Monday, 30 December 2013

Every party is for its survival

For many of the crore Indians, it will not matter much as to which party comes to power in Delhi or in their respective states. This carelessness is not due to the inability of the Indian citizens to understand and foresee the deeds of their leaders, but because there are much more urgent works that need their attention. When many of the intellectuals are working overtime to plan and secure the future of their bigger clients and others trying to secure the future of this nation, it may come as a big surprise why the ordinary Indian is indifferent to the politics.

After 66 years of independence the ordinary citizen has to worry about the basic needs of his life-food, water, housing. Many of the billion Indians don't have the basic needs fulfilled and have to struggle very hard to meet these demands. If anything that has changed is the addition of the basic needs apart from the above mentioned. The added basic needs are electricity, education, employment. The last one is the most important which has become a very scarce and the political masters have ensured that only a few will able to avail it.

The policies of the governments at the centre has ensured over a long period time that the basic needs should be provided by Government in the name of its family members. The idea is to ensure that several million gullible Indians are made to believe that the facilities are being given out at the personal expense of the political leaders and that the receivers should be at the feet of the masters. This philosophy of governance is called Welfare State and people will be perennially dependent on the government, and the same set of people will keep coming to power over and over again.

This cycle repeats and the elections though provide a chance for the citizens to select a alternative fail to understand the power of voting and elect their life provider. This is the politics practised by almost all of the political parties which includes Congress(I), BJP, BJD, SP, BSP, DMK, AIADMK, AAP, RJD, JDS, JDU, SAD, etc. No party is immune to the dole giving attitude, while some parties give out government money in the name of the current leaders, some give in the name of the past leaders, but the doles given out are a reminder to the people as to who their life providers are.

A poor man is not a weak citizen and doesnot need any support financially. He has to be given the skills so that he can fulfil his dreams. Only the way has to be shown and the citizen has to earn livelihood but instead the governments are helping more than it should have and wasting huge resources which could be better utilized in building the infrastructure. The man once made to depend on the government for his livelihood will forever remain dependent on the government. This sense of dependency  is manipulated by the governments for their for survival.

Friday, 6 December 2013


The oldest of the scientists are believed to be from the land of snake charmers, Bharatavarsha. Sanskrit though allegedly evolved later is the true language of scientists with perfect grammar and no scope for ambiguity. The thousands of slokas/texts that were created are not fully understood by the present citizens owing to the fetish for English language. It is natural to life to evolve but truth never evolves, it remains the same. The capacity to understand the truth only expands with time as the individual gains some skills and knowledge.

The questions as how this universe as we partially know was created has been the question which is not answered by the eminent scientists of this times. The vedic scientists has told that creation is the job of gods and then they went ahead with their works.The beginning and the end are not absolute since this world we live and let others live is a relative. We talk with a time scale or time being one dimension and we ponder about possibility of time travel or travel in interstellar space using worm holes in fiction.

The vedic scientists like Narada muni was travelling all over the known universe and was supposed to be first news reporter. The present scientists have still not understood the creation since they donot know anything about the dark matter is in more quantity that the material we are able to see/understand. the vedic knowledge is considered inferior and look down but who cares, we are proud of our scientists and we donot seek approval. this is one of the reason we believe in the 3crore or more number of gods with highly customized for the individual needs.

The concept of mass production and then customization is not a concept related to cars/ bikes, it can be extended even to the gods, else why would there 3crore gods when the world population was very less. There would have been a time when more gods than humans on this planet. The focus of scientists is to see the lens guided by the senses and the mind. The gods creation is definitely more simple than we perceive. The vedic scientists has found that the macro universe exists even in the tiniest of the speck of  dust anywhere.

The puranas say that universes are created by the vishnu who sleeps on the giant 1000 headed serpent while floating on the ocean of milk. The idea may be a fantasy or it may be a reality or it can be neither. Every time sperm meets a egg a universe is created or when a bacteria get divides into two, two universes are created. Big bang need not happen only once, but happen continuously. the amount of energy that is created by the big bang or during the creation of universe is not calculable because Einstein says energy and matter are bound by his equation, but the definition or distinction between energy and matter is not known to Einstein when he derived his equation.

Energy has no mass but when mass is manipulated energy is created. This ideally means energy has to gain mass and the source is not known. Scientists have set up a very costly project to find the source of mass and they might want to call it as Higgs Boson, but within the Higgs-boson there will a universe and within which there will be infinitely number of universes and there be exchange of matter between the universe on Boson particle and the universe we live through a worm hole. These concepts and questions will lead humanity to insanity.

The scale of time is as irrelevant as the existence of life only on planet earth. The vedic scientists having understood the truth, and unable to explain it in words understandable by fellow beings, gave the instructions as to how the truth could be realized. The path is very difficult, because the result is very unique and non changing on any scale be it time, space or other higher dimensions.

We are gods because we create universes, but since we are not the creators of ourselves, our parents are our creators and this chain will move in all directions. Thus Big Bangs we create are insignificant in the context that we donot have the complete knowledge of what we are creating and hence we cannot be Gods. Only the ultimate being, we can call God has the full knowledge of what is being created and to understand him is not like reading a story book.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Education - Dignity of labour

The education industry has been growing by leaps and bounds until two years ago when the new Engineering Colleges have failed to get started. The slump in the growth of Engineering colleges is a indication of a deep seated problem in the Education system that is being followed in our country. The children are pushed into the school at a very early age for a variety of reasons.

In urban areas the double income families cannot afford with single income and those who cannot afford a nanny(grandmother/father) are forced to send their toddlers to some play school in the hope of intellectual growth. A number of games and activity based learning methodologies are developed based on the study of low intelligent beings like chimpanzees and other apes. the games are good amount or fun and also some burden on the finances but have become inevitable. 

Once the child graduates from play school to kinder garden, the projects and creative assignments are forced so much so that, the parents have to do the most of the work for the happiness of their children. In an age when every effort or deed is measured in numerals, the usefulness of the curriculum of the children is not seen, but the greed for more hippocratic nature is highly appreciated. The need to be more different from the usual rest is highly visible. Every pressure tactic that is employed on children right from the kinder garden till they finish their high school results in deep seated frustration.

The demand for being first or in the top slots in the school/college is the most a fetish that many parents have developed. Since there can be only one top slot, many new avenues are being created so that many students can come in the top slot in one form or another. The numerical value is also not calculated by the great parents who would squeeze their customers for non-value addition works and ask for a better value addition jobs so that they can take better pay packets only to spend on more non value added items.

Many parents believe that there is no hope for children who donot do good in education. The loss of dignity of labour is the reason for the many of the ills that we are facing in the education system. Everyone talks about non availability of the labour for doing some kinds of small repair works and the parents would not like their children take up class to do the not so dignified works for loss of face in front of their peers. This fake peer pressure is more or less self made, but we crave for peer acceptance more than we believe.

The no dignity for jobs other than that pay in salary accounts in several tens of thousands of rupees per month are presumed to real jobs and others are all assumed to be worthless only if present in India.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Education - Rot in the system

In 2000 a engineering student would have felt happy after securing a distinction. A fail in one subject would have bothered him and his parents, but it was not a rare feat. Year loss was not a miracle, but a not so common phenomenon. Some subjects were always where students had fear of passing till the results were announced and others no one bothered to even study but still passes.

