Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Somebody Got to Cook

In Indian society it has been a defacto agreement, that women in the household should cook the food and also maintain the house while men would be bread winners of the house. Though there was little financial freedom given to women, even though there was little dissent, the taboo associated with divorce maintained the families together. But with modernization the women began more demanding as they have gained more financial dependence by the way of education of jobs, expect the men in the house to so the chores that were supposedly expected to be done by women. Many agreed to this new trend and few did not like, but in all there is evolution in the family.

The rise of feminist activism has led to bring the issue of gender equality into the mainstream media and politics. Very often we keep hearing atrocities committed by male humans on female humans, but never the reverse case or within the categories. Apart from rapes which are committed, there are many kinds of physical and mental tortures that are exchanged between men, women and among them. The case of domestic violence has slowly vanished from the popular media as it does not get the required TRP ratings not increase the circulation of news papers and have been favorably forgotten. The slow colonial style working Indian courts with their rules and regulations and evidence procedures have ensured that justices are never given in time.

The talk of gender equality if absurd while the talk should be broader like equal opportunities thought the population without any discrimination of caste, age, sex etc and should be based on skills. One equal opportunity commission can look into the works of minority commission, woman’s rights, child rights etc and all others. But the politicians was to divide the society with many different ways, and thus each broken part will have a leader who can be purchased with a small price and the manipulation of small groups is more easier then manipulating very large groups.

With honesty going in the gutters of the urban gutters and open areas in rural areas, the professionals are doing no good except a few exceptions. A doctor who knowingly does screens a child and tells its female and the educated parents kills the life while in its womb and again this blame is put on the male because of not giving financial independence to the females. People are not what they seem to be in life, and there is always a power exchange which is never spoken in the popular debates and many ore in the ignorance. The recent increased reporting of rapes is neither a new phenomenon nor increasing.

In a country as large as ours, with poor law enforcement agencies working, the fear of being punished makes the people to commit crimes more easily. Tougher laws never imply zero crimes, because from time to time we hear of beheading of people in the Saudi also. This makes is very difficult to start any discussion and to solve the problems. At the root of everything, the unit cell representing the nation, the family is to be dissected. The family is to be sampled and tested from a various environments like rich, poor, urban, rural, religious communities, states etc. A broad analysis is required, but the trigger happy media and the citizens who believe in instant corrections like in movie donot have the patience to do such analysis and we are happy treating and talking about the symptoms.

Whether the family as the basic unit is functioning as it is supposed? If this questioned is to be answered, a huge war of words will arise because men will put the responsibility on women and the feminists put the blame on men. The society has been degraded as to make certain works are less important than others. The superficial qualities of certain works and the status of certain groups of people are considered as the permanent positions are the society has been divided permanently and so has the family unit.

As we are becoming more and more modern, we forget to remember the term “Dignity of Labor”. Even the smallest worker in the organization if equally important for the smooth functioning of a setup as the CEO, but since everything is decided in numbers, the value created less and hence the work is less valued. So there will no takers for certain jobs. It is for this reasons that conversions of people with money is done to pickup slaves to do the lower kind of works for the rich. A steady supply of labour is required for the growth of any society with a chance for progressing for everyone. With everybody earning, the hierarchy is maintained with various rules.

The equality religions which have come into India has made some works superior to others while making others inferior and destroying the entire structure from within the house to the external society. If we think that cooking food is a inferior, taking of children and family in a inferior work, then people may shun to do such works and search for people who could do it. A person from lower social status would be able to do it for want of money or other benefits. Services done for the sake of money, the intent is different and those done for the sake of love it will be different quality.

The easiest way of monitoring of the functioning of the family is the food eaten. The more of the family is eating home cooked food than outside, the family is functioning in a better way, because one of the basic needs of humans is food and good food is what everyone wants. Now we are seeing many readymade foods entering the homes and the businesses are flourishing indicating a rot setting in the basic building blocks of our society. To stop the rot, “SOMEBODY GOT TO COOK” in the house.

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