Unapologetic : Not acknowledging or expressing regret
Hindu : Follower of Hinduism, relating to Hindus or Hinduism
For long Bharat has been under the weight of slavish attitude. The people of bharat have been subservient to the alien ideologies and without understanding the implications that these ideologies have on the way of lives. As we speak today, we the people of Bharat are at the verge of collapse of a great culture or tradition. Bharat is the one of the oldest and continuous surviving civilizations that had existed on this life sustaining planet. Like the rest of the living entities, the culture of this land has changed with changing times and tried to reform to a great extent to live in balance with the force that sustains.
The people of Bharat have been given the name Hindu by the alien(people not belonging to this cultures). A large proportions of the people have accepted with this name and began to identify with the name Hindu. Till the advent of alien ideologies through barbarism, Bharat was a prosperous land with HNI at levels that couldn't be imagined by any society. Today the standards of living of Bharatiyas is at a low level by global standards and we are looked down. Something drastic should have happened to the thinking process of this land that made us to be mediocre.
If greed and distrust is one reason for the downfall of our civilization, the acceptance of foreign as superior is another reason. The dogmatic religions or Abrahamic religions have wreaked havoc to teh culture of this land and have taken control of the thought process. Even during the Muslim rule there was unspeakable torture at both the physical and mental levels, there was a fight back by the native people. It is due to the conversions of the native people that has weakened our civilization.
With a passage of time, what has gone up has to come down, because bharatiyas believe in the cycle of life and journey of soul. Today we may be in the downward journey and many hope that after sometime the civilization would transform and be revived. I have always believed that there are forces that try to fight the good or pious and there shall be an eternal war that takes places in cosmos.
But in the end the good or pious shall be prevail and continue to exist. The fight may be between the thought processes, ways of life, cultures, morals, duties or acts of the people.
But in the end the good or pious shall be prevail and continue to exist. The fight may be between the thought processes, ways of life, cultures, morals, duties or acts of the people.
A dying person has to be cured and it is possible that with proper sadhana immortality can be achieved or the body should should produce its next generations. The next generations shall come in different hues and all may not be having the same character. It is the continuity of the people of bharat that has given the human life meaning and brought a sense of peace and tranquillity and it is for this reason, the ugly forces are all working together to destroy and gain superiority.
I have always believed that evil forces when pushed corner shall give out even more virulent and more evil offsprings to fight back. Islam is the child of Christianity and both shall have a basic fight the Bharatiya culture which spread till the current Afghanistan to the far east till Japan where there is practise of Buddhism. All the religions that born in the craddle of life or the land of Bharat have some common traits that allow people with different thought process to continue with their lives. The religions/cultures with a hippocratic exclusivity shall not permit other live unless there is subjugation.
All the Abrahamic cults have a tendency to dominate the world and for that the cradle of civilizations has to be destroyed. It is by default that after long years of wars, the domination or subjugation initially with the use of Islamic forces the work was not completed. The bharatiyas have kept their own and the advent of Christianity also there was no complete subjugation. The two cults have converted the natives and tried to bring more enemity among the locals, but the lack of philosophical deths and lack of peace in the religion has defeated their real growth.
With defeat staring into their eyes, these cults have used the base desires of humans to destroy the civilization and they have succeeded to a great extent. The protrayal of woman as commodities for gratification, the respect of drunkards, meat eating as a social status, absuing of gods of a particular faith are all begining norms for higher societal respect and acceptance. There a cabal of people who have more visibility and give membership to the exclusive clubs where people with some capacity to influence the natives want to go. The desire for respect runs very deep and people want it easily.
From a knowledge based society today we have transformed into a greed based society. But the spiritual gurus and a phelothra of other organizations have been working at the grass roots level to make people realize the falsity that is out there in the bright new world. The people from rural areas may be rustic in their attitude, but are the strength of our civilizations. Our culture is the most scientific and more in harmony with the nature. When the big Abrahamic nations talk of climate change, Bharat has to stand tall and give a proper intellectual spanking and speak the truth.
