The Doorknob Goswami is the name given to the super prime time speaker on a popular English opinion shifting channel. Its a title awarded by people on twitter. Everyday this doorknob calls on people to his studios with a good intention of conducting debates. The speakers of various political and non political parties come to the studios, time and again like people who are mystified by some drug.
When the show begins the doorknob starts with the most exhilarating comments in an attempt to get as many eyeballs and eardrums as possible. This increases the TRP ratings of his channel and thus becomes the number one channel making his ego swell with pride. Pride only boosts ego in a more negative way than that it boots the confidence in a positive way.
The doorknob is used to twist and then to open or shut a door. In a similar manner, this doorknob goswami also twists the facts and put words into the speakers' mouths and then makes even more exhilarating statements. At the end of the debates both the guests and audience will be left in bewilderment as to what has happened.
The only people that go unscathed from the doorknob are mata Sonia Gandhi, paltu kejriwal. Never ever has the doorknob had the guts to question the debauchery of mata and kejriwal. The deeds of mata are all well known but not spoken. Recently some sycophant has made a statue of the mata in the form of Telangana Talli. Psychopancy runs very deep in the Congress and from now we can except many of the offshoots of congress to make many more statues of their leaders, apart from those who are not yet statued.
The one single biggest mystery that doorknob doesnot want to make is 20part investigation on how could paltu work for 17years without getting transferred, when the departmental rules say that 3years is the period between transfers. This paltu and doorknob are the indeed the best people in the present scenario. The doorknob doesnot ever listen to others and has no patience to give anybody a good hearing in a debate. The doorknob raises questions, and more questions and again repeats with more volume and then with more volume.
By the end of the show, the doorknob completes his speech, he declares that the speaker has no words and has no answers for the questions. The doorknob declares that the speaker has lost and asks for apology, repeats with more volume for apology. When the doorknob speaks for 5minutes to question, he expects the answers in yes or no within 2 seconds. This is the stupidity of doorknob, and it is quite evident from the title given to him.
The paltu also belongs to the doorknob category, and if anyone talks doubting his intentions he is titled as corrupt and right wing extremist and planning to kill him. This the same paltu who plans to make india united and strong who didn't get transferred for 17years. The doorknob and paltu are indeed the most awful listeners in the Indian political and non political forum.
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