"You Scratch My Back, I Shall Scratch Yours"
The above statement is very obvious in the jungle, but when used in the day to day activities of humans it makes a lot of sense. The first time I heard the usage of this phrase in the human actions made a lot of sense. In a simpler way, it can be said "You praise me and I shall praise you", which is a barter system. All looks fine on the surface, but like every other ordinary thing, this barter system could also be manipulated to get certain malicious results. The usage and the context is based on the user who wants to enter the barter system.
When talking in a group in general among friends, relatives, the words like thank-you, please, sorry, etc.. are not supposed to find any place. The average human has become more superficially sensitive in his talks than in his deeds. A person would tell please but not donate Rs.2 for a hungry person, because there is a beggar mafia. So much for the logic of the intelligent peoples and lost niceties. Even the niceties are reserved to the people perceived to be from the same or upper groups. the people from the lower strata are not even considered as humans.
The recent of killings of a maid by educated doctor family and many others tell us the psyche of minuscule amount of people among us. These minuscule group of people will tend to create more influence on the majority unless the majority want to change. In a fast paced world, where there is no care or love in the real sense, the hypocritical respect and love towards fellow beings many people are becoming more and more self centered. Everyone want to be the center of attraction and want to tell tales to others. The more exciting the story the more force to stay in the center.
With the constant forces trying to create imbalance, those who are at the center of a group will do everything possible to maintain the status quo, but those nearing the center are also trying even harder to get to the center. this race to the center of the social circles is creating a great churning and is making people to get identify themselves with objects more than the depth of character. A person with a lot of money can buy himself a lot of gadgets, even friends. But to to stay in the center niceties should be forced upon people.
Whether we like being scratched or not people will scratch you and expect to be scratched. The itch which needs scratching is superficial and hence the scratch will remove the fake cover of niceness over a period of time if no real meaning is found out.
In the end, we can say "You scratch my back you get Rashes" to protect ourselves.
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