depend on some kind of external materials for survival. The need for food and dependency is the mark of life. All things that are dead are independent of the environment, and living beings are sensitive to environment. Those living beings which have good capabilities to adapt to changing environments have survived and those which did not have become extinct.

Evolutionary theorists talk about the survival of the fittest, but the nature had other plans for the fittest.  The big dinosaurs being invincible in their strength due to their size became extinct. The reason for their extinctions may due to the asteroid hitting the earth and creating a huge dust cloud blocking sun light and killing all vegetation and other life forms leading to extinction of the entire food chain.

Apart from the asteroid theory, other theories like dust from a volcano blocking the sunlight and killing much of life is also being verified. Other groups of scientists believe that the small dinosaurs emerging from the eggs became the weaker and prone to attacks and hence leading to extinction due to reduction of numbers over a period of time. If large species can die due to natural causes, small virus, bacteria can also become extinct from the face of planet.

One thing is widely believed that, after the evolution of human beings more life forms have become extinct. Man interfering in the affairs of the natural process and his hunger for hidden treasures like metals, fuel and their usage has lead to changing the course of the planet. Few years back scientists believed that because of human activity, the earth’s average temperature is increasing sharply and will lead to melting of glaciers and submersion of much of the land.

Recent temperature data reveals that in the past 50years (approx.) the average earth temperature has changed by around 0.5C which does not lead to any global warming or rise in the levels of the ocean. The extrapolating nature of the scientists with short variations over small periods of time is creating more confusion than solving the problems at hand. In the current scenario, of all the life forms known and discovered, man has been able to control or destroy each one.

Also there is a belief among the scientific community that still more types of life forms are not discovered and are waiting to be discovered. This can stated from the simple fact that more than 70% of the oceans are unexplored, and oceans comprises 75% of the surface of the earth. But ever may be the kind of life form on earth, man will master the art of killing the life. There is a war between man’s survival against virus and bacteria which the nature is creating from time to time to keep the population under control.

If by the theory of dinosaur extinction is due to their small size of their young ones hatched from eggs, then the intelligence of man will ultimately lead to his destruction.  The intelligence of man has yielded in a struggle for control of territory for resources, leading to wars, weapons of all kinds, etc. The intelligence also leads to creation to the famines, floods knowingly but whether there is possibility of creating earthquakes is still unexplored in practice.

If only the nature has gifted all the living beings the capacity to manufacture their own food using sunlight, there would have been more peace. A human being/animals with skin consisting of chlorophyll would create the required food for himself and there would be more peace and similarly many plants and animals would have been saved over a period of time. But the design of nature is to fight for living and nothing is free. This principle of nature is so wrong, and NATURE GOT IT ALL WRONG.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Criminal Identification

 On 21/03/2013, Supreme Court of India has upheld the punishment given to Sanjay Dutt, but the term was reduced to 5years, while all his friends in the Crime were given harsher punishments. In an article in Tehelka, the lawyer of Dutt tells that even he does not know how his client escaped the harsher punishments. Whether the Supreme Court has not identified the Criminal correctly or was forced to wrongly identify the criminal. All the popular English Media channels are making emotion-pornography and showing it to viewers as if Sri Sanjay Dutt is a Honest Indian citizen who was wrongly implicated. Mr.Dutt has confessed to the crime, which is sufficient to give him harsher punishment, but being a member of the Grand Family of Indian Congress, the punishment he received is less.

Also today, the Sri Lankan Tamil rehabilitation issue gone out of proportions and Sri Aurobindo’s ashram was damaged by the angry protestors. No case will be probably lodged against the protestors. It has become a common theme that every time some people belonging to Islam, Christianity are hurt or their sentiments are hurt in some corner of the world, the Hindu related objects, places etc are destroyed in a spurt of anger. This is second installment of anger shown after the Vishwaroopam fiasco by the Muslims. Apart from these two riots, the Kudankulam nuclear power plant riots are happening in the state from a long time. Who are the real Criminals behind these activities is not identified. The media takes the side of the protestors and tells about their pity stories, while the atrocities committed by the LTTE are beautifully hidden under the cash received by the media houses.

Few days ago, 5 CRPF jawans were killed by terrorists. Their fault is that they carried lathis as per the instructions of the Home Minister, because these jawans would kill the innocent citizens just for fun. After much pressure on the chief of the jawans, the order is accepted. After the 5jawans were killed, the CM of J&K did not mind to pay homage, because even though many soldiers are killed at various borders, the death of these 5jawans is primarily due to the CM’s actions. But after much delay he finally paid not to get bad press reports and also due vote bank politics. After this event many arms and ammunitions belonging to terror groups were unearthed in the state, which if not unearthed would have lead to many more death of the jawans. Yesterday, militants have killed a person in a mosque because, the he revealed crucial info about the terrorists to the army. There were no protests, no outrages, no condemnations by the CM, Press, Media, Citizens and not even by the GoI. Who are the Criminals in this case, the Jawans whose guns are snatched by GOI or the other group? But the killing of terrorists has become big news, but the death of a citizen is not a issue for the news people. Definitely there is an identity crisis.

Many goof ups are taking place due to the false priorities of the government. In the 50most wanted criminals list given to Pakistan for persuasion and transfer, some of them were present in the Indian jails. A rapist escaped on his way to court/jail during a bus accident, as he claimed to be an accident victim and flew away in a helicopter. Two Italian marines left the jails with the permission of SC to vote and the length of time given is 4weeks. Only Indian courts have much time at their disposal and donot mind giving as much time to the criminals to enjoy the pleasantries of life, while the court performs only ½ of the actual available time period or even less. A key ISI agent gets bail because the government could not produce the necessary challans in the court room. All these events have happened in the past one year.

