Saturday, 20 April 2013

Crimes and Analysis

Due to rapid urbanization, the requirement of land and other resources like metals has resulted in the reduction in forest cover on the face of our planet. The habitats of various animals, birds those living in land and also aquatic life forms have come under tremendous threat. We have seen some crocodiles entering human habitats in USA and other places, while we repeatedly hear about leopards taking away babies in Indian villages, sugarcane fields being damaged by elephants. We call this man animal conflict and usually in the end man wins the battle, because the animals are finding increasingly difficult to defend themselves against the barbarous mankind.

There is evidence of acts like adultery, rape, homosexuality etc in the animal world. Having the scientific community convince many of the modern citizens of this world, we believe that we have evolved from monkey and there will be bound the same acts that animals perform. Thus there can be a justification also provided by some social scientists, but hopefully not many exist and not much literature is available in this regard. The craving for a mate is one of the basic needs after the need food, water and shelter, and it is believed that sexual pleasure is very difficult to control, but not impossible.

We have been listening about rumors of love jihad, but no one has even ever given statistics about the same. Numbers are considered divine truths which can be easily understood, manipulated and used for propaganda for better or evil intentions. When terrorists are not getting successful in breaking down the society by using bomb blasts, whether is there a possibility of achieving the same through the gruesome act of raping women of all ages? Whether the rapes that are occurring in the recent times have any religious, social, political color to it? What are the criminal’s intentions for committing a rape is never analyzed by psychologists?

The various government departments are more concerned with the farmer suicides, and giving loan waivers and doing all sorts for patchworks and cosmetic treatments. Instead of solving the root causes, which is generally not done anywhere in the world, and India is no exception. The government should have done a rape criminal profiling – his place of origin, place of crime, purpose of change of living, economic situation, religion, caste, employment status, whether under the effect of alcohol or other substances, mental balance, addiction to porn, etc. The police and others never dwell on several of the data required.

Even in the most advanced and developed nations with high-tech policing rape cases have never on decline. With most cruel laws prevailing in the lands of Saudis, rapes are reported, and victim found at fault and there are other issues with the law of the land. No amount of punishment will deter the criminals because when the need to perform an act like a murder, rape, etc overpowers all other fears and only then it is possible to do it. The person has no sense of any social conduct or civility when he performs an act. Most of the times ordinary citizens are doing these acts and thus these crimes are very difficult to prevent. Every man/woman for himself is the norm today in our society.

What after the completion of the crime is more important to the victim because victim is at loss? Sometimes a lifetime is spent to cure the wounds of mind and body and the criminal is let off after 7-14 years and in rarest of rare cases which our dishonorable judges when decide will lead to death punishment. Many times the crimes are not recorded, reported and get buried in the courts which give very fast justice in our country. 3crore cases are pending and more will get accumulated, and lawyers and judges will see a good employment opportunities.

In our country where convicted terrorists are given sympathy, what do the wannanbe rapists care about? But individual rapes, we have witnessed gang rapes, now we have advanced ourselves to injuring the victims with object insertions. The eminent media and other personalities including the president asks the society for introspection. This is not the case usually, when a muslim/Hindu does a terrorist activity, the people are quick to jump that we cannot brand it Islamic or saffron terrorist. There will be sermons that the community should not be blamed for the acts of a few individuals and bad apples will be there in all groups, then why this distinction in the event of rape and the whole society is blamed for the act of a few persons.

The shit of collective responsibility is propagated from our government, and thus everyone is following the same. Thus when we say everyone is responsible, it clearly means no one is responsible and the people in charge can do little to avoid the problems. People being eternal optimists fall for the words and the eminent people lecture people into believing that something is wrong with the society and blame one community or the other group for the evils. The rights groups talk mainly for the criminals and less for the victims. The victim has to struggle to get justice while the criminals talk about harassment in the jails, demand newspapers, tv, ac, biscuits in the prison and the sates willingly provide.

The Legend Ajmal was given biryani in our jails, where there is severe mal nutrition in our country and the common man is made to live with Rs.26 in rural areas, then why criminals given more facilities is a million dollar question. The rehabilitation of the victim is never taken seriously because it will take years to prove the truth in our courts and by them the criminal becomes plump with good food in the jails, and victim becomes poor paying the lawyer fees. With such a good justice system and the honesty of judges in serious question, the citizens are left with only hope and god. Little do they know, that temples are actually hijacked by the governments for the surplus money in the coffers and bribes paid by the citizens to get their works done.

Politicians want the bribe money paid to god for themselves and their family members. Even the common citizens, including myself want to escape the rule of law to avoid police harassment. Some will pay the penalty while others just walk away because the victim is not powerful enough to put a good defense. The police is thus a highly misused department by the common people and also the politicians. Everyone wants favors from the police and when the police tried of giving favors donot work they are still blamed. The behavior of police which could have been better has deteriorated because there can be solid action taken on them, because their seniors are more dependent on the lower rung officers. It is a supply chain of opportunities, money, and fame. Thus none wants to act against the other, and when  action arises a reaction too arises even faster, and there will be transfers causing more trouble to the honest officers.

All of know about the officer called Khekma and there are many others like him who did not get into the limelight. Honest people still exist amongst us and blaming the society is a easy way to escape out for those who cannot provide good results in terms of safety. But a man putting objects into the body of a five year old is a new reason for outburst, what about the beheading of our soldiers, and also honor killings? When Capt.Kalia was given even more heinous treatment by our neighbors and his father is fighting in national and international courts there is no cry from the citizens and candle light brigades and other secular and non secular parties and even the citizens.

Our country was long a golden brid but now a bird of mud infested with all kinds of fungus, worms. The rotting of our country is due to invasions and corruption of the ideals due to various groups. The migration of people is another big factor for the increase in crimes in a country like ours. The reasons for crimes like rape in USA may not be valid in a country like India, but our liberals donot want to believe and won’t work to find the true reasons.  But good people exist in all societies, communities and thus our country exists even today, though at the brink of self destruction.

The hope of man is still not lost, else there would more crimes in our nation and the media should stop publicizing the crimes selectiviely at their convenience. A feeling of guilt sets in the minds of the ordinary citizens and a sense of fear creeps in. Has anyone ever done study to find out why after aamir khan’s show of Satyameva Jayathe the crime reporting on our national televisions increased?  Few could no the work of doing the analysis, including me, but we donot, because little we care for others.

Rape exists every where in many forms, but the more important question what differentiates Man from Animal. 

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