The Hindu in reality is the most prosecuted human in his own land and that too for the longest times on the face of the planet. But in the recent times rarely do we see any violent revolutions that have come out of the Hindu fold unlike the chirslamist groups. This passivity has been drilled into the collective psyche of the Hindus in the last two hundred years due to intervention of Maculay and also due to the continuation of british like governments of India. The successive governments have called upon Gandhi's name time again to pacify the Hindus even when they have suffered the most and the secular groups couldn't never utter a word to calm and pacify the Chrislamist thugs/terrorists.
The reason for the acceptance of this passive attitude to the societal changes and atrocities is due to fact of very huge time scales that we tend to believe in. Hindus typically believe in soul and its relation with the super powerful god or super consciousness in one form or another. The belief in rebirth or unification with God over a period of time for good deeds has been one of the reasons for the passive attitude towards untoward incidents within the society. The belief that time will give the suitable punishment to the wrongful and hence have taken a back seat in implementing the dharma based society that we had once.
The Hindus have happily given up the duty based society and have embraced the rights based society of the materialistic societies that emerged from all around. These materialistic societies have been destroying the environment and consuming resources at such a speed that our mother earth cannot sustain such lifestyles. Inorder to sustain the lavish and criminal lifestyles, these powers have worked more on external factors than on internal factors. The world believes that Ancient India has been a hub of knowledge of every kind, and there are texts that claim the existence of sophisticated machines. Why have these been not used for the global dominance, because of the pursuit of the inner knowledge by the native vedic people.
Materialistic societies have little philosophical depth to the theories they practice and believe in the zero sum game, that some body has to win and it has to be them. The desire to win and lead the way breeds intolerance, but the desire to learn and do the largest good to the greatest people would breed harmony. First we shall see the criminalities of the Christian Chruch in destroying the life on this planet as we know it and their practises.
The church centred in Vatican has been reduced from a global power to a mere a spiritual fountain head of the Catholic Christians. It gets its superiority based on the a book they hold as the truth without any serious debates and try to understand the truth. The book is a compilation of several letters that have been passed among the first students of Jesus and the religious philosophy and credibility depends on the life of Shri Jesus. But the irony is that the Church doesnot even know the exact date of his birth and there are serious doubts about the existence of the historical Shri Jesus.
But missionary people who want to proselytize Hindus in India compare Krishna with Christ/Jesus. But even before Krishna was born, Kansa knew that the child would lead to his death and he eagerly awaited to kill as soon as he was born. The astami on which Krishna was born is considered a reality and every year the Hindus celebrate the festival. But historically whether this festival was celebrated is a question only the real historians can answer, but in the modern world as we know many of Hindus celebrate the birth of Krishna.
The Church doesn't know the exact date of the birth of Jesus because he has not a important person at his birth. The importance of documentation has to be learnt from the western societies who have a strange fetish to document every deed. Even with such a fetish for documentation, the historians have missed the birthday of Jesus indicating the practice of the calender is not predominant at those times. There is a huge portion of the life of Shri Jesus missing in his youth during which time he is supposed to have been enlightened by the absolute truth.
A sect of Christians of Kerala consider themselves to be the first Christians of the world. But it is still a mystery whether Jesus carried the bible and if not what was his sources of reference. If Jesus got the knowledge from his God, then it acceptable because many ancient rishis of India have obtained enlightenment by meditating or practice other vamachara methods. Hindus donot have a problem in accepting Jesus as a religious teacher or if Christians want to give his the status of God, even then there would have been a clash of civilizations as we are seeing today.
The story goes as, Jesus comes to Kerala and comes to know about the meditation methods and practises it and attains enlightenment. Having attained a higher state of consciousness, he preaches the truth he attained to the local people of Kerala, but his desire to spread the truth to his natives and he went back. The Church fearful of his new ways of teachings prosecuted him by crucifying him. Whether church existed before jesus is again a myth and the people had several gods, but the church found the teachings highly lucrative and hence decided to take-up the purpose of world domination.
With the teachings of Jesus obtained from the letters of his students, it complied and revised the holy book to suit its needs. It took on the help of several warriors in creating genocides of several people across the lands and imposed its belief systems. Many of the native tribes have never seen such a violent humans and have just succumbed to the atrocities and have take-up the beliefs and continue to be subservient to the paedophile infested Church institutes. The knowledge that spread from India has come back to haunt our nation after several hundred years during which time the Church was making grand plans of world domination.
Had Jesus been alive, he would have questioned the huge bank balances of the Vatican and the royal life of the clergy while the poor die of starvation. The Church believes that all the sins of the humans has been paid in kind, then why would the Vatican keep the money and give it back to the needy. Usually the poor remember God and the rich want control and the Church acts as a mediator in between enriching itself. Shri Jesus would have questioned why chruch pays billions of dollars in lawsuits to silence the criticism against its paedophile clergy? Jesus would have felt horrible at the slave trade and the inhuman practises?
But the church with huge money to proselytize and pay lawsuits has the interests of the poor citizens in the back of its thought process. Would the Pope dare to answer?