The recent controversy over the use the name Umar in the movie Vishwaroopam by Kamal, has hurt the sentiments of the Muslims, particularly in the State of Tami lnadu and quickly spread to Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh. The muslims are hurt because Umar in the movie was a terriorist and it gives bad image to Islam. This religious heads should be taken to task of disrupting the peace in the name of religion, but the government feared azad maidan type peaceful protest and gone ahead with banning the movie. The movie has been reviewed by the censor board and after which it got released. Sentiments of the extremist muslims in particular have been increasing and they are becoming more and more sensitive, which is a dangerous trend, and unless stopped now could lead to a national disaster.
No liberal, secular, modern, eminent personality has dared to come and talk against this act of the muslims. The first to come in support of Kamal who produced the movie was RajaniKanth and then came SriSri Ravishakar. All others are silently watching as the drama which is unfolding. As per the news, another movie David has been modified for using a muslim name. But these so called sensitive muslims have thronged to hear Dr.Zakir Naik's sermons, who declares that since he doesnot personally know Osamaji, he cannot agree that Osama is a terriorist and there were claps and loud cheers at the logic. These are the muslims whose sentiments get hurt.
There are fatawa factories issuing fatawas on everything from jobs to blood donation, dressing to eating habits. Looks more like a prison where the criminals are being reformed and many muslims accept this loss of freedom as a freedom of religous expression. Looks like they are playing victim to perfect and deserve the nobel prize. These sensitive muslims are locking up themselves from any criticism either constructive or destructive. This means there is no introspection on their part as there can be no questioning permitted because the rules are laid out by the Allah himself. The foolishness is so high, that a case has been filed by someone against Amitabh, because he spoke ".....koran racha gaya....". This hurt some muslims because the Koran was a revealed(bigbang, a event of singularity) and not written, but luckily the judge has some sense in him and no fear of peaceful protests, cancelled the petition.
Muslim fatawa makers ask thier people who have submitted their thinking brains, to not listen music, no dyeing, ankle length pants, veils, grow beards etc. Many people follow these rules since they have been followed by the prophet also and hope that they go to the heavens. But the big and rich involve in all kinds of blashphemy and there is no fatawa issued. The Khans do all things that are not permitted in islam and there is no fatawa against their heads, there is no ban on their movies. Art, music are banned in islam, than which secular person has watched the movies and informed the sentimental muslims about the usage of the name Umar. The person should be beheaded as per sharia for watching a movie is blashphemy.
The utter foolish HM, Shinde's statement stands in the center of all this controversy, that even boldened the terriorist Hafiz Saeed to appreciate the words of HM. our HM only wanted to make RSS/BJP as terriorists, but a terriorist wanted India be declared a terrorist nation. What a give and take policy by the Corrupt Congress Government. Even a more proHindu Jayalalitha has fallen prey to secularism, clearly indicating the polarisation of vote blocs and fear of losing the vote bank. In the whole there seems to be a braver extermist muslim elements spreading its wings and the liberal muslims are also falling in line while the Hindus and the minority appeasing government just looks helpless.
Foolish Muslims are those who accept what they are told without reasoning, just because it is written in a holy book. No man is beyond the ills of corruption which includes all religious leaders. May be in the near future the NAC may draft bill, Hindu behaviour Code which should be followed by Hindus only and who alone could be controlled by the government. The Code lays guide lines how to talk, walk, look, see, read, write, laugh and all other activities so that others(Muslims) sentiments are not hurt. God save this congress and muslims from one another.
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