Wife of slain DSP in UP gets the same post and apart from his gets huge compensation. The UP government seems to be prostrating in front of the family not to avoid confrontation with the Muslim population. Already the Muslim leaders of the state have warned the government that nothing has been done especially for the Muslims by the SP government. Assam riots of 2012, Bengal riots of 2013, Bangladesh riots of 2013 have one thing in common. The suffering is by the Hindu community and no Indian media has even taken the pains to show the plight of the victims. All that the 4th pillar of democracy of India is worried is about keeping the Muslims happy and shielding from the religious oriented crime. The war monger Musharaff is the chaddy buddy of some channels like NDTV.

The nation as a whole suffers from the problem of Criminal Identification Problem. The Criminals have become braver due to the state and media patronage while the citizens have become orphans in the country. The poor are made to beg in front of the governments while the government behaves as the Monarchs and the Queen believes she is truly Her Highness.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Resolutions that make India a weak nation

Resolution: A firm decision to do or not to do something; A formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote.

Sense of resolutions is typically used as: for the record, political persuasion, appeal to the president, on foreign affairs, just saying thanks.

Every country has a right to make resolutions, but when they interfere in the internal affairs of other nations, then it s a serious issue. No nation should allow foreign interference in the domestic matters. But since the world is a close nit family under UN and usually dominated by the 5 countries that possess veto power. USA, Russia France, China, Britain are the five nations each with its own agenda. While China is a country is official religion and is guided by communist agendas, the remaining 4nations are Christian countries are known to be funding evalangical groups for spreading the religion and also changing the demographics.

The UN is predominantly dominated by Christian groups which are rich nations and with the formation of OIC which a Islamic confederation, the powers of the UN are being influenced by this. During the voting the member countries of OIC can collectively change the voting results. This is similar to the Indian Congress wooing the Muslim voters to get elected to power. The desperate attempt by India to gain the permanent membership may be supported by many in public, but many countries on the back never allow it. This is due to the huge Hindu population in the country which is considered to the enemy religion to both Islam and Christianity. Thus the membership which the India gave away to China is the first resolution of India in the weakening of its position.

The USA passed a resolution condemning the post Godhra riots where in approx. 759muslims and 254Hindus are killed. The passage of resolution has led to the denial of visa to Gujarat CM, Narendra Modi and also the recent cancellation of the invitation to the WIFE is also the indication of the US position on Gujarat CM. According to the USA, Modi is primarily responsible for the riots and the deaths of the innocent civilians and he has done very little to restore normalcy to the people affected by the riots. As per the International Religious Freedom Act, the US has denied visa and the resolution continues to hold. As a nation India, should have condemned this attitude of USA in dealing with an elected representative of state.

The ever arrogant USA is passing a resolution in UN stating that Sri Lanka has failed to provide justice to the Sri Lankan Tamils who are displaced during the civil war. The reconciliation and rehabilitation as per the plans given by the Sri Lankan government are not adhered to, making the US angry with Sri Lanka. With the passage of resolution in the UN, there will be an UN body which involves in the activities which should have been done by the Sri Lankan government. On the surface it may seem to be a serious concern by the USA for the Sri Lankan Tamils, but under the surface is the rotting wisdom of religion. Most of the Sri Lankan Tamils are Christians and Muslims and this is what the USA is more worried about. Also the way in which the Sri Lanka has eliminated the terror threat in such a short time has embarrassed the USA because of its failure to eliminate the Taliban from Afghanistan and bring peace in Iraq after its adventurous War on Terror. India during the previous voting has been successful in diluting the resolution, but this time USA wants India to vote for it. In the long term interests and to maintain good bilateral relationship India should support Sri Lanka at the UN and if it does otherwise and go with USA it again India’s stand in the international community and will labeled as a puppet of USA.

To throw mud on the face of the Indians, Pakistan has passed a resolution condemning the hanging of Afzal Guru and also demanding that India should handover the mortal remains of Guru to his family. A rogue nation which sponsors terrorism and is a chaddy buddy of US can do all this and even more, but still India wants to play cricket, hockey and also dance, sing with the people of Pakistan. Our soldiers are killed by terrorists that are being trained in Pakistan and there are many people who work for Pakistan in India, the separatists and people like Yasin Malik, Arundati Roy always talk in the interests of Pakistan. These groups of people are not dealt with strong hand, but given celebrity status by the government and even the media which is considered the 4th pillar democracy. Worse than this is the liking for the war criminal and mastermind of Kagril War, Mushraff is called time and again for interviews in India to give sermons on leadership, bilateral relation, peace etc.

The criminal political party which was indicted by the commission setup by the government for the Rajiv Gandhi now wants a strong resolution by the India against Sri Lanka. The party is DMK and its head is a pseudo-Hindu ie.a covert to Christianity. These peoples tears are the fellow coverts on the island nation and for to destroy the Sinhala authority. This DMK has supported the LTTE which was creating havoc and disturbing peace in the nation. The wiping out of the LTTE by the Mahinda Rajpaksha ia a egg on the face of the evalangicals who with the use of money and other foreign influence are changing the demographics of large areas, including countries. The declaration by the Rajapaksha and maintaining that Sri Lanka will be a Sinhala country is not digestible to the Christian and Muslim conversion agents and thus they are trying their mission though the ever dubious UN.

The USA with its criminal background has put up UN as its front office to carry out all its dirty tasks for international manipulations. The USA did not care of other nations’ views during war on terror in Iran, Afghanistan, its support of rebels in Syria etc. USA is always seeking its national interests and nothing else. The resolution passed on Sri Lanka is a big joke, when its soldiers, drones are killing thousands of innocent civilians in the name of war on terror. Apart for this, the financial and military aid to Pakistan to keep India under check tells the true face of USA. One thing can be inferred that none of the nations that have the veto in UN want India to be a powerful nation and each nation trying to destroy the relation India has with its neighboring countries. With Sri Lanka still having a soft corner, inspite of India supporting LTTE and then turning the other way, the nation’s interests will be best served if India supports Sri Lanka at the UN forum.