The faculty of the colleges, some dictated notes during class, some gave the notes for photocopying but not all followed the same general principle. The teaching varied from purely exam point view to most general and some even confused the students about the methodology. Different kinds of teachers were there, some very ordinary and some extraordinary based on the tastes of the students of the class.

Some periods always used to have a background murmuring while in those of strict faculty there was a near pin drop silence.  The absolute silence in the classroom was found only when there are no students inside the class.  The parents of the students cared less about the internal marks and some didn't even bother to check about the final marks also.

In the end, the 100 odd students have completed the engineering with me, few were left out and later could complete the course. Now many of them are successful people. The salaries of all the batch mates may not be in sync with the marks obtained, but nevertheless everyone got a job and is earning in means possible to make a life. During those years, getting an engineering college seat was no miracle, since there were many colleges and many options.

Everyone was doing an engineering course with the aim of the getting a software job (high paying) to meet the financial demands of his/her family or to meet the aspirations of the self. But times were more difficult previously when the number of colleges were less and the seats very limited. An engineer would be a highly respected person and the engineer is for himself through the course and afterwards.

But come 2013, in the name of transparency, interaction and what not, the parents of the students have become more careful of the future of the student than the student himself. the parents are making sure that their wards have sufficient guidance and help which they have missed. The care and fear the parents now show is too much concerning.

The institutions have started to outdo each over by the extra protection and care they shower and which the government started. When the students began committing suicides for failing in subjects, instead of sensitizing the citizenry with ads and other shows that "marks are not the only things in education", it made education more easier. To make a mark, the students are forced to attend many a special classes.

Initially the parents force their wards and then Stockholm syndrome takes over and the child beings to enjoy only to generate pent up anger and frustration in future life. Now with the anti-superstition bill that the governments are competing to pass and appease some communities, the psychiatric medicine bills and imports will only increase over the period of time.

The only thing that should be part of the education is learning, marks or no marks is secondary. The focus is to become better and the evaluation criterion should be in the same direction. To make a mark the criterion at initial and final stages are diluted and then Governments spends crores on improving the research. this is the cycle to loot the taxpayers money.

Education : the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university

Evaluation : the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.

Why in education evaluation necessary? This is a serious question that needs answers.

Friday, 22 November 2013

"You Scratch My Back, I Shall Scratch Yours"

"You Scratch My Back, I Shall Scratch Yours"

The above statement is very obvious in the jungle, but when used in the day to day activities of humans it makes a lot of sense. The first time I heard the usage of this phrase in the human actions made a lot of sense. In a simpler way, it can be said "You praise me and I shall praise you", which is a barter system.  All looks fine on the surface, but like every other ordinary thing, this barter system could also be manipulated to get certain malicious results. The usage and the context is based on the user who wants to enter the barter system.

When talking in a group in general among friends, relatives, the words like thank-you, please, sorry, etc.. are not supposed to find any place. The average human has become more superficially sensitive in his talks than in his deeds. A person would tell please but not donate Rs.2 for a hungry person, because there is a beggar mafia. So much for the logic of the intelligent peoples and lost niceties. Even the niceties are reserved to the people perceived to be from the same or upper groups. the people from the lower strata are not even considered as humans.

The recent of killings of a maid by educated doctor family and many others tell us the psyche of minuscule amount of people among us. These minuscule group of people will tend to create more influence on the majority unless the majority want to change. In a fast paced world, where there is no care or love in the real sense, the hypocritical respect and love towards fellow beings many people are becoming more and more self centered. Everyone want to be the center of attraction and want to tell tales to others. The more exciting the story the more force to stay in the center.

With the constant forces trying to create imbalance, those who are at the center of a group will do everything possible to maintain the status quo, but those nearing the center are also trying even harder to get to the center. this race to the center of the social circles is creating a great churning and is making people to get identify themselves with objects more than the depth of character. A person with a lot of money can buy himself a lot of gadgets, even friends. But to to stay in the center niceties should be forced upon people.

Whether we like being scratched or not people will scratch you and expect to be scratched. The itch which needs scratching is superficial and hence the scratch will remove the fake cover of niceness over a period of time if no real meaning is found out.

In the end, we can say "You scratch my back you get Rashes" to protect ourselves.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The Doctor and the Blind Nehru Dynasty

The Gandhis who have become Prime Ministers/power centers in the Indian politics are descendants of Nehru and the surname has stuck because of Feroze Gandhi who married Indira Priyadarshani. The family’s future hopeful always remembers his Great Grand Father, Grand Mother, Father and Mother, but never is there a mention of the Grand Father. But the surname is used at all occasions to gain some kind of political mileage, but source of the surname is forgotten.

A family like a tree dies if its roots are not taken care of.  Destroy the roots, the plant is more likely to die except in some special cases, but generally this is the case. The people who have worked for Congress the original INC are supposed to be property of the Congress(Indira) and there is a ongoing fight now over the legacy of Sardar Patel. The Congress is behaving like that Congress is not part of India and those belonging to Congress donot belong to India and nobody can claim any legacy over.

Earlier Vivekananda has become rallying point for Modi for spreading awareness of the ideals of the great man. Now that Modi is using the name of Sardar to beat the Congress. Congress is the best agent to use the names and deeds of the others to take goodwill and claim credit. The media repeats over and over again that the Congress of this day is the same as the one that brought us Independence, which is very far from the truth. The alleged Father of Nation has spoke one good thing which the congress failed to implement and that is to disband the Congress. The Nehru dynasty have already had made some grand schemes for the future of this nation.

Nehru dynasty has done more harm than the British could possibly do during their occupancy. The slave elites of this nation have created a middle level people who are in turn slaves of a foreign idea of this country. But nationalist organizations like RSS are termed communal, but terrorist organizations are not given the due shame they deserve. The terrorists are decorated with names like Bihar ki beti, Fiyadeen, Naxals, Maoists,Indian Muzahideeen, etc. The many organizations religious and non-religious have been doing anti national activities, but there is no actions.

All the crimes are classified according religion and the media discourse which influences many opinions is highly biased. Only a handful or opinion generators are biased towards the truth and many are bluff masters biased against half truths. The crimes of one group are called communal violence while belonging to other groups is called as clashes and a pornographic industry works showing the grief of the victimized people. The media shows have become more like a pornographic content. The theme is the same, but the actors keep changing to make believe the content is new.

While the media continues to work its way to worship the feet of the Nehru dynasty ignoring the ground reality, the Supreme Court should take some kind of proactive action to curtail the media madness. The real citizens are taking note of the truth because of the presence of alternative information sources, but the spread of this alternate information highway is not spread enough. The Nehru Dynasty appointee believes “Muslims have the first right over the Indian resources” and Dynasty believes “Gandhi surname gives a privilege over the nation to destroy it the way Gandhi’s deem fit.”

As always there is a opposition even the best of ideals, the opposition to the Nehru dynasty allegedly called the Gandhis is increasing by the day. But the hereditary disease the Nehru dynasty suffers is from blindness as was evident from 1962 till date. The doctor has arrived who could cure the Nehrus’ the alleged Gandhis and the theatre is a not yet ready. The preparations of the major surgery are underway and this time the Nehrus’ are surely to get a permanent cure to their blindness.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The truth is One, but different Sages call it by Different Names

Recently while watching a TV program by Dr.Zakir Naik, I was amazed at his knowledge of differentiating the religions and more specifically the people. In classical mathematics, when very small component of a larger system is to be studied then we take differential elements and study them and finally integrate the differential element properties to obtain the system properties. But the differentiation by Zakir Naik is good but he leaves the solution there itself and never goes on to integrate the differentials.

