Monday, 18 February 2013

Gandhi – Saint, Traitor

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2nd 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. The titles used to decorate Gandhi are declared by his friends and by some unknown persons. The famous titles that Gandhi is decorated with are Mahatma, Father of nation. Gandhi is credited for the independence of the India, Pakistan and later Bangladesh. Since duality is the law of nature, there are as many devout worshippers of Gandhi as there are hardcore haters. The balance always exists, but when the government/leadership is from the former group, the voice of the later group is hushed up. One such voice was that of Nathuram Godse’s. Godse is the personality who assassinated Gandhi and the reasons he stated are not given the publicity they deserved. But they are out in the open and many donot talk about them because of the secular, modern and dynastic slavery of eminent and ordinary citizens of this country.

Much of real estate of this country has the name of Gandhi, and this surname has been used by the family members of Nehru dynasty. This Nehru-Gandhi dynasty has hijacked the Congress party and Gandhis now own the party. For an ordinary person it may seem that whole of the India belongs to this family, because everywhere there is a Gandhi starting from currency notes to International airports and his photos are even put in government offices. The amount of wrong that Gandhi has done is far greater than the good he has done to this nation, but still the historians have been successful in painting a picture which states otherwise. If Moguls established muslim kingdoms, British divided the society on Hindu-Muslim rivalry, Gandhi only added fuel to the British designs to win over the Muslims. But Jinnah was never a slave of any person and had independent visionss like other nationalist leaders of that time.

Gandhi has an ingrained dictatorship mentality and it is one of the reasons stated by Godse and also his children for their dislike towards him. The two great tools Gandhis used and which fooled millions of gullible Bharatvasis are satyam eva jayathe and ahimsa. Gandhi himself a sex starved person and no one could tell him that because of his public stature and his principles for fighting the British are in contrast to his life style. The people of India who know stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata always knew that truth and ahimsa were good virtues and there is nothing that Gandhi has bought new to the table except the sufferings. Gandhi was cunning enough; with the support of British to gather support of the people of this country and make them follow him. He was like the Piep Piper of Hamelin who mobilized millions of Indians to follow his footsteps delaying the real Independence of this nation and helping the British to loot even more.

Had the Kranthikari movement been successful then there would not have any dynasty politics in India and our enemies would be scared of our nation’s strength. Like we had many traitors helping the enemies, this Gandhi also helped the British to destroy this nation in more ways than possible to imagine. The reasons for Gandhi and his second rate followers not tried and killed by the British for his anti establishment activities is a mystery still to unraveled and like many things hushed up, this secret will never be revealed.  The deaths of lakhs soldiers, citizens for foolish ideals of Gandhi are another blot on the conscience of the nation. Had Gandhi delayed his entry into India, we would have been a more proud democracy with great freedom fighters getting the recognition they deserve in the public memory. But the British planted Gandhi after his allegedly successful stint in South Africa; many people’s sacrifices have been lost for the tyranny of one person.

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