Where in the world, a state can become a super developed in a very short time?(Shivaji - The boss, etc Movies)
How is it possible for the planet be saved from asteroids by blasting it in space?(Armegaddon, Movie)
Why is it not possible to catch the criminals and bring them to justice very fast all the time?(CID, Sony TV)
The cult of hero worship has increased tremendously and it brings some amount fun in the lives or ordinary. The more important it gives some hope that the world can only get better. Whethere are mere illusions created by clever artists to fool the people as a part of a show or permenantly for life? The answer to this question can never earthed because in this age no one speaks the truth. In a recent act of GOI which bought some letters of Gandhi have infered by literary experts and they seem to indicate that Gandhi was a gay, some can claim that he is bi sexual. The choice of a person is known only to him. Not every word spoken by person of any great nature is true because we live in Kaliyuga. There is always some mixing, distorting.
The hero worship is similar to the idol worship Hindus follow. The so called gods are to many only imaginary and the deeds of the gods are passed on by generations, the rituals documented so that some authencity is maintained. The gods of Hindus are similar to the Superman, Batman, Spiderman and so manyother mans and womans or someother super of comic world. Even mickey mouse may be linked to Lord Ganesh. The Hindus worship many gods for different reasons and bribe them for some favours. This is a very common practice and in todays scientific terminology can be called as Conversation Law. What is conserved is the good works. Usually money or some other austerity measures are followed by the devotee to get some grants from the gods.
Other than superheros, only gods are capable of performing miracles and both are not seen by many who are living today. Mr.Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is believed to seen Kali mata realized the universal truth and so did Mr.Vivekananda but tdoay there are many god men in various colours and riches claim to have realized the universal truth. Believing in them in the hope of miracles is not a bad thing, because miracles do happen and no person on planet can control their occurrence. If there is no request of grant from the gods and a event happens then it is termed a miracle. But for every event to occur there is some request. It may be a human or it may be a bacteria or a animal. If god exists then a soul exists and for god a bacteria, human, animal all are the same.
Those who donot believe in gods are people who believe in hardwork as the solution to everyman's problems. A hungry man working dayin and dayout to gain a meal for his family can never eat in Taj Hotel or even meet Mr.Obama, but a son of Mallya can participate in the both the events even without hardwork. The hungry man claims that he is not lucky enough and resigns to his fate, while son of Mallya thinks great of his dad's hard work.
But if "Miracles are for fools then Hardwork is for idiots."
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