Whether a person follows Islam, Hinduism(Vedic religions), Christianity, etc the ultimate aim is to gain inner peace and happiness without causing much damage or trouble to the world outside. Every religion has good things in them as a pre-requisite else it would be a barbaric/nomadic system of life. The evils in any religion or system of life is required to appreciate the good things and evil and good are relative and for the absolute persons(God), there can be no difference between the two.

The so called people holding the moral compasses for others have devised some as good while the rest are deemed to be bad, and depending on which compass you wish to follow you are either a Hindu, Muslim or Christian, etc. With the hollowness of the current materialistic nature of life, lead to the rise of a number of godmen/women. Some may be genuine while a many are just making money. This is the pattern across all the systems(religions). If anyone say that there is no bad in a particular religion/system then he is the biggest fool.

A average human being who has some idea of who/what God is, should have received some amount of information. The information can be received by any of the five sources but should be processed by one mind and we believe it is the soul which is in the driving seat uses the mind to process it. The soul being the purest form of energy  requires some tools to process the sensory information, and if the mind has some blocks/imperfections then the soul cannot process it. No matter how good a hunter is, he cannot catch his prey without the proper tools or no matter how good a driver is, if the car is in bad condition the ride will never great. The driver and the driven together deliver the performance.

In a human being, the soul is always perfect and depending on the amount of perfection of the mind the output is determined. The person may be a genius, fool, rapist, authoritative, sensitive, etc. The information received from any of the five sense organs will never convey the same message but only parts of the whole message. The mind being imperfect cannot receive the perfect information about anything outside but with a lot of effort can gain perfect knowledge of the soul within and the state is called enlightenment. Few sages have reached this stage and some have gone far ahead and reached samadhi.

What the soul sends out the signals, the mind corrupts, the organs destroy while transmitting and while receiving there is some distortion. Every sense organ can distinguish the information into more basic modes. The most easiest to understand is the light, which can be broken into primary colours. Similarly other sensory information is being broken into primary state(if possible), then if the information that is generated into the multi dimension. The transmitters and receptors should all be capable to process this multi dimension information, else there will be compatibility issues. We may require system patches to solve this issue and this is where the god-men have come to play. 

The god-men may not be doing a perfect job, but the people in general have found some peace and hence there is a following. The god-men may also be getting followers for illegal things also, but as we have by now understood, good cannot exist without the bad. Whether we call that unknown entity/God as Ram, Allah, Jesus or describe him in our own imperfect way, the goal of life is to achieve the perfect inner peace first and then go on to influence others towards the perfect ways. Many instances have been noticed in the history and current scenario in the world, where the first part is not achieved, but the second part is done with the use of sword.

The sword will never be able to bend the soul, because the mind which holds the soul may not be able to move towards the truth. The soul will shed the mind and the body and takes a newer body/mind and the process continues for eternity. Never a human or animal likes when it is beaten unless there is a problem in the mind. Thus the law of karma tells that keep doing a good work without harming others and not expecting anything in return. The current position you are in now are only due to the past deeds and if you keep doing your work, then you will again come to the similar position in life. If we want to enjoy better things, then we should be something better now than we are currently doing, like thinking of god is a good thing or some similar things which keep the mind steady and at peace.

Since now two souls can receive the same information at the same time, because of the limitation of the dimensions of sensory information, dimensions of space, dimension of time. If two souls receive the same information and relay the same information, then the should be zero dimensional entity or a infinite dimensional entity. Zero and Infinite are actually two portions split by a thin invisible boundary like a crack on a glass. The crack(numbers) exist because of the presence of zero and infinite. Hence there can be two absolute states and one relative state. The Trinity - Brahma(Infinite), Vishnu(intermediate), Shiva(zero). What ever may be the intermediate number, it is based on the extremes. 

In a multidimensional information system, the zero dimensional soul should receive and process the information with perfection. The truth(God) is again a  super soul who has zero dimensions. Thus it leads to a concept of intermediate zero and extreme zero. This is where the system fails as we can call singularity. In practice there is no singularity, because our Vedas tell that there is a soul in every entity and the different things we perceive is due to the limitation of the mind the soul is trapped in. The soul needs to be at either zero or infinite which are the same state, but is occasionally trapped in the intermediate states and thus we have the cosmos and the life forms.

Soul being present in everything and being trapped by the mind, cannot see the truth but only as being perceived by the tools it has and always in a process to get out of this trap. Based on the imperfection in the mind, we can worship a stone, a tree, a abstract object, light or anything because there is a soul in it and we are focussing our energies towards the external presumed perfections. Some have achieved by internal focus and the result is always the same and depends on the efforts and the Karma principle.

Thus "The truth is one, different Sages call it by Different Names"

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Beyond 60’s

If anyone says “Everything that is born will die”, he is definitely is a fool. One among many philosophies of Hinduism tells clearly that nothing will ever be born and will die. They undergo transition, and it is the imperfect eyes that we possess and the imperfect knowledge that we see the transitions as birth and death. The matter existed from the beginning and which is not explainable and hence denoted as “¥”. To create a balance we also have “-¥” and when the two come together there is again “±¥”. Thus there is no definition or explanation for neither nor the end, but only in the middle we are trying to find some sense and creating a purpose for our transitions.

Philosophies of Hinduism and others apart, one thing is universal, that time moves forward and except for “¥” it is not possible to move backward in time. Unless we are become over smart and change our calendars and use an older calendar and fool ourselves. In a sane world, it is still a mystery for one to travel back in time. There are many paradoxes to be understood and much more technological advancements are required. We can never say that it is not possible for the humans to do time travel, but definitely with the pace of computing advancements and virtual world settings that are being created, we will one day have “The Matrix” like virtual world and the world would be local from being global and everyone is connected.

60 is the supposed to be the age for a person to retire and take break from his regular job and other works and go after his dreams. The theory is a big fault because at 60 the persons would neither the inclination or the energy as the same person would have at 25years. Initially many are forced to follow the standard path, and when most of our energies are exhausted we are let off the mill and then we are supposed to go after our dream. This will definitely suit the career minded and money minting personalities who want to create a place for themselves in this small global world which is becoming flatter by the day. The time to go after the dreams is now and not after we become 60 and what with all the lifestyle diseases, no one can be sure of the time a person has after the alleged birth.

With an age of 60 in the records, a person is supposed to be wiser and saner, but also a little wrinkly unless he has undergone some nips and tucks. The cosmetic surgery is here to stay in a big way and it is make everyone to feel better after you felt worse. Good for the growth and development of the nation and for employment opportunities for the sculptors and artists. How long a person can be youthful is a big question? In a country like India, when a 42year old is projected as the Youth icon and many opinion polls indicate a 62year old as the preferred icon, the definition of Youth Icon become bizarre. If the definitions of the Youth Icon are set aside, we could come to a conclusion that those around 25 are considered youth and India is a very youthful country and will become an old age home of the world.