If India votes against Sri Lanka, then Pakistan with the support of OIC will pressurize US to bring resolution on Kashmir and will lead more complications. Apart from the Sri Lankan issue, there are more serious issues in the world which the UN has to worry about, but in all those wars due involvement of Christian, Islamic regimes there is silence. The attacks on Hindu minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh are not a cause of concern for the UN. But the silence of India a Hindu dominated country, is a shameful and loses the credibility, because the government is not addressing the concerns of the majority community due to the fearing of losing the minority community votes. Thus it is not wonder that India is shown middle finger by countries like Maldives also. The respect for India in the international community is at its lowest. India wants to become a World power, and it is considered an economic power in the world but its weak foreign policy and frequent posturing to the pressures of US and minority communities makes other countries think otherwise.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Falling Birth Rate and Richness

 Many of people who are in their 80s and above have had many children, even though the families have little wealth or source of income. When the elder people talk, they talk about how they survived and how little they could afford the common things. The small houses they had were shared by many people and they had a capacity to take others opinions and also had a higher capacity to compromise. This capacity to compromise has extended to a bit outside the family and has crept into the government and which can be a reason for extended periods of corruption.

The older generation people were never poor, and never afraid of providing food to the many children. Though there was dissatisfaction among the many children everyone knew the truths about the family situation. The reason for higher number of children can also be attributed to higher child deaths due to lesser vaccinations. A fertility rate of 2.1 is required to maintain a civilization/race and anything less would lead to the extinction of the race. This reduced fertility rate is so prevalent in European countries; estimates tell that in another 40-50years, Europeans would become a minority community in their own country. The ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year or in simpler terms, number of births per women.

Countries have begun to make statements about the increased fertility rates of the minority populations. The demographics are a key component in the socio-political atmosphere of any nation. A change in demographics can alter the course of a nation, and many nations have changed color. Doubts arise regarding the extreme population control measures taken by the highly populated countries in the past decades about their validity and long term implications. Countries like China have done 3300million abortions in the past decade while other countries are encouraging its citizens to have many children.

Countries with aging population are facing serious threats to their economies because of the lack of young man power which can work to generate income and revenues. Thus for any country or state that thinks about its fertility rate a bane is heading for a doom in the long term. A fertility rate is more important factor and strengthening the institution of family has to be at the core of any policy making.  But in the current scenario of India, the fertility rate is reducing and the size of the families is becoming 3 in many cases. A father, mother and a child has become a norm and many of the ads that show a family also highlight this, with occasionally showing a family with grandparents.

Older generation people could raise several children and many of them later becoming the caretakers of the families. But with the current reduced size of the families and migration of the children to greener pastures has lead to increased dependence of external help. External help during the hospitalization, for doing domestic chores etc is in prime demand. Many can argue about the increased creation of jobs to the semi skilled, but the important point is the wages and other benefits that an organized labour can get. This service or labor industry will see huge growth and it will primarily be an unorganized sector where the local touts will make huge sums of money.

Apart from this people talk about the richness which is all pseudo richness. When parents of older generations can raise many children and make their marriages and provide for some basic education the money required is huge though there were subsidies from the government. The families lived a poor life as per the norms of the richer countries or other pseudo indicators used to belittle the developing countries by the developed nations. But today with single child, double income families the amount of money at disposal is more and whether the parents can raise several children like that of the older generations. The most obvious answer is a no, because raising children has become a sort of hindrance to the career men and women alike and also a financial burden to the parents.

With the need of luxury setting in the minds of the nation, the fertility rate is thrown to dogs. The collective wisdom of the citizens of this country is low and this is lesser wisdom is due to breakdown of the families into nuclear systems. If this fertility rate is one problem, then the other side of the coin is the preference of people to remain uncommitted and lead a single life. The continuation of the race is a prime requirement but when it is forgotten in the mad rush for self enjoyment and life goals the society is heading for a disaster. Many donot care for this problem because nobody lives long for seeing several generations and also there is no time.

 What is the future of the nation/race whose children are too few in number to the enemies waiting to destroy every race?

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Modi Games

Game is a structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. Many games are also considered work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art (such as jig saw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, Solitaire or Video games). Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge and interaction.

Modi alias Narendra Modi, BJP Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 till date has been made to indulge in a game by his detractors. The game is not named, but can be called Modi Games (MG).  The name is taken by inspiration from Gully cricket when cricket is played in gullys. In the similar way, Modi Game is apt because the game is multiplayer game with several player against Modi (Default opponent) and the other reason is because the game is constantly upgraded MOIfied in real-time situation. This Modi Games are the one of the few real-time games played around the world.

The Modi Game is a multi level. The win is either a election victory in the polls ranging from panchayat to assembly, a clean chit in the post-Godhra Riots to the CM of Gujarat, winning a election in a muslim constituency, a muslim leader testimony in favors of Gujarat, support of Modi. Any of the above is called a win and takes the fight to the next level. There are innumerable numbers of levels and the Game ends with Modi winning if he becomes PM or continues to be the CM and loses if he is convicted or loses in an assembly elections. The players playing against Modi can be any number.

Like the goal of any game is to win. A win in MG is declared by only the judges. Due to a virus NaMO, the judges have got corrupted and divided into two categories. One set of judges always favors the player Modi and other set always opposes at any instant. Thus the winning declared by the judges is not taken seriously those who watch the game live every day.  The first sets of judges are the citizens who mainly give judgments during the elections. There is only 50% favoring but due to cheat code used by Modi he has been winning for 12years. The cheat code is known to all, Development. The judges who favour Modi can be activated by the cheatcode and other set of judges are also activated by another cheat code by the name 2002RiOtS.

The second set of Judges are the judicial courts and here no cheat codes are possible. The players are very powerful and from the part of the biggest gang of expert players called ConGroup. They are the undisputed champions in NehruGame, IndiraGame, RajivGame, SoniaGame. With many successes in their kitty they are not able to win the ModiGame. The rich club owning ConGroup has taken help of various foreign players; NGOs etc to help them achieve the win are failing for the last 11years. This set of Judges are about to declare Modi as the winner. The ConGroup is just playing defense with all its tactics failed and is trying to buy more time.