The Abrahamic nations in the quest for material pleasures have destroyed the nature and are now sermonizing the people of Bharat how to lead a life. The leaders of our country are so pusillanimous that there is no hard truths that are put out. But one thing that is not understandable is that why the leaders of Bharat are giving a befitting reply to the leaders of Abrahamic nations when it comes to the atrocities that are committed. The atrocities are committed on the people, nature, cultures etc. Only Bharat can stand alone and tall among all the nations of the world and give the direction for that we have be unapologetic hindu.
Let us take the name given to us and let us identify ourselves as hindus, but we not be apologetic for anything. If we become unapologetic when we interact with the outside cultures or alien cultures then alone we can progress or we can become better. To stop this journey the alien cultures when they were driven out of this land, we were given something that wouldn't allow us to achieve our full potential. The ideology of "ahimsa paramoh dharma" by Gandhi is the worst ideology that we are entrusted with and we as slaves keep chanting his praises day in and day out.
Bharat has to defend itself from all external and internal aggression. The internal aggression is from the people who donot link themselves to the native culture or who donot accept the rules of the land. These internal aggressors are the most dangerous kind of people who want special provisions. The two predominant internal aggressors are the Muslims and Christians. Many of muslims of Bharat donot relate themselves as natives, but believe to be decendants of Arabs, and hence can never live in harmony with the natives. There are many christians who donot believe to be natives, but decendants of the of some higher force cannot live harmoniously with the natives. There are many who believe that once they were once followers of native cultures, but over time changed to alien cultures for reasons unnecessary.
Those who donot want to relate with the native culture are the real danger to the society. There is a scope to assimilate and harmonise the relations of various alien cultures and live together, but when there is no assimilation and acceptance of nativity there can never any harmony. It is for this reason the conversion to the alien culture are very bad for any society. The demography, economy, society. etc everything gets destroyed and there is a distrust. If for a moment these people accept that they are once natives and but nave converted to some alien, then there is no respect because there is a fear of being seen as traitors.
If they attach themselves to alien cultures and believe to be descendants of the alien cultures they are treated with respect due to the false ideology of Gandhi. This Gandhi used to worship the British, but couldn't even give respect to the Hindu kings. The hindu kings failed to deliver their duties of protecting their subjects from alien invasions. The ideology of Gandhi has pacified a whole civilization and it has stopped us from defending ourselves. The day the Bharat stands with pride, the Abrahamic nations will cease to exist and thus to keep the civilization of Bharat under mental subjugation the ideology of Gandhi is being praised by all these nations. The praise is in self-defence of these nations and not due to any real sense of respect.
The media has become an accomplice in the present day in mental subjugation of the people of Bharat. When political parties like MIM claim to be the voice of muslims and dalits there is no sense of suspicion and there is no communal angle given, But if a party claims to be the voice of Hindus it is condenmed. When muslims of India hold rallies and demonstrations to show solidarity with people of palestine,rohingya and even though there is a voilence it all shown as non issue. But when a Hindu is suffering in our neighbouring countries and if a rally is conducted or words of support are spoken all hell shall break loose.
A court allows a girl of 15years to be married in a muslim community but the MSM stays silent, but a child marriage in hindu community is shown even by BBC. A small untoward incident relating to hindu community is blown out of proportion but a large mistake done by people Abrahamic faiths is silently brushed under carpet. There are umpteen examples to prove this point and it may require several pages to list all of them. But the point is that assertion of natives of Bharat is not acceptable to the followers and believers of non-native cultures and this happens because the native Bharatiya has become too apologetic and takes on the burden of some historical mistakes that would have been committed.
Even though there are reforms to correct the historical mistakes, the Hindu of today is seeking respect from the people who belive to be belonging to alien civilizations which wants to subjugate us. Let the intellectuals of Bharat realize this fraud and take action necessary to confront the alien culture parasites living among us and speak the truth and make many more realize that we are the only civilization that allows diversity.