But when we talk about 40’s and 60’s as youth icon, one being definitely feels upset for not being appreciated for maintaining its youthfulness through very tough times and with little cosmetic works.  We are talking about our own Rupee, which till recently aged at a rate unexpected even by its parents and guardians. The doctors have no answers and since everything that age has to undergo a transition by changing its material body so does the Indian rupee. Beyond 60’s the probability of survival reduces and with experts believing that rupee enters 70’s we should host a party in the honor rupee and the chief guest should be the poor men on the roads who are supported by the Government through the old rupee.

Beyond 70’s even the poor man on the roads need not worry, because the government has already given him food, work and nothing to do. The person will follow the rupee and age at a rate it will be impossible to regain the youth, i.e., the ability to work and fight back the aging by being fit and performing exercises necessary to prolong the life. The science of yoga says that those who does yoga thoroughly could extend their lives for a very long times and INDIAN RUPEEE need to taught the science of longitiviety. 


Monday, 24 June 2013

Communal Souls and Secular Pilgrimages

The recent floods at Uttarakand caused due to cloud burst have resulted in huge loss of property and lives of both humans and animals. It would take quite a time for the restoration and the epicenter of the devastation and the prime piligrim spot, Kedarnath temple is expected to be closed for one year for restoration works.  Some allege that the restoration of the temple may take even more but no one is talking about the quick restoration of the temple faster and to bring the pilgrims back to the state and revive the economy faster.

The prime focus at the moment lies in the evacuating the stranded peoples and bring them to safe locations. As usual the media has lost the track for the first few days and entered the scene pretty late. The harvesting the tragedy though has started late, the media has made a quick come back and has poked its cameras, mikes into the faces of the grieving people who have been rescued. The media is allegedly is said to have entered the temple sanctum sanctorum with shoes hurting the sentiments of the communal souls of this country. Though the weather predictions mentioned about heavy rainfall, the cloud burst was unexpected, but the government was a bit lazy in not managing the affairs of the pilgrims and in a way helped in reducing the count of the communal in this country.

The kind of deaths that take place at the pilgrim centres of the communal souls of India will definitely bring a point to the minds – Whether the government is desperately trying to maintain a neutral stand? The facilities provided for the secular pilgrimages to the Haj and the ministers who are handling the affairs work with perfection, while those overseeing the communal pilgrimages donot conduct their works to any levels of perfection. Thus year after year there are deaths during the communal pilgrimages.

The deaths that occurred at the railway station during the kumbh mela, the deaths occurring at the Sabiramala, the accidents that occur at the Amarnath pilgrimage etc are all instances of the government maintaining its secular neutrality. But the neutral government has missed the point that even after all the secular disasters that are not avoided, the communal that come year after year is only increasing and thus is a slap on the face of the secular neutralism of the government.

To add to the happiness of the communal, the government taxes the communal pilgrimages to generate more revenue to conduct more secular pilgrimages. The government has every right to spend the money of the public in the way it thinks is correct as it is the representative of the majority of the people (30% of voters at max). The government can also subsidize pilgrimages of a certain group of people all in the name of secularism while members of the group ask the government to stop such practices.

The government should take over all the communal temples of this country and the money should be spent on building more roads, schools for improving the secular credentials of the citizens and in the end hope that there is more friendliness between the different communities. The present religious neutrality of the Congress government is really hurting the sentiments of each and every group of citizens.  While it is hurting the religious sentiments of the communal souls by not doing anything, it is damaging the meaning of Haj of Secular Pilgrimages.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Modi – The Crook

Modi, here refers to Narendra Modi, but I take liberty of treating and calling him The Crook. The crookedness is necessary in today’s political scenario, because a honest and straight forward approach is less appreciated by the public at large. The public wants dhamaka as the tolerance levels are continuously increased by the media by constant bombardment with news that breaks the peace of mind. This news is more popularly called Breaking News or Flash news and many of the instances it would be nothing more than municipal garbage.

Now the question arises why Modi, the superman of BJP, recently anointed as the Chief of Campaign Committee for the BJP has become The Crook. There are long chain events that would prove this point but here some recent events would be used. Here the word Crook is used with the meaning “a dishonest person - thief.” This may cause a huge surprise and anger to the fans, bulbs and other implements of Modi but the truth has to be told otherwise it will cause a great injustice. Modi is referred to as a honest, incorruptible and able administrator, but the facts are carefully hidden by his alleged PR agency. In the below paragraphs it will be proven that Modi is a thief,  bully, addict.

Modi has stolen a few leaders from the bankrupt people of this country, yet his followers call him honest person. Modi has stolen from the vaults of Congress two forgotten antique pieces, dusted them and retold the stories and made a profit out of them. One of them is Sardar Vallabhai Patel and the other is Sri Lal Bahadur Sashtri. The two great leaders from the freedom movement era pushed to the sidelines by the Gandhi Dynasty but existed on the fringes of the popular discussion. These two great men were happily forgotten except for the birthdays and death days. Modi has talked about their works and thus made these two men national figures unlike other ministers of Congress who are just Congress Ministers. The bankrupt people are the Congress workers and worshippers of the Gandhi dynasty who are morally bankrupt and lost an opportunity to use the works of these two leaders, but never did. Modi, the Crook thus stole from the bankrupt Congress two great leader’s works.

Modi is an out and out bully. Youth, aged and widows are getting scared and are not coming out in the public and even stopped talking in public. The fear of bullying has had so much effect that these people have to read from scripts given to them and have lost their individual thinking capacity. The youth here is Rahul, aged is MMS and Widow is Sonia. Apart from these three others are also affected by Modi’s bullying. The family members have gone mentally insane and the prominent ones are Diggy, Singhvi, Manish, Renuka the spokespersons of the family. The psychologists tell that bullying has a long term effect on the younger generation and since the older generation are also bullied it is clear the maturity levels are less and the youth needs to be cared under good environment. A disciplined environment is the need of the hour for the well being of the youth. To protect from Modi, the Crook the youth Rahul needs to be sent to RSS shakas for mental and physical training and imparting patriotism, because army would be too much to handle for this youth.

Modi is also a destructor of families in a sense that his arrival to Delhi could destroy the sensitive ecosystem that surrounds the parliament and its functionaries. This Modi has no sense of anything but work and is seems to be addicted to development agenda. A person who sleeps for less than 6hours and works so much for something as trivial as development definitely is not an extraordinary person. But just another addict who needs his daily dosage of the substance called development. In the political few people could match his addiction levels and surprisingly all have the same connection with a virus called BJP in them. Luckily BJP contains a trait called Bharatiya which keeps their foot on the ground and still have a connection with grassroots. The addiction levels seems to be very high and the man is in denial of the addiction and his acts have become unacceptable to the MSM but his social(media) activities are abnormal and many people have kept a watch on him.

A thief, bully and addict in one person could be dangerous for India which was equated to Indira by some jokers, but definitely good for Bharat Mata. Modi, The Crook is more suited to make this country a better place with all its current faults and inconsistencies.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Vulnerable Genius

Few weeks back the UPA government at the center was put on the mat and was ground by the opposition. The media too had to involve since there is no option left because of the involvement of two big ministers of the Congress led UPA government. One was a Law minister who corrected the English in the CBI report pertaining to the Coal Mining Scam in which MMS cleared the mines as per the instructions by his masters. The other one is the Railway minister, whose nephew was caught taking a paltry 90Lakh bribe for facilitating a big post in the Railways. Both cases are to be proven in the courts and the ministers are innocent till proven guilty.