The third set of Judges are the so-called eminent personalities who are the suit boot people giving opinions from needle to the international space station to the black hole dynamics.  A few of these judges are the real judging people are have in-depth knowledge of the issue at hand and others are armchair experts. This set is also divided along the FOR-AGAINST Modi, but loyalties keep changing on a small scale. The divide among the judges is 55-45 and more judges are getting converted to the FOR category because of the possibility of the Modi winning the game ultimately.

Being a real world the rules are stated and no fixed rules. There should not be any physical confrontation to maintain the decency since the whole of the world is directly or indirectly following and does not bode well for the country. Tools like press reports, debates, forums can be used to defame, abuse, praise. Money power can also be used to hire and fire players playing for-against Modi for winning. Being a poor man Modi cannot use money power, but the opposite players can do at their choice and there is no upper limit for the money that can be used.  

The challenges against the opposite players are the time limitations. The realistic estimation is that the game will end by 2014. A player’s strength is proportional to the popularity index. More positive popularity and more likes to a player his strength increases and there is more chance of win. Thus many of the watchers, betting people are expecting the Game to end by 2014 and the worry is that the huge cottage industry that survives on this game may also get shut down making many jobless. Many game developers have already searching for creating new winning posts and trying to create new games, but the interest of the viewers is not much for other games. Thus only time will tell whether other games developed will be able to garner revenues as did the Modi Game.

The beauty of this game is the transparency of the programs that run the Game from Modi’s side while the opposite players are completely secrecy. Even with the open source nature Modi is not defeated by the opponents in any big way. Another feature is that the plans, expertise is being taught to the opponents by Modi himself through various speeches, but the opponents are not able to master the game. The game has become a comedy where the opponent is thrashed every time and people are watching to only know how badly the opponent is trashed. The betting is taking place for the count of blows given by the opponent to Modi because the blows by Modi are too few and powerful. In many cases its one and rarely its two to secure a win.

The Modi Game explained above has nothing to do with the . The country and the world should thank Madam in being instrumental in funding and developing the game. The game is a patent property of ConGroup and their permission is not required to enter but blessings definitely help the players to get some benefits in real life, like rajya sabha seats, Padma awards to those who play against Modi, and brick bats, loss of jobs for those who play for Modi.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Cure to India

More than thousands have passed, before a Hindu king has ruled the country that is called as India. In this period the different parts of the country are ruled by Hindu kings. But after the Islamic invasion, the hold the Hindu kings has minimized and not eliminated. But after the Christian Invasion through the Portuguese, British, etc both the Islamic, Hindu Kings have lost their powers and were subservient to the British, even though there was indirect to the national freedom movement. The failure to collective act for the cause of the freedom has been a bane.

For many Hindus residing in India, this country belongs to them and these Hindus have absorbed many other religions and also refugees from around the world. But for Muslims the country belongs to them, and to them the history country starts with the Islamic invasion, and previous to that there is is no history. For the Christians who think India belongs to them, the history starts with the Aryans who have migrated from Central Asia. Buddhists have the history starting with Gautama Buddha; Sikhs have a history starting from the Guru Nanak, etc.  The Communists have written the history of India that is being taught in the so called modern schools.

Analysis from recent history tells that Christians have originated during the rule of British, and with the ousting of the British the religion would become weaker. Thus large proportions of the wealth are transferred to the CSI and thus a continuous funding is established for the propagating and sustenance of the religion. Though Christians form only 3.7% of the population, the Church Empire is the second largest employer after the Government and also the second largest land holder after the government.  Church exerts tremendous amounts of influence in the socio-political affairs of this nation through the spurious NGO that crop up for a variety of works.

The Islamic Kings have also propagated their religion with forceful conversions, although there may be some who have willfully converted for reason best hidden in the history. Just like the Hindu temples have vast lands given away by the erstwhile kings for the maintenance of the temples, the Muslim kings too followed similar steps. The WAKF Board oversees the properties also has huge tracts of prime lands in the country and the value of which runs into billions.  The Christian, Muslim wealth of the religious institutions are not touched by the government because of the minority status and for other political reasons.

The Hindu temple properties are under the control of government and only a part of which is given back for the maintenance of the temples. In all the cases be it Hindus, Muslims, Christians the politicians are always trying to eat into the properties and there are enough scams that show this trends and those relating to the later are hushed up while that or the former are blown out of proportions as is the trend of the media, press. The three major religions are always against each other. The Christians, Muslims though not native to this land have gained enough hold in the political affairs and influencing the policy matters to suit their requirements which is making the Hindus aliens in their own land.

The other minority religions like Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, etc though are strong economically have to join the Hindus because there is no separate nation for them and will never get a land. Any retaliation by Hindus is portrayed negatively and the Muslims and Christians are shown as victims. But the bigger question is whether can there peace between these three communities? In a broad sense there can never be peace and this is a difficult to accept truth. But the leaders of various religions talk about peace which is never possible. Many of the wars in the past are due to religious and ideological differences and religion being the prime reason. Thus in such a situation, if India has to develop into a global power what needs to be done is a big question for which there no clear answer till date.

Many people have accepted Modi as a Hindutva Icon, Hindu Hriday Samrat because he allowed the killings of Muslims. As a matter of fact Modi tried to stop the violence in the communally sensitive state of Gujarat after the Godhra train burning incident, but since there was no help from the neighboring states the violence has escalated and some view him as a hero and some as villain. There is enough print material that support both the version of the history and in the course time the truth will get burial with no one knowing the official position of the nation. This has been going on for centuries; the true official version is never debated by people from different walks of life. The official version is the one which the communists have written and never debated. Only time will tell whether Modi can do something to strengthen the nation for the Hindus in particular or go on with the secular agenda to hold onto to power or will go on with the developmental of all and appeasement of none agenda.

