If there is no death then it is called immortality, but everything that has born has to die, a basic law of nature. The need to become immortal is felt by a few powerful who control nations, economies and a blinded by the laws of nature. Apart from the power wielding persons, persons who have extreme passion for pleasures, knowledge etc, also want to be immortal to pursue their passions. But since the basic law of nature of nature cannot be bypassed, a number of pseudo products are available in the market that make you feel immortal on the outside. A lot of work is going on to make humans immortal from the inside also.
A sign of mortality is disease, oldage. Much work has been to control the life threatening diseases, but nature is source of all knowledge has always won the battle of wits and new diseases are always being created by the nature. The quality of life has been improved because of the science and technological advancements in treating various diseases right from simple tablets, injections, chemotherapy, to joint replacements, organ transplantation, bionic arms, etc. These technological advancements have done a great service to the mankind relieving many fortunate people of the pain and suffering.
With telemedicine less unfortunate are also being treated with better doctors whose times advise should have saved many lives. The spread of internet and also the advance of robotics it is possible in the near future that a remotely operated robot can perform complex surgeries with no need for the doctor to move from one country to another. Also the robotics has been developing at a fast pace, the day is not very far when surgeries will be done completely by the robots right from the diagnosis stage itself. Another crucial element of the development for the well being also is due to the better materials available.
The huge amount of beauty products from cosmetic surgeries, laser treatments, creams etc all available in the market depending the spending capacity of the user. These products doesnot change anything on the inside but help in masking the external signs of oldage. This is weird, that many people donot want to be seen as old, but want to look younger, an anti-natural phenomenon. The cosmetic surgeries are first performed to rebuild the portions of the body that are severely damaged during accidents, and in some cases natural deformations due to birth defects etc. But the opportunists have taken this to next level.
Right from the eyebrows, nose, lips surgeris are performed to change the facial construction, fat removal, sex change etc, surgeries are being performed. The market for the cosmetic surgery is a very huge one and is increasing every year. The surgery will not alter the length of life but the feel good factor of a person will improve which indirectly increases the life of a person. A happy man lives longer than a sad person.
Not to be left behind, the genetic engineers have been decoding the specific genes which determine the life of the person and have achieved some success. Work is going on to better understand what modifications to the changes improves the longetivity of the humans, make humans more disease resistant, slowdown the ageing process and finally achieve immortality. The gene therapy is done being done in some cases for change of sex, but to increase the longetivity through treating the genes is altogether a different ball game.
But since the demand for longetivity is huge, the resources at the disposal of the scientists is enormous but the scientists themselves are mortal. So may in 50years the stem cell technology will improve so that the organs will be generated externally and replaced in the human body to keep the old people from dying and prolonging their life. In the near future, say 200years the gene therapy will achieve success to slow the aging process by which the life can be extended by 50-80years.
Achieving immortality is not possible as it is against the nature. If we achieve this we become equivalent to the soul. A material body can never be immortant, but only a soul can be immortal. But longetivity is also achievable by slowing down the breathing, a practice through which it is done is pranayama. Many people have made yoga a part of their routines to lead a healthy life.
Yoga is the next technology for immortality, but the practice is very difficult, hence other methods are being searched.
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