The two ministers were forced to resign after a weeklong drama which would belittle the queen of soap operas. Initially the Congress Agency defended that there was no wrong act committed, but due to the relentless pressure and some decisions to sacrifice the goats to appease the goddess and Mistress walked down to the house of slave and ensured the removal of the two ministers, and Mistress was given all the credit for being against corruption. In the mystic land of India the ways of Queen would not be understood even by the Gods.

MMS wanted the two ministers, at least the law minister to continue so as to shield himself from the taint of corruption, but Queen wanted the diamonds of her crown shine more and ensured that MMS became dull. The queen has the shield of MMS to protect her diamonds and MMS seems to have sold himself in a bizarre deal with the dealmaker, The Queen of India.  The media portrays the Mistress-Slave relationship as a relationship with mutual trust and respect and the whole of the world is laughing. In times of distress, Indian Congress is able to give some joy to the world, and we all should be proud of it.

To decipher the exact chain of events that lead to the capture of India by the several foreign invasions, we have to travel back in time. Even Einstein could do it on paper and till date there is no practical realization in the real world. But the study can be conducted about the similar circumstances that exist today. The slavery of the huge Congress organization to one woman is the nearest equivalent to the capture of India by the ideologically bankrupt foreign invasions, who believed in loot, massacre and destruction of the native cultures.

The so called intellectually brilliant MMS has taken so much abuse indicates the rot in the intellectuals thinking or the definition itself. All the so called eminent people who are part of think tank and policy making have sold themselves for the queen for a pittance. To decode the fall of the Indian empires of the old, study of THE GENIUS QUEEN would help in a great way to protect the nation from the attack of intellectually bankrupt empires. THE GENIUS of the queen starts and ends with herself and it doesn’t get transferred to her foolish son, and it is this foolishness that makes the genius queen vulnerable to the local mafias.

Monday, 20 May 2013

What the media is dong can be called Treason

Congress Party headed by The Sonia Gandhi, has been witness to a huge number of corruption scandals. BJP leaders claimed during the recently concluded election campaign in Karnataka that the value of corruption at 5.56lakh crores. The Karnataka voter did not mind the value of corruption done by the UPA government and has given a clear mandate to Congress in the state. The Congress leaders with much joy, have invented another Gandhi in the process of celebrations, Manmohan Gandhiji. I believe that the Governor of Karnataka after hearing the election results, would have walked to the party headquarters and asked the leaders of the party to form the government, and where he would have encountered an empty office. All the people were busy in lobbying for the minister posts in Delhi and Governor would have told Sonia Gandhi to decide the matters quickly. Whether Governor acted in the imagined manner is not clear, but Governor was more than happy in participating in the oath taking ceremony of the Congress ministers. This can be confirmed by his glowing face and never ending smiles during the ceremony.

The Victories of Congress party under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi, be it in Uttarakhand, Karnataka makes everyone believe that corruption is not a issue which the electorate worry much about. The justification given by the knowledgeable people of the press is that all the parties are corrupt and if Congress is removed, then the party coming to power will also indulge in corruption. There are those who also tell about the presence of a certain group of people who irrespective of which party exists in power will manipulate the policy decisions of the government. This group of people is the media moguls, who blackmail those in power or do some give and take business. The bartering system existed in ancient India, but it has been replaced by the use of money and everything has a fixed price in the current systems. All the business is done in common currency, and there are many agencies that monitor the money flows.

In such a regulated system, there are loopholes and Congress has to keep the media moguls happy. Thus the information and broadcasting minister has come with a plan to disburse huge amounts of money, around Rs.1800crore; for the promotion of the works and policies of the government, thus born out of desperate need to feed the media is the “Bharat Nirman” ads. The government of India worries more about the malnutrition of the journalists more than those of the rural poor.  The media houses coming to know about the welfare schemes of the government are more than happy to work for the hand that feeds it. The so called news papers will now carry more ads at the tax payer cost than the news of the bad deeds of the government.

The Congress party is happier after winning the Karnataka elections and seems to be less worried about the corruption scandals in the neighbouring state called Andhra Pradesh. The media is silent about the entire scam, and the unlucky Yeddy was hounded by media and Justice Hegde was made a omnipotent truth speaking angel. The Congress government is happily doing its good works of filling the party coffers and looting the citizens and the national media is busy talking about the IPL fixing scam. Media people went ahead and were screaming as if nuclear explosion has taken place in India and the country is facing the most and biggest problems. A billion people are in danger. When media goes overboard, it is either to protect congress or to outdo other media houses. When the media houses do the later, the Congress is in trouble for allocating more resources to the many media houses.

No wonder the increase in malnutrition of media houses is due to higher number of people and any amount of help by the government will be less because the per capita consumption will be less due to the huge population.  When the population of India was growing at a high rate, the government implemented and advertised about family planning and the benefits of a lower population and the ease of governance. The people have understood and supported the government but few communities have not done so owing to their religious and other affiliations. This is a different problem and leaving this matter aside, the time has to come for the GOI to talk about the media planning operations Knowing well that Cocaine is a addictive substance, there are curbs on its usage by the common public but not for the rich and powerful.

Like cocaine, media can be addictive. People get addicted to certain serials; news (filth that is given out 24x7) can cause changes in the thinking patterns and also lead to change in behaviour patterns. With no regulations in place, and Sri Kaju is busy doing the pardoning business, there are no controls. The media has become a cancer destroying entire nation. There is no comprehensive study about the way the media has affected the behavioural patterns of the society because government has no control. The government exists because we are told so by the media and not otherwise. Swine flu is made to buy by GOI because media created a scare among the minds of people and if GOI did not act, it will be portrayed as GOI being insensitive to the needs of the people.

Without doubt, it can be concluded that “What the media is doing can be called Treason.”

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Voter

If the recent state elections are to anything to go by, except for Uttarkhand, all other elections have yielded in a clear decision by the voters. Those who won the elections have got a clear majority to form a government be it West Bengal, Tripura, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh or the just concluded Karnataka elections. The only thing clear is that many people’s opinion in local areas is in sync. The factors of caste even though cannot be ruled out in electoral results, the significance is reducing to a large extent. Of all the caste calculations that are made by all political parties, the minority communities are believed to be ardent supporters of Congress party, but with the emergence of Islamic parties into the electoral politics, the Muslim vote bank is distributed among several parties.

But with the religious institutions directly involving and giving instructions to its followers as whom to vote to gain strength post elections, the country is going away from secularism. Though several parties try to become more and more secular, in reality they are not. Neither the voter cares not the political parties, but the only exception is the election commission, which puts a bar on the Hindu leaders from participating in temple festivals during the implementation of the model of code of conduct, but not for other religions and castes. The present Election Commission has become more caste and party blind than the previous and no commissioner nor the executives dare to search the Gandhi family members.

During every election time, the money from the political party reaches the voter in new and innovative ways and the creativity has to be appreciated. But the danger is that these creative politicians with their group of followers eat more money during their tenure as MLAs and MPs which the Voter in general doesn’t care as he has already got his share of loot. This is called prepaid loot policy and the businessmen get the postpaid loot. The MLAs expenses are borne by the business houses that get the benefits after the candidate wins. Here too the voter doesn’t care.