A recent judgment by the Income Tax Tribunal states that Hinduism as not a religion. In the application form of one university, in the religion category Hindu is not given as a option, but muslim, Christian, Buddhism, Jainism and others were the options. The kumbh mela is considered as the achievement of the secular credentials of the nation.  There is a willful subjugation of the Hindu religion and many forces are trying to make it extinct. The problem that is more predominant is that the moderates of other religions are not speaking against the fanatics that exist. Russian President has declared that Russia belongs to the Russians and if minorities want to change the laws to change the laws, then they can get out of his country. So have the Germans, Swiss expressed their concerns expressed by the minorities.

There is intolerance in all the religions except Hinduism and is the reason for its slow demise. The Naga Sadhus are supposed to be the religious soldiers who are reason for the continuance of the Hindu religion and Kumbh mela is one such thanks giving day to the Naga Sadhus. During the recently concluded Kumbh Mela a Sankaracharya has talked about the sad state of affairs and the politicizing of the Naghas. Sankaras are the teachers of the Nagas and now the Nagas are showing disrespect the Sankaras, which is a sign of mind corruption. Till will tell in what way and how much more this ideological corruption will extend.

There can never a cure to such religious wars and all will end in a bloody war in which millions will lose their lives. All the economic, political manipulations done by various countries are in preparation for this ultimate war of ideologies. All throughout the past 1000years the big war is being postponed only for a future date. Two minor lapses have occurred but the balance of religions has not changed in a big way.  When religion interferes in the politics, economics intereferes in religion and the line between all the three is blurring and the reason is the control. A few hungry men are waiting to control the entire human race and the please derived by such control is enormous and there are many who want to partake the pleasures of control.

Everything evolves with time and no rule is permanent. When the tyranny one group exceeds the tolerance of another group, the size of the groups does not matter but the force matters. The silence of those who are suffering be it hindus, muslims, Christians will only end when the truth comes out through the force. Every religion has blood on its hands in the name of dharma, because dharma is a relative term, but for peaceful coexistence a universal dharma has to be established. As peace is only temporary in the age of Kaliyuga, there is no end to the sufferings of all, hence people seek pleasures in mundane activities. The pain suffering is reduced by curing the symptoms but not the disease.

The disease is the ideological-religious difference has no cure and thus the world will forever continue to be in turmoil, with hope occasionally given by a few leaders for a short period of times. In such troubled times real peace can be found in the mind. The inner peace is more predominant than the external peace. The guidance of spirituality is to be taken and when the world will breakdown into individuality and no collectivity can there be peace. Dynamism being the norm of the universe will never be allowed, because the laws of nature cannot be broken. The sufferings continue and the pursuit of happiness also continues. Those who believe that the Cure will be available in the future are the optimists and those who donot are the pessimists.

The cure to problems of India is linked to the cure to the world, because of variety of people present in such a small land. India is microcosm of the macro world and thus has become a laboratory to many. The testing is killing many people with no results and will continue for a long time. Cure lies in understanding the truth and be in the pursuit of spiritual realization. The material life should be valued only a means to sustenance of life.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Understanding Hinduism through Banyan tree

Lord Krishna while explaining Bhagavad-Gita says “Of all trees I am banyan tree, and of the sages among demigods I am Narada. Of the Ghandarvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.” Lord Shiva as Dakshinamurty is always depicted sitting in silence under the banyan with rishis at his feet. It is thought of as perfectly symbolizing eternal life due to its unending expansion. It is also called Kalpavirksha, the tree that provides fulfillment of wishes and material gains. It symbolizes Trimurthy – Lord Vishnu is believed to be the bark, Lord Brahma the roots and Lord Shiva the branches.

One individual tree, Thimmamma Marrimanu in Andhra Pradesh, covers 19107sq.m. The other big trees are Great Banyan in Howrah, Dodda Alada Mara in Bangalore and another one is present in Uttar Pradesh near Varanasi. The tree is sacred in India and often shelters a little or a large temple underneath and also worshipped on its own. It is one of the most sheltering trees in heat of the land with large and deep shade.  A large banyan tree at the village center was used for any formal or informal gathering also.  The Indian Banyan tree is also the National tree of India.

Banyan usually grows as an epiphytic plant – seeds are dropped by birds on a tree or a crack in a building where it starts germinating. Young saplings develop string roots that continue to grow and then strangle the host. Banyan produces a lot of strong and wide branches that spread far from the trunk and cover a considerably large area. As the tree grows, the trunk gains tremendous width and height. Branches produce aerial roots that reach ground, establish themselves in the ground and ultimately unite with the main trunk.

Indian Banyan tree is scientifically called Ficus benghalensis, is a large and extensive growing tree. The tree produces propagating roots which grows downwards as aerial roots. Once these roots reach the ground, they grow into the woody trunks that can become indistinguishable from the main trunk. The giant banyan trees are the largest in the world as measured by the canopy coverage. Banyan tree produces fruit but does not blossom but that is not true. The flowers are concealed in the fleshy receptacle commonly known as ‘fig’. These figs are grow in pairs in the leaf axils and numerous, tiny blossoms of both sexes and also a host of small insects. These are the ‘fig insects’ that fertilize flowers. The insect enters the fig through a hole in the top and lays eggs which hatch out and mature. When these insects leave their home, they are dusted with pollen from the male flowers. Now they make their way into another fig, thus ensuring fertilization.

Every practiced religion can be explained using the life of a tree. Just like many trees start from a tiny seed, religions start from some very basic principles, beliefs. Hinduism as we know today started with the Vedas. The Vedas are complex texts and not easily understandable to each and everyone. Thus the essence of Vedas are given in Upanishads, further simplification of the texts resulted in Puranas, Brahmanas, vedantas, etc. Each text is in sync with every other text and there is no contradiction for the one who understands the meaning. The Vedas in the text form, and their division into four parts is done by Sage Vedavasya, because of his belief that with passage of time the memory of people will reduce and thus there will be distortion.

