The becoming of Kejriwal, the Aam Admi, a CM of Delhi is considered a miracle or second coming of sorts for the Indian Political system. The Ideas represented by Aam Admi Party through its various mouthpieces indicate that they have nothing new. Even the outdated Communist party says that the ideas of AAP are similar to theirs. In such a scenario, how is AAP different from others only the media opinion makers could explain in meaningful ways like they do every night at 9, in prime time slug-fests.
The Kejriwal, the incarnation of honesty having walked this poor country governed by corrupt officials and politicians is blessed to the core. With the passage of Jan Lokpal Bill The Kejriwal could ride a horse and harass all the corrupt and deliver governance to the needy. Many foolish intellectuals have been on a slug fest of a different kind each with own view of how good or bad, the Kejriwal's methods are. But the same opinion is delivered by all.
In the midst of all the noise, The Kejriwal has achieved the impossible, ie., to the fool the electorate and bring a sense of hope to others beleaguered parties. The hope that the electorate are all the same fools who would come into a den of tiger if promised of diamonds in the den with a straight face. This caught the imagination of several parties and have began to emulate The Kejriwal in fooling and appeasing sections of society. Jains are getting minority status, muslims are being offered education subsidy, etc.
In the extreme corner of the political spectrum there is the man who has shown a straight face to the opinion makers and went on with his work. He is the BJP CM, and excuses for the gender insensitivity. The recently elected CMs of BJP ruled states who have been forgotten by the media and are going about their duties as the CMs of their states and drawing plans on improving governance. The Kejriwal, has been busy making announcements, planning for Loksabha-2014 elections and showing to the TV how aam he is. Not to tell that a member of his party has made a noise about being attacked, when a cricket ball has hit car.
The drama surrounding The Kejriwal will shield him from the reality. The reality is that Kejriwal didnot get transferred for 17years in his posting The people may not ask him and he is only answerable to the people who donot ask questions about his credibility. Those who dare to question his honesty or credibility are the corruption incarnate and have to be put in Tihar Jail and be locked up for ever. The honesty incarnate is he certifier of honesty of honesty. Unless The kejriwal says somebody is honest, the person is damned.
Poor The Kejriwal may come to terms with reality and should learn the real politics is never free from corruption, but must deliver maximum governance. The promised land of corruption free state will be good for children's bed time stories. The high profits made by private companies is also a form corruption, and we always look for the maximum benefit for every rupee we spend and not 100% return on the money we spend, because the various profit heads of many people. The kejriwal must concentrate on governance and then the corruption will automatically come down to tolerable levels.
A small corruption here and there is no problem, but if it becomes a habit then it is dangerous for the society and will ultimately lead to its downfall.
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