With all the information at the disposal of the voter be it corruption, criminal activities etc, there is no worry as to who to select.  In this scenario who the voter selects as their candidate is a mystery many parties can only speculate about. The political parties have to play different acts to get the voter confidence and make them to vote, but not many are able to succeed. The corrupt, the criminals are going to the assemblies and then when they loot the people cry about the rampant corruption.

While all this is happening, one trend of the majority opinion is getting tilted by the use of media either print or paper. The governance is taking a back seat. There is a growing clamor for Modi for becoming PM because of developmental politics. On a closer look Modi has managed the media well and many people outside his state and within are happy the way he as managed the state and there is a feel good factor, whenever he says 6crore Gujaratis. When this feel food factor is mixed with some results there can be an overwhelming victory.

The biggest grouse of opposition leaders is that Modi development is all nothing but a hoax and etc, but there is no proof of it. Even though the proof exists it is not able to destroy the feel good factor. The TMC winning in West Bengal which was a Communist strong hold for 30years is the mistake and mismanagement of the ruling party. The feel good factor that was maintained by the communist government was shattered by one incident and TMC destroyed the perception and with the help of Congress came to power. The destroyed perception has to be replaced again with a feel good factor, which the current TMC is failing miserably.

The UP elections have given a mandate to SP because of the failure of the feel good factor for the simple reason that certain communities did not benefit. The SP promised some other community favors and came to power and now are again finding it difficult to manage the politics which are highly embedded in castes. The people can die of hunger, but if they feel comfortable under the government and are made to believe governments will survive. Even a good government can be bought down if people feel bad about it. A negative feeling is what it takes to dethrone a government. More than anything in UP, it is the bad feeling of certain communities is the reason for the failure of BSP government to lose power.

There was a popular perception that in 2004 the feel good factor (FGF) was with BJP, but the masses lost the hope in BJP because of the failed promise of building a Ram Temple. The BJP rose to power on creating a FGF of building the Ram Temple and when it failed to achieve this in its tenure FGF was lost even though it provided a good governance. The only alternative left was Congress which did not gain a great majority, but with other parties helped it make the majority. In 2009 with the good results of NDA government the economy was booming and the FGF was with Congress and it came to power.

FGF can alone be attributed for the decision of the majority of the people over large areas for winning or losing of a candidate. The caste equations play a little role because all party’s can field people belonging to different castes which would nullify the effect. The people should find themselves to an ideology for a certain point to focus their energies and vote for a particular candidate first and to a party at large. This is happening as the ideology is gaining more prominence. In the recent concluded Karnataka elections, BJP especially Modi tried to rake the emotional feeling of Hindus by raising the cancellation of anti-cow slaughter bill if congress comes to power and asked people for votes to BJP. This would succeed more with a rural population, but with urban population with many Hindus themselves eating cow meat this would not be a FGF. Modi’s charm may have pulled the crowd to the election meetings, but the bad feeling in the people’s mind created by the press couldn’t removed by single election meeting.

For the LokSabha elections with may happen anytime between August 2013 and May 2014 the corruption, national security can be that single factor that can be used. The connect with the people has to be more aggressive as the whole press is against the government in the Delhi and are forced to show the corruption issues to a certain extent. The government on the other hand is trying to pass some dubious bills to generate FGF among the many poor of this country and the opposition parties have to try and stop these bills from passing by the corrupt government. When it comes to governance Modi can create FGF among the many people across the castes. Even though many Muslims hate him for being an allegedly minority destructor, the common citizens tend to forget the truth that Congress is the real minority destructor. When the sample size increases and the winners the local effects will reduce and the bigger reasons alone will drive the results.

The voter who doesn’t sit on the internet can also connect with Modi because of his developmental politics and expects him to deliver the results. Even though Modi campaigned in Karnataka, BJP wouldn’t come to power because there will not be Modi to deliver the results but the media created BJP which is corrupt to the core. In the national elections, when Modi asks for vote, many would know that if BJP wins then Modi alone would be there deliver results and they would all benefit from good governance and thus many urban votes will tilt towards BJP. In a election a victory to opposition is mainly ensured by the failure of the current ruling party to create FGF and also the display of better alternative than the ruling party. The opposition party with no effort but only on the failure of ruling party can never come to power and in case this happens it is because of the failure of the ruling party.

The FGF is more important than everything else and people at large should be able to connect with the party and the leader should be able to connect with the masses. Modi suits the bill and others in the party are crying over this issue and they can destroy the FGF around Modi by projecting Advani as PM, back tracking from the comments made, falling into the trap of Nitish, etc. If a person with some FGF with him cannot to power then Rajiv would never have, PVN Rao would never become PM and history has many instances of such instances. BJP has to throw out the people who have built BJP and now expecting some benefits like Advani and make party bigger than self. A party exists to help the people who have voted then those who founded it. A deputy PM post enjoyed by Advani is no less and even today many respect Advani for building BJP, but his expectation from people for making him PM too much to ask for.

There is neither FGF around Advani nor he could connect with the masses like he used to in the good olden days of Ram temple movement. Advani is being played with by many people around him from Anant Kumar, Sushma Swaraj, Yashwant Sinha etc for their own petty means, but for the greater good of the party and also to clear the air Advani should honorable declare that he is not for PM race at any cost. This sacrifice by Advani will become bigger than the enacted drama by Sonia during the 2004 and Advani will gain more respect than he would if he becomes PM. Many voters and the party cadres want to see Modi as their leader and not Advani, if BJP will not at least give into the FGF of its cadre what would it give to the citizens of this country. The voter wants to see a leader in BJP, unlike in congress everyone known irrespective of the CM it is Sonia Gandhi who decides what to happen for which group. Hence for the voter the CM/PM candidates of Congress doesn’t matter, but the BJP they would definitely would like to know as it is the only democratic Party in a democratic country.

The voter has become wiser with more dreams and ambitions. Fooling is not a solution anymore

Politics, Media, Interactions

Elections in India are a period of celebrations for the media, because of various opportunities for making a lot of money. The options available are favourable media coverage, unfavourable media coverage by taking money from anyone. All that the media wants is money to continue to run its business and ethics take a back seat. The ethics of media have gone down the gutter and the recent events pertaining to Sharada Chit Fund Scam is a clear indication of this continuing trend. Media has become a business and a very tough area to be in and thus to make money it is becoming more and more difficult.

The news media or better be called as news entertainment business is more of making breaking news and changing the opinions of the people. This one thing the media has been able to achieve to perfection. Tilting the opinions of the people- be it educated or the illiterate people is the current job of the media and everyone has become salves of the media moguls for knowing the truth. The penetration of TV into the rural households is a wonder to be attributed to the Congress because of its policies that people prefer to spend a few thousands to have a TV than to have a toilet.

The profits of media are nowhere to be seen due to the work ethics and also the competition, thus there is dependence on foreign money or widely known as black money from various sources, known and unknown. Media houses which are in losses for a extended period of times are being funded by big business houses and its purposes will be definitely dubious and for tilting the opinions of either politicians or the common man. Even politicians are no exception when it comes to media, they are slaves. Thus to escape the power of media, a few politicians have started their own private channels to do the propaganda.

When politicians have entered the news business, the business already in the job are also too happy and thus media people have become power brokers between various factions like the radiagate scandal, etc.  Many of the journalists or news reporters have become fallen angels due to the wrong ethics followed to get the breaking news and be king makers in a highly competitive world. When money, power and fame are the needs ethics is first to get the boot from the system of conscience and jealousy, greed take its place. It is a natural tendency for common persons.