The seed of Banyan grows either on soil or in the crevices of other trees, just like Vedas are born in the minds of the sages and then taught to those who are ignorant. When the essence of Vedas is understood the mind is liberated or guided in the path of truth. The seed when germinates it sends roots into the ground, the old tree gets strangled and dies with time. The roots penetrate the ground and the tree grows only stronger. The dead tree is like the ignorant mind which no longer lives due to the enlightenment.

The Banyan tree spreads very far and wide, with branches being tender, send roots to the ground. These ariel roots touch the ground and support the long branches. This process continues and the tree continues to grow. Hinduism spreads in the similar fashion. The first trunk supports the tree and with passage of time the various branches like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Advaitha etc are born and diverge from the basic Hinduism. The principle of life remains the same, but the methods and practices remain different. The goal of all of them remain is to attain salvation and to get out of the cycle of birth and death.

The different branches of Hinduism are like the branches with aerial roots which support the tree individually. Even though the first trunk is destroyed the tree continues to survive. The tree continues to survive even many of its branches are cut; many of its trunks (aerial roots) are destroyed. For a distant observe the tree may look huge with the only outer aerial roots visible, but as one gets close the huge number of aerial roots, branches makes the religion more complex. Thus for simplifying the study people follow one root and finally can trace the source of the tree.

The various offshoot religions of the original Vedic religion become self supporting with time, but the huge canopy of the Vedas which acted as the guidelines is maintained. The trunks which form out of the aerial roots supply life to various branches without any distinction. Though distinct from another the source remains the same. The fruit may be full of insects, but once the insects are driven out it is only sweet pulp which can be consumed. The complex structure may be difficult to understand, but it enables the tree grow to large areas and give shade to many.

But other religions can only be compared to the coconut tree, where in every part is useful and cannot survive it one trunk is destroyed. The requirement of protection becomes more tremendous for the survival. The fruits are at the top and is available to those who reach the top. Occasionally the fruits fall to the people who stay at the bottom and if unaware can also lead to death. Thus many people want to go close to the source, but there is danger. One set of forces act to protect the trunk from invasion, another set of forces create injury by making the falling of fruits, the leaves etc. But there is no such danger under the Banyan tree or in Hinduism.


Thursday, 14 March 2013


Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering is conducted every year and is more popularly known as GATE exams. Many of the Engineering and Science students apply for this exam, because it is a gateway to the India’s Premier Institutes for learning, the IITs, IISC, etc for pursuing higher studies. The notification for the exam is usually given every year in the months of September/October, the exam for which will in February (second Sunday) and results will be announced in March.

Initially the GATE exam was used as an entrance for M.Tech admissions, but the government has done a good job by pursuing the PSU companies to accept the GATE score for selection to engineering posts. Now many of the PSUs are accepting the GATE score as a measure of the students engineering knowledge .Even for doing PhD the GATE scores are being given due credit during selection of candidates, because all that GATE does is test the student’s knowledge in the basic concepts of Engineering course.

The questions in the exam will be up to the fifth-sixth semester of the engineering syllabus and the students who are doing their third year of engineering can also apply to test their proficiency and knowledge levels. The exam does not contain numerical questions relating to engineering, but also theoretical questions and English, basic aptitude questions. Thus not only bookworms of Engineering, but also average students can do well in the GATE exams with a minimum profession.

There are many coaching centers which run courses for the GATE preparation and have become very big businesses. GATE study materials with complete syllabus and model papers are also available in the market for those who want to do self study. It is not necessary to master in the numerical problems relating to engineering, but those who can understand the theoretical concepts can also score reasonably well in the examinations.

Every year there will a new cutoff marks based on the top marks scored and the number students who have applied. All the students who have qualified in the GATE will get their marks card and is usually valid for two years. A student can attempt any number times and there is no limit of age as well. With many PSU accepting the GATE scores, in 2013 many candidates have taken up the exam and thus he cutoff marks will be definitely higher than in the previous years.

The GATE score will tell very little whether a student can get a seat, but All India Ranking (AIR) is more important. To get a seat in the IIT, IISC it is necessary to get an AIR within 250 to have any realistic chance.  The next best institutes are the NITs to do the higher learning or research. All the NITs have offering their seats though a single window system. A single application will be sufficient to enter any of the NIT spread throughout India. A ranking up to 2500 can give a chance to get a seat in the college of preference, but a ranking up to 4000can also ensure a seat in some NIT. But many students who are willing joining the PSUs are applying GATE, thus the AIRs may not give clear indication as compared to previous, but nonetheless these numbers can be taken as guidelines.

Apart from IITs, NITs there are many other private universities that provide M.Tech courses. Many of these universities give preference to students who have a valid score, and universities that conduct their own entrance exams give some additional consideration to the GATE qualified students. If a student fails to score decently in GATE all is not lost for higher learning. For doing M.Tech many states conduct their own entrance examination and students can write these exams and get the seat in the institutes.

The application for the state wise entrance exams will be provided long after the GATE results are out probably in the months of April or May. The private institutes also give notification for entrance test in about the same time. The applications for the seats for the IITs have to be applied individually. Even some of the IIITs consider GATE score as a criterion for selection.

The candidates should keep a track on the colleges/universities where they prefer to join and apply. The main advantage of joining the colleges that accept GATE scores and are approved by AICTE is the stipend. Any student who having qualified GATE and joined the M.Tech in AICTE approved college and a course certified by AICTE is eligible to avail the stipend. The amount is Rs.8000/-. The amount is usually sufficient to cover the college expenses for students.

The stipend concept is made by the government so that students become independent of their family and show interest in the learning. A little bit of financial independence is what everyone likes after completing degree and thus the stipend helps to some extent in this way.  In some colleges the stipend is given on a monthly basis and in others it disbursed yearly and the fund is given by the central government.


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Evolution – Other Side and Vedic people

The known universe which is supposedly 13.77billion years old has overall density of 9.9x10^-30gm/cc while the density of water is 1gm/cc and that of steel is 7.86gm/cc. This mass energy appears to consist of 73% dark energy, 23% cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. The properties of the dark energy and dark matter are largely unknown. Dark matter gravitates as ordinary matter and thus works to slow the expansion of the universe; by contrast the dark energy accelerates the expansion of the universe. The known ordinary matter is made of 10^82 atoms of which the major is portion is made of hydrogen the basic building block of the universe.

