Many of the news(views) consumers in the national and international market believe that the views propagated are absolute truth. In reality, the views in the grab of news are 'paid for' opinions by deep pocketed agencies to create a public perception. As the days progress we can see only agendas at play, one kind of agenda fighting another agenda for domination. When ever word domination is read, we should remember two of the most violent, insanely dominant agendas - Islam, Christianity which together have been the reason for the most loss of human life, than might be possible. This doesn't mean the followers of this ideology are all violent and insane, but it is the one insane person with knife stabbing 12 people in a bus, it is the one insane person with gun shooting 10s of people with no motive but to instil fear.
OIC with huge petro dollars, which have been earned by artificial jacking up of prices have been able to beat down any criticism of their ideology. If islam is considered very crude ideology as been told to us the gullible citizens of this planet earth, by the suited and booted views generators then we will soon disappear. The ideology of christ has influenced a grand organization which wants to dominate and control the citizens of the world and for this they have sided with forces which don't have any shame in murdering thousands of people. All the murders keep happening while they lecture to less violent and docile groups of citizens living on their own. These suited and booted are as violent as the sword, bomb wearing jihadi murderers.
These two ideologies have scant regard for human life. When an ideology preaches the life of other human/animal is less worthy than the life of self, then what good can happen from that group. The combined has been coined (by mediacrooks) Chrislamists for these groups of people who like murdering people for establishing peace and to provide prosperity to global citizens. The chrislamists are the two sides of the same coin who have scant regards for the life of others, and one of them doesnot respect women and the other wants to make women as men. The former is the ideology of islam, while the latter is the ideology of christians. This might seem outrageous, but since we are too much pre-occupied with the views provided by the propaganda agents, we never tend to see have our own view point independent and look at the events.
Coming to the issue of rape and feminism:
Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration prepertrated against a person without that person's consent.
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common stated aim: to define, establish and defend equal political, economic, cultural and social rights for women.
The views channels continuously bombard us with the happenings of rape in our state/country. But in reality this crime has been happening from times immemorial but with no agenda on hand, the views channels are highlighting. A rape occurring in delhi is being telecast by BBC, other German channels, but the crimes of chrislamists are not shows because these agencies control the views channels. For a moment, if we were to search the truth, there are far more rapes happening per lakh of population in the so called civilized west, then they are happening in India, and India is far more safer for women than the developed countries. This should put some sense into the big bindi (another term from SM) feminist brigades who are willing roast all the men, particularly hindu men, on coals for this kind of brutal behaviour.
Rape is a very horrific crime which is being carried for a variety of reasons which have to be studied. Our views channels were happy to tell the consumers, that BJP had very very few muslim MPs, but the same views channels will not tell you that muslim kashmiris donot want a hindu CM. Politics apart and the agendas apart, has any news generator dared to analyse the caste of rape victims and perpetrators? The conviction rates around the world for the rape is not to be very proud of. The feminists should take up the challenge and should be a complete analysis of all the data available with police over a very large period of time.
The NGO circuits will sip wine in the comforts of their homes taking thousands of dollars from chrislamists and tell that hindu men are the worst kinds of humans and are all rapists. These feminists enjoy lavish lives and then generate atrocity literature and give sound bites to the views channels to portray india as a rape capital of the world. If the feminist activities really want to solve the problem then it might have been possible that the country would have knows the reasons for the occurring of this crime, but they won't because if this problem is identified then their bread-butter will vanish and they might have to work more harder to fill their stomachs with wine and other exotic foods.
Feminists should also learn that the cases of rapes are being filed in courts and many of them are just to cause trouble and recently courts have also spoke on this issue. The views channels love this feminists and other beings who live in moral high grounds because it is easy to give sermons while practising is very difficult. In many cases, it is found that alcohol consumption is reason for the occurrence of rape, but a curb on alcohol is imposed, then these feminists will be up in arms and start protesting. The crime and analysis of rape and solution of this problem with our society faces should come not from activists of Feminism, but from those who have suffered this without the influence of feminist activists.
This crime, Rape, has been propagated on the women of our country from a very long time and the time has come to find the solution. It is not with hate or revenge that a solution be obtained, because the people of this land believe has a sense of morality and karma which causes a trouble in arriving at solutions. The solution of the Rape is not separation of genders and being insensitive to the other party, but a combined efforts of social and moral obligations of protecting the weak. If we ever claim that the average women is weaker than the average man, then these feminists will again be up in arms to beat the men, but the women have to take this challenge just as women and not as activistists to come to a solution.
The solution to rape should occur away from the views channels. Women keeps these feminism activists at bay, else there can never be solution. The NGOs are usually the source of problem.