The most disturbing fact is the opinions of the people that keep changing within minutes. The opinion changes with times but when it changes from one extreme to another there should be some extraneous effort from some corner or he reason for the change if not known to the observers, then the faith is lost. In India where words spoken are highly respected more than anything else, the words uttered by those in power are remembered by the people, and when not recorded, it is manipulated. Even spoken words of Atalji are manipulated by the media, when it comes to Rajdharma to suit the needs of a particular group.

With the availability of video records, people like Advani have taken back their comments of calling Congress a illegitimate government. The words of Advani are truth but the old man has taken because he could not face the wrath of Sonia. But when Chidambaram invents the word Saffron terrorists, there is no wrath of BJP and when foot-in-mouth Shinde calls RSS a terrorist organization, he back tracks but there is no regret. BJP has made a fool of itself a number of times. The recent one being the hugs of Sushma and Sonia as reported in the media when a few days back Sushma told that Sonia is running the most corrupt government.

There were some cartoons telling that CBI sleeps with the Cons, but I doubht whether Lotus is spread on the bed for the fun of CBI and Congress. There is no reason for the BJP to go soft on the government as corrupt as the present UPA, but the way it is behaving like a strategy-less one when there are many PM candidates is very disheartening. The strategy if at all should be a clear-cut one and should be communicated to one and all. The CMs of the successful BJP states are crying foul against the FSB but Sushma tells BJP is ready to support it if Bansal and others are removed. What a bigger fool BJP can make itself.

Elections are always about strategy and Congress Sonia is an expert on strategy. May be she is brilliant or is guided by the foreign churches is a mystery. The brilliance of central Congress is no match for the Central BJP leadership where in everyone wants to be a PM, but no one knows how. But a person like Modi wants to aim for it, but there is no internal support. This can be hard-work by the BJP to stay away from power, but if everything go right even then BJP could snatch a electoral defeat from Congress because BJP still did not learn from its mistakes.

An aggressive tv campaign is also required and a straight rebuttal of the charges is the need of the hour. The impact of KJP is only increased by the faults of the BJP leadership due to the internal politics of Advani, the old man who doesnot want to retire and continues to hope to be a PM candidate only to keep BJP away from power. The central leadership which made Yeddy to quit should be sulking in their chairs for their poor handling of the media and buckling under the media pressure.  There is something to learn from the Congress Spokespersons who with a straight face reject all the scams and even dare to tell that NDA was more corrupt is the single biggest positive with the UPA.

The spokespersons of BJP fail when questioned about 2002 even though SIT has virtually given clean chit to Modi government. The spokespersons of BJP failed to counter the media when the question of Yeddy was repeatedly raised  but the same spokespersons of BJP failed to put the media in the dock for not confronting the media as why they never spoke and questioned the Shiela. The BJP people seem to to come to the media and become famous by destroying the party. The pathetic performance of BJP in the Karnataka elections is only due to the poor management by the spokespersons who couldn't counter the media with the right questions, because the media is bought by the Congress.

The social media even though is the stronghold of BJP cannot penetrate the extent of TV and other forms, and a recent report of 160 loksabha seats influenced by SM is again a hype to keep the people from distracted. BJP has failed miserable and this is no lie. Whether it failed in the eyes of the voters of in the eyes of those who moniter its works is the million dollar question. The GOI has given many awards to the Government of Karnataka for the civil services provided and schemes implemented, but the people of Karnataka have failed to recognize the achievement, because they are flooded by the attacks on minority community and Yeddy Scams.

The free run of the media in destroying the BJP works is a mystery and still continues to remain unsolved. Till the time the BJP spokespersons directly confront and take the names of the Congress Corrupt Ministers and put the media in the dock, the media is not going to leave the BJP from backtracking and will see to it that BJP yet again fails in the 2014 General elections. The perception management is more important, otherwise the faith of the people in the most corrupt government and the most communal party would be definitely the 8th wonder of the world. Recently Smrithi has done a fantastic job of challenging Rahul kanwal but can they do so to Arnab, Rajdeep, Bharka and their brothers and sisters.

Unless BJP fights with the truth and not hug the corrupt people from the Congress, it cannot be anyforce in General Elections, Even today many people want a UPA government in the future also, but if BJP wants to come to power, it has to take some hard decisions, because its win is only a gamble and it has to make a winning strategy and not a “defeat Congress strategy”.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Somebody Got to Cook

In Indian society it has been a defacto agreement, that women in the household should cook the food and also maintain the house while men would be bread winners of the house. Though there was little financial freedom given to women, even though there was little dissent, the taboo associated with divorce maintained the families together. But with modernization the women began more demanding as they have gained more financial dependence by the way of education of jobs, expect the men in the house to so the chores that were supposedly expected to be done by women. Many agreed to this new trend and few did not like, but in all there is evolution in the family.

The rise of feminist activism has led to bring the issue of gender equality into the mainstream media and politics. Very often we keep hearing atrocities committed by male humans on female humans, but never the reverse case or within the categories. Apart from rapes which are committed, there are many kinds of physical and mental tortures that are exchanged between men, women and among them. The case of domestic violence has slowly vanished from the popular media as it does not get the required TRP ratings not increase the circulation of news papers and have been favorably forgotten. The slow colonial style working Indian courts with their rules and regulations and evidence procedures have ensured that justices are never given in time.

The talk of gender equality if absurd while the talk should be broader like equal opportunities thought the population without any discrimination of caste, age, sex etc and should be based on skills. One equal opportunity commission can look into the works of minority commission, woman’s rights, child rights etc and all others. But the politicians was to divide the society with many different ways, and thus each broken part will have a leader who can be purchased with a small price and the manipulation of small groups is more easier then manipulating very large groups.

With honesty going in the gutters of the urban gutters and open areas in rural areas, the professionals are doing no good except a few exceptions. A doctor who knowingly does screens a child and tells its female and the educated parents kills the life while in its womb and again this blame is put on the male because of not giving financial independence to the females. People are not what they seem to be in life, and there is always a power exchange which is never spoken in the popular debates and many ore in the ignorance. The recent increased reporting of rapes is neither a new phenomenon nor increasing.

In a country as large as ours, with poor law enforcement agencies working, the fear of being punished makes the people to commit crimes more easily. Tougher laws never imply zero crimes, because from time to time we hear of beheading of people in the Saudi also. This makes is very difficult to start any discussion and to solve the problems. At the root of everything, the unit cell representing the nation, the family is to be dissected. The family is to be sampled and tested from a various environments like rich, poor, urban, rural, religious communities, states etc. A broad analysis is required, but the trigger happy media and the citizens who believe in instant corrections like in movie donot have the patience to do such analysis and we are happy treating and talking about the symptoms.

Whether the family as the basic unit is functioning as it is supposed? If this questioned is to be answered, a huge war of words will arise because men will put the responsibility on women and the feminists put the blame on men. The society has been degraded as to make certain works are less important than others. The superficial qualities of certain works and the status of certain groups of people are considered as the permanent positions are the society has been divided permanently and so has the family unit.

As we are becoming more and more modern, we forget to remember the term “Dignity of Labor”. Even the smallest worker in the organization if equally important for the smooth functioning of a setup as the CEO, but since everything is decided in numbers, the value created less and hence the work is less valued. So there will no takers for certain jobs. It is for this reasons that conversions of people with money is done to pickup slaves to do the lower kind of works for the rich. A steady supply of labour is required for the growth of any society with a chance for progressing for everyone. With everybody earning, the hierarchy is maintained with various rules.