If we could magnify the simplest hydrogen to the size of the earth, then the nucleus (only proton, because in hydrogen nucleus there are no neutrons), would only be about the size of basket ball and the electron would be revolving in the outer atmosphere. The space between electrons and nucleus is empty. Protons have a mass of 1836 electrons and neutrons 1839 electrons. The mass of electron is 9.11x10^-31kg. The proton and neutrons have a dimension of 2.5x10^-15m although the surface of these is not clearly defined. The mass densities of electron, proton and neutron are 8x10^37gm/cc, 4x10^20gm/cc and 2x10^29. With much between the sub atomic particles, in relative terms it is no wonder that the density of the university is so less even though the density of the sub atomic particles is pretty high..

The scientists have found the existence of subatomic particles and some are still hypothetical. The some of the subatomic particles are Fermions, Quarks, Bosons, Leptons. Super symmetric theories predict the presence particles which are still not experimentally confirmed. Some of which are neutralino, chargino, photino, wino, zino, higgsino, gluino, gravitno, sleptno, snutrino, squarks. Other theories predict existence of additional bosons like graviton, graviscalar, graviphoton, axion, axino, saxino, branon, dilaton, dilation, X&Y bosons, W’&Z’ bosons, magnetic photon, majoron, majorana fermion, chameleon particle. Some of the composite particles are hadrons, baryons, mesons.  Baryons made of 3quarks are the protons and neutrons that make up most of the mass of the universe. Electrons are leptons.

In the early stages of the universe most of the mass energy is in the form of energy. The elementary particles formed when gamma rays of proper energy interacted to form particle anti particle pairs. Protons are first formed by this process because the universe was so hot that gamma rays had enough energy to make massive particles. Electrons ar then formed as the universe cooled. Neutrons have formed by the merging of electrons and protons.   By the time the universe is one second old it has expanded and cooled to the point that gamma rays no longer had enough energy to make even the lighter particles such as electrons. The fundamental particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons have been made.

During the 100-1000seconds after big bang, the cosmic nuclear synthesis era, temperature of the universe was a few billion Kelvin and the nuclear reactions made the elements. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium are formed and no heavy elements are formed because of the reduction in the temperature by the end of 1000seconds.  The nuclear synthesis of the mentioned elements ended in 15minutes.  The other 88 elements were not made during the big bang because the universe was too cool. Nuclear fission reactions can only take place at high pressures, densities and pressures. These heavy atoms are formed in the center of the stars where are the conditions are more suitable.

The known universe is made of matter, and there is no theory regarding to the account the anti matter which is created in equal quantities. Before any atom can take from, the arrangement of the subatomic particle has to place in a precise fashion to form the elements that we know today. Our scientists have been successful in creating antimatter and were able to hold the matter in between powerful magnets and then the antimatter annihilated. The theory of evolution is about the orderly arrangement of the constituent elements to bring the systems and sub systems, which is against the second law of thermodynamics, which requires more disorder with the passage of time.

From the start of the big bang, to the subsequent formation of the hydrogen atoms to the elements and finally to amino acids and life forms, the scientists say that with a chance all this have happened. The universe neither created the laws of thermodynamics nor did it follow them to be as it is today. All the scientific development being done by the scientists is without the knowledge of the possible source of everything that the people of Vedic tradition call as soul which is the fundamental and basic form of energy. By not crediting this energy, and trying to go in a different path, the scientists are only reinventing the wheel, which is circular and with a different view point it may look straight. The scientists will keep moving straight, only to come to the start after a very long time.

The matter, anti matter and dark energy are the trinity. If Brahma is the creator of the universe he represents the matter, shiva is destroyer is the anti matter and Vishnu is the dark energy.  There can be many more analogies to the various gods of Hinduism each defining the origin and the property/characteristic of universe. But the utter disrespect for the knowledge taught by the ancient scientists of this land has made us believe in the theories originating from the west, who are in more disillusionment than ever before. The modern scientists have build the top tower of the building and then floors below, and still a long distance from the foundations and many are accepting them as the absolute truths. To break away from the regular supply of hypocritical knowledge is not possible, but it is equally important to know the basics of the truth. The sages have put out knowledge in simple forms like songs, but when the language is not known, what is the use of the songs.

The genius of the sages can be understood from their mathematics. The numerical calculations are all bound within eleven sutras in Vedic mathematics and upon expanding these 11sutras any complex calculations can be performed within a short span. If mathematics is one set, the language used by the sages is the perfect language. Sanskrit is the only language that is most suitable for use in super computers of the future and for developing the artificial intelligence. The approximately 424sutras developed Panini form the basis of the Sanskrit language and is also useful for coding.

Evolution as taught by the western scientists is a work of fiction and which is believed as the ultimate truth. Everything that has happened is by chance. The same scientists now never give Chance a credit but are taking all the fame and glory in their names. Chance is the greatest scientist known to mankind according to the Western philosophy. What they call Chance we Vedic people attribute to the work of an intelligent being called God and we are called nomads, barbarians and even fools and we accept. Thus it has become even more important to acknowledge the true source of knowledge and attempt to unlearn the junk we learned and learn the truth.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Evolution is the change in inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary process gives rise to diversity at every level of biological organization, including species, individual organisms, molecules such as DNA and proteins. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. In 20th century, genetics was integrated with Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural through the discipline of population genetics. Evolution by natural selection is a process that is inferred from 3facts about populations –more off springs are produced than can possibly survive, traits vary among individuals leading to different rates of survival and reproduction, trait differences are heritable. Natural selection is the only known cause of adaptation, but not the only cause of evolution. Other non adaptative causes of evolution include mutation and genetic drift.

