Sunday, 27 January 2013

Understanding God through Government

Hindu religion is usually mocked as a religion of idols with 3crore gods, where as in christianity there are only 3 - God, Son of God and Holy Spirit and in Islam they have Allah. Many other religions either have one god either with form/formless, and few have multiple gods whom they worship. But all religion believe that God is the creator, sustainer and destructor or is the source of life. The cycle of life is in control of God and we have to  live our lives to fulfill the destiny. Some religions belive in Law of Karma, recincarnation while others donot. But the whole business of religion is to bring peace to its followers and non-followers alike.

Government is a group of people that governs a community or unit. It sets and administers public policy and exercise executive, political and soverign power through customs, institutions and laws within a state. A government can be democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, dictatorship, etc. In all, the purpose of the government is the same, but the attitude of the top and bottom level people sets the track for governance. There will be many departments in a government to look after the various areas to make the life of the ordinary men better. But this "better" usually doesnot hapen though.

What is common betwen 3crore Gods and Governemnt? The 3crore Hindu Gods are the manifest of one supreme power. For simpler understanding of the common the folk and to attain the final goal in life, ie., Salvation, the path of Bakthi Yoga is most suited in this age of Kali yuga. Thus many people as per their liking or by family traditions have a set of Gods called famlily deity whom they worship with utmost devotion for the fulfillment of their desires and help in navigating though the troubles of the world.  

Like in a Government, we have President, PM, MPs. CM, MLA, Department heads, etc who have tremendous powers and finally clerk/officer who does the actual work all are part of the Government. Everyone's work is equally important and a PM can get the job of his lower people done by using other resources and he himself will not do. The person for a particular job has to have certain qualifications to do the job and not everyone can do everyjob. But higher authorities can get the job done, and it seems like they are doing the job, but this happens in rare cases where the higher official does the work a junior.

If we want Electricity Connection, there is no point in going to the Water works department and standing in queue for day, filling the application and then blaming the government for not providing the electricity. The whole point of 3crore gods is as sample as this. For what trouble we face and the particular assistance is required, only that particular god is worshiped. But some people believe in Istha devatha. For every problem they believe in only god to come to their rescue. Every god is connected everyother god because all are manifestations of one supreme, powerful Vishnu/Shiva/Shakti.

In shiva puran, it is said that those who worship Shiva neglecting and without regard for Vishnu/Krishna will not benefit from such worship, because both are same. Not respcting one means not respecting everyother God because  God is one. There are similar lines in vishnu puran too. All the vedas and puranas are in sync with one another and are to be used as guides for the peaceful existence of all living beings. Thus which god is worshiped is not important, but the devotion with which we worship is more important, becasue very few have personally reached the state of realization in modern times.

Like we cannot demand of presence of CM or any other government employee as per whims and fancies, we have take the proper steps to get to the Gods. Though the gods are there to do good, the Maya shakti of the god is there to purify and test the soul which falsely makes the individual to go after more materialistic pleasure, while god worhsip involves some austerity. Thus instead of feeling proud of 3crore Gods, or having only 1god the purpose of the life is self realization and religion is a tool to travel though the world with peace and attain moskha or fullfill the destiny.

To understand the concept of God, Government is a very suitable example as both solve the problems of the people. Austerity for achieving god is by giving up materialistic pleasures, and for Governemnt fasting, agitating etc. By giving some poojas/bribes(crude way)/following austerity etc both can be pleased for obtaining materialistic pleasures. But obtaining continual pleasures prolonged poojas/bribes/austerity has to be followed. Without honesty/devotion any result cannot be sustained for a long time. We can temporarily fool the government/god but over a period of time, the truth which never hides will come out and trouble starts. Then we go higher authorities and the game sets in.

Thus honesty is the best way to lead life, but since is not possible in the regular day-to-day lives, atleast in devotion if there is some honesty, the life will be more happy and peaceful.

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