Monday, 25 February 2013

People, Words, Actions, Will

A person is great who speaks minimum. Unless his dumb, ignorant, fully wise people generally speak on a variety of subjects with half knowledge. This gives rise to rumors, suspicions, humor, threat, anger and a variety of other emotions, reactions. Apart from speaking, people do act. Actions not only during speaking, but also on the words they speak. Actions on promises made can give a glimpse of the character of the person. No promises and No actions does not imply he is a person of great character, but is one whose character cannot be determined.

A persons word, actions are watched by his near and dear ones and also his foes, friends alike. These are the external signals about the internal state of mind. The minutest actions on the expressions of the face can tell the state of the mind of the person, even though the person has not uttered a single word. A person with no actions, utter silence is a rare phenomenon and either he is dead, in coma or in highest state of meditation.

In a regular world we live in, a person who makes promises and who delivers on the promises is highly respected. Also respected are persons who speak their mind no matter what, and never back track their statements. Personalities like these can instill confidence in the people who work with them and many would prefer to follow these based on their position in the society. This kind of people can become leaders if they a vision and a will to achieve it.

Will of the people is more important for the self preservation of the species. If the will to survive is not there, then a man will give up the moment he drowns in water. But the self preservation mode in the brain makes the man to attempt to move his hands and legs to float and get attention. But if a will to survive is there then he will survive even if he thrown in the ocean. The collective will of people alone can change the course of a nation.

When the leaders have become callous in their words and actions, pessimism seeps in the followers, who are the general population of a nation. The long term pessimism can break the will to improve as a society. Pessimism breeds greed, anger, suspicion and a range other negative emotions. The hunger for success too reduces when the will to excel and improve the society is broken. The cycle of pessimism-broken will of people ultimately results in the extinction of a race, society or nation.

This is exactly what the Congress government has been doing to the Hindus of India. In 50years they have been in power they have broken the collective will of the people to excel. The Congress has not allowed the optimism to seep into the minds of the people. Every time they was a downfall of an empire the people of this nation again excelled, but after the invasion of the Moguls, British this has not happened. Reason for this is the breakdown of the will of the citizens, and the pessimism that has crept in.

Congress has made so many lofty promises and never gave any results and this resulted in the loss of faith in the government which is supposed to serve the people. But in today’s context the people are serving the government officers by giving bribes. The words, actions of the government, who are the general lot of population have become monsters and forgot about their roots. The people donot have the will to fight due to excessive pessimism. The cycle has been there for long, but the current government at the center has completed many rounds and it is like a black hole sucking everything into it. The pessimism has been sucking the peoples will into nothing.

The nation awaits a leader who can speak, act and inspire the people. Inspiration will come when the words, actions are in sync. There will always be quite a few people around us who have done some inspiration, but to lead a nation and inspire is a huge task. If the people donot will for such a leader, then even a person with credentials, character can never become a leader. People should shed pessimism and for once with optimism, should will for a good leader among the best/worst we have for the improvement of the nation.

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