According to Hindu creationism all species on earth including humans have devolved or come down from a high state of pure consciousness. Hindu creationists claim that species of plants and animals are material forms adopted by pure consciousness which live an endless cycle of births and rebirths. According to Hindu creationists the universe may even be older than billions of years. These views are based on Vedas which depict an extreme antiquity of the universe and history of the earth.

The overall probability of forming one protein molecule by random chance process is 9.31x10^(-152). It has been recently determined that a minimal functioning cell has no fewer than 256protein coding genes. Considering proteins only, probability of complete living cell coming into being through random, chance process would be 10^(-40023). The whole universe consists of only 10^82 atoms and the universe is less than 10^18seconds (if universe is taken to be 13.77billion years then 4.34x10^17seconds). So we give much credit to chance, luck plays a big role in the evolution process. The first life form existed 3.6billion years ago which is 3.2x10^17seconds after big bang and the earth formed after 2.89x10^17seconds after big bang. The overall density of our known universe is only 10^-31gm/cc.

The size of the universe when the life formed or during the initial primordial soup changes over a factor of 1000at the max. The number of reactions required to get the probability of forming the protein chains to form the simplest living entity is according to the modern scientists is near zero, but not zero. Then for the theory of natural selection to take place, the probability of the subsequent events will go closer to zero probability but never reach there. The important fact among the scientific community is that they never contradict one another. Every branch works independently to bring out new theories to support their fellows so that the booming industry can survive without ever reaching the truth.

The scientists will always try to reach the truth, but never get the truth. The truth apart, the Grass is supposed to have retained its position through the evolutionary cycle and is the most widespread form of plant life. Grass is food many of the herbivorous animals and is a medicine. Medicinal value is better down from the animals as observed by the sages. When there are stomach problems for cats and dogs, they eat grass and vomit what they have eaten. Cats and dogs apart, the grass has been undergoing severe pains during the times it eaten by the animals, insects, worms, etc.

The grass we see on our laws is the same great-great-grand father to the sugarcane and also for the bamboos too. But the lawn grass continues to exist to us to jump on it. The laws of natural selection have been cruel to the grass and plants in general.  May be in the future, the grass will develop mobility, wings and they may fly, move away when we want to sit on them. In the worst case, the blades of grass may attack when humans or animals tend to go near them. The evolutionary process has never stopped and will never stop. It is only a matter of chance; one day grass is put in the docks and accused of murder. The scientists then say it’s part of evolution and the DNA is modified by some virus and come with new formulas to prove their point, saying that when the temperatures reach near certain value, the virus is at certain areas on the grass, the DNA is attacked at a particular point, blah, blah,… the grass will awaken and become a killer.

The scientists will be awarded Nobel Prize for coming with another beautiful theory. Many scientists are busy developing complex systems to simplify our lives but only in the end to make it more complex while few scientists are working to create simpler systems. The tendency of discarding simpler systems is called modernization, progress which involves creating new and more complex problems to solve the existing problems. The people are made believe the solution is near, but never achieved. We are waiting for to miracles to happen when the Grass will also contest elections.


Monday, 11 March 2013

Human Brain without Soul

Human brain consumes about 20% of energy used by the human body, more than any other organ. The brain metabolism is normally completely dependent on blood glucose as energy source, since fatty acids donot cross blood brain barrier. During fasting ketones will be used as energy source and during exercise lactate is utilized and there is no provision f storing energy in contrast to skeletal muscle. Although human brain in 2% of body weight, it receives 15% of cardiac output, 20% of total oxygen consumption, 25% of total body glucose utilization.

Human brain functions using electrical signals. The neurons are the principle components of brain. The feature that define a neuron are electrical excitability and presence of synapses, where complex membrane junctions that transmit signals to other cells. The key to neural function is the synaptic signaling process, which is partly electrical and partly chemical.  A human brain has approximately 10^11 and 10^14syanpses. In the simpler terms, the neurons form the wire and the synapses are the switches and other control/logic elements.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed from can only be transformed from one form to another.  All the energy can be defined in simple terms as vibrations.  The frequency, wavelength, amplitude and other properties of the vibrations define the characteristic of the nature of the energy. Every atom has a distinct energy identity and using this identification scientists are able to tell the elements present in the distant galaxies. It is a known fact that earth is giant magnet and the magnetic potential protects the life forms from harmful radiations coming from sun and other cosmos.

The waves in the oceans are supposed due to the attractive forces of the moon, sun. The high tides on full moon days are due to the influence of the moon. These clearly indicate the effective magnetic forces acting on the surface of this planet. Every point on the planet earth is uniquely affected by the earth’s magnetic field and it is no wonder that any electrical network is minutely affected by the earth’s magnetic field. Also there will be magnetic effects of other planets, sun on the magnetic field.

When a current carrying conductor moves in a magnetic field the two fields will yield a resultant force depending on the relative strengths of each field. The way a brain develops is definitely influenced on the place where the fetus has been developing apart from several other external and internal factors. This may be the reason for the similar attitudes of the people living in one place nearer to one another.  The attitudes, languages and other brain related characteristics and other physical characteristics are dependent on the place of growth of fetus.

When astrologer takes into account the place of birth, it is with the assumption that through the growth the fetus, the person is in the same place and thus can determine the nature of the person. The characterization of the person based on the effect of magnetic fields on the brain along with the space time coordinates with reference to the position of stars and planets is called astrology. The astrology that we know is the light, but the science behind it is not learnt and people are happy to criticize it, but actively take up some fraudulent theories of some psychiatrists, and undergo some electric shock treatment and others to brain disorders.

Human brain may be one of the most complex systems at work still in the process of being understood by the so-called modern scientists. Like in many other researches the scientists feel that they have the solved the last problem, only to find many more cropping up. It is because there is a universe with in a atom, and a universe outside it and within each particle is a God.   Even though the definition of God is debatable, but the presence of soul is a universal truth but never acknowledged.  Unless the science is oriented towards this concept and everything is looked from the prism of the soul, the quest for unraveling the secrets of the human brain will never be complete.