The equality religions which have come into India has made some works superior to others while making others inferior and destroying the entire structure from within the house to the external society. If we think that cooking food is a inferior, taking of children and family in a inferior work, then people may shun to do such works and search for people who could do it. A person from lower social status would be able to do it for want of money or other benefits. Services done for the sake of money, the intent is different and those done for the sake of love it will be different quality.

The easiest way of monitoring of the functioning of the family is the food eaten. The more of the family is eating home cooked food than outside, the family is functioning in a better way, because one of the basic needs of humans is food and good food is what everyone wants. Now we are seeing many readymade foods entering the homes and the businesses are flourishing indicating a rot setting in the basic building blocks of our society. To stop the rot, “SOMEBODY GOT TO COOK” in the house.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Crimes and Analysis

Due to rapid urbanization, the requirement of land and other resources like metals has resulted in the reduction in forest cover on the face of our planet. The habitats of various animals, birds those living in land and also aquatic life forms have come under tremendous threat. We have seen some crocodiles entering human habitats in USA and other places, while we repeatedly hear about leopards taking away babies in Indian villages, sugarcane fields being damaged by elephants. We call this man animal conflict and usually in the end man wins the battle, because the animals are finding increasingly difficult to defend themselves against the barbarous mankind.

There is evidence of acts like adultery, rape, homosexuality etc in the animal world. Having the scientific community convince many of the modern citizens of this world, we believe that we have evolved from monkey and there will be bound the same acts that animals perform. Thus there can be a justification also provided by some social scientists, but hopefully not many exist and not much literature is available in this regard. The craving for a mate is one of the basic needs after the need food, water and shelter, and it is believed that sexual pleasure is very difficult to control, but not impossible.

We have been listening about rumors of love jihad, but no one has even ever given statistics about the same. Numbers are considered divine truths which can be easily understood, manipulated and used for propaganda for better or evil intentions. When terrorists are not getting successful in breaking down the society by using bomb blasts, whether is there a possibility of achieving the same through the gruesome act of raping women of all ages? Whether the rapes that are occurring in the recent times have any religious, social, political color to it? What are the criminal’s intentions for committing a rape is never analyzed by psychologists?

The various government departments are more concerned with the farmer suicides, and giving loan waivers and doing all sorts for patchworks and cosmetic treatments. Instead of solving the root causes, which is generally not done anywhere in the world, and India is no exception. The government should have done a rape criminal profiling – his place of origin, place of crime, purpose of change of living, economic situation, religion, caste, employment status, whether under the effect of alcohol or other substances, mental balance, addiction to porn, etc. The police and others never dwell on several of the data required.

Even in the most advanced and developed nations with high-tech policing rape cases have never on decline. With most cruel laws prevailing in the lands of Saudis, rapes are reported, and victim found at fault and there are other issues with the law of the land. No amount of punishment will deter the criminals because when the need to perform an act like a murder, rape, etc overpowers all other fears and only then it is possible to do it. The person has no sense of any social conduct or civility when he performs an act. Most of the times ordinary citizens are doing these acts and thus these crimes are very difficult to prevent. Every man/woman for himself is the norm today in our society.

What after the completion of the crime is more important to the victim because victim is at loss? Sometimes a lifetime is spent to cure the wounds of mind and body and the criminal is let off after 7-14 years and in rarest of rare cases which our dishonorable judges when decide will lead to death punishment. Many times the crimes are not recorded, reported and get buried in the courts which give very fast justice in our country. 3crore cases are pending and more will get accumulated, and lawyers and judges will see a good employment opportunities.

In our country where convicted terrorists are given sympathy, what do the wannanbe rapists care about? But individual rapes, we have witnessed gang rapes, now we have advanced ourselves to injuring the victims with object insertions. The eminent media and other personalities including the president asks the society for introspection. This is not the case usually, when a muslim/Hindu does a terrorist activity, the people are quick to jump that we cannot brand it Islamic or saffron terrorist. There will be sermons that the community should not be blamed for the acts of a few individuals and bad apples will be there in all groups, then why this distinction in the event of rape and the whole society is blamed for the act of a few persons.

The shit of collective responsibility is propagated from our government, and thus everyone is following the same. Thus when we say everyone is responsible, it clearly means no one is responsible and the people in charge can do little to avoid the problems. People being eternal optimists fall for the words and the eminent people lecture people into believing that something is wrong with the society and blame one community or the other group for the evils. The rights groups talk mainly for the criminals and less for the victims. The victim has to struggle to get justice while the criminals talk about harassment in the jails, demand newspapers, tv, ac, biscuits in the prison and the sates willingly provide.

The Legend Ajmal was given biryani in our jails, where there is severe mal nutrition in our country and the common man is made to live with Rs.26 in rural areas, then why criminals given more facilities is a million dollar question. The rehabilitation of the victim is never taken seriously because it will take years to prove the truth in our courts and by them the criminal becomes plump with good food in the jails, and victim becomes poor paying the lawyer fees. With such a good justice system and the honesty of judges in serious question, the citizens are left with only hope and god. Little do they know, that temples are actually hijacked by the governments for the surplus money in the coffers and bribes paid by the citizens to get their works done.

Politicians want the bribe money paid to god for themselves and their family members. Even the common citizens, including myself want to escape the rule of law to avoid police harassment. Some will pay the penalty while others just walk away because the victim is not powerful enough to put a good defense. The police is thus a highly misused department by the common people and also the politicians. Everyone wants favors from the police and when the police tried of giving favors donot work they are still blamed. The behavior of police which could have been better has deteriorated because there can be solid action taken on them, because their seniors are more dependent on the lower rung officers. It is a supply chain of opportunities, money, and fame. Thus none wants to act against the other, and when  action arises a reaction too arises even faster, and there will be transfers causing more trouble to the honest officers.

All of know about the officer called Khekma and there are many others like him who did not get into the limelight. Honest people still exist amongst us and blaming the society is a easy way to escape out for those who cannot provide good results in terms of safety. But a man putting objects into the body of a five year old is a new reason for outburst, what about the beheading of our soldiers, and also honor killings? When Capt.Kalia was given even more heinous treatment by our neighbors and his father is fighting in national and international courts there is no cry from the citizens and candle light brigades and other secular and non secular parties and even the citizens.

Our country was long a golden brid but now a bird of mud infested with all kinds of fungus, worms. The rotting of our country is due to invasions and corruption of the ideals due to various groups. The migration of people is another big factor for the increase in crimes in a country like ours. The reasons for crimes like rape in USA may not be valid in a country like India, but our liberals donot want to believe and won’t work to find the true reasons.  But good people exist in all societies, communities and thus our country exists even today, though at the brink of self destruction.

The hope of man is still not lost, else there would more crimes in our nation and the media should stop publicizing the crimes selectiviely at their convenience. A feeling of guilt sets in the minds of the ordinary citizens and a sense of fear creeps in. Has anyone ever done study to find out why after aamir khan’s show of Satyameva Jayathe the crime reporting on our national televisions increased?  Few could no the work of doing the analysis, including me, but we donot, because little we care for others.

Rape exists every where in many forms, but the more important question what differentiates Man from Animal.