Monday, 15 December 2014


Unapologetic : Not acknowledging or expressing regret
Hindu : Follower of Hinduism, relating to Hindus or Hinduism

For long Bharat has been under the weight of slavish attitude. The people of bharat have been subservient to the alien ideologies and without understanding the implications that these ideologies have on the way of lives. As we speak today, we the people of Bharat are at the verge of collapse of a great culture or tradition. Bharat is the one of the oldest and continuous surviving civilizations that had existed on this life sustaining planet. Like the rest of the living entities, the culture of this land has changed with changing times and tried to reform to a great extent to live in balance with the force that sustains.

The people of Bharat have been given the name Hindu by the alien(people not belonging to this cultures). A large proportions of the people have accepted with this name and began to identify with the name Hindu. Till the advent of alien ideologies through barbarism, Bharat was a prosperous land with HNI at levels that couldn't be imagined by any society. Today the standards of living of Bharatiyas is at a low level by global standards and we are looked down. Something drastic should have happened to the thinking process of this land that made us to be mediocre.

If greed and distrust is one reason for the downfall of our civilization, the acceptance of foreign as superior is another reason. The dogmatic religions or Abrahamic religions have wreaked havoc to teh culture of this land and have taken control of the thought process. Even during the Muslim rule there was unspeakable torture at both the physical and mental levels, there was a fight back by the native people. It is due to the conversions of the native people that has weakened our civilization.

With a passage of time, what has gone up has to come down, because bharatiyas believe in the cycle of life and journey of soul. Today we may be in the downward journey and many hope that after sometime the civilization would transform and be revived. I have always believed that there are forces that try to fight the good or pious and there shall be an eternal war that takes places in cosmos.
But in the end the good or pious shall be prevail and continue to exist. The fight may be between the thought processes, ways of life, cultures, morals, duties or acts of the people.

A dying person has to be cured and it is possible that with proper sadhana immortality can be achieved or the body should should produce its next generations. The next generations shall come in different hues and all may not be having the same character. It is the continuity of the people of bharat that has given the human life meaning and brought a sense of peace and tranquillity and it is for this reason, the ugly forces are all working together to destroy and gain superiority.

I have always believed that evil forces when pushed corner shall give out even more virulent and more evil offsprings to fight back. Islam is the child of Christianity and both shall have a basic fight the Bharatiya culture which spread till the current Afghanistan to the far east till Japan where there is practise of Buddhism. All the religions that born in the craddle of life or the land of Bharat have some common traits that allow people with different thought process to continue with their lives. The religions/cultures with a hippocratic exclusivity shall not permit other live unless there is subjugation.

All the Abrahamic cults have a tendency to dominate the world and for that the cradle of civilizations has to be destroyed. It is by default that after long years of wars, the domination or subjugation initially with the use of Islamic forces the work was not completed. The bharatiyas have kept their own and the advent of Christianity also there was no complete subjugation. The two cults have converted the natives and tried to bring more enemity among the locals, but the lack of philosophical deths and lack of peace in the religion has defeated their real growth.

With defeat staring into their eyes, these cults have used the base desires of humans to destroy the civilization and they have succeeded to a great extent. The protrayal of woman as commodities for gratification, the respect of drunkards, meat eating as a social status, absuing of gods of a particular faith are all begining norms for higher societal respect and acceptance. There a cabal of people who have more visibility and give membership to the exclusive clubs where people with some capacity to influence the natives want to go. The desire for respect runs very deep and people want it easily.

From a knowledge based society today we have transformed into a greed based society. But the spiritual gurus and a phelothra of other organizations have been working at the grass roots level to make people realize the falsity that is out there in the bright new world. The people from rural areas may be rustic in their attitude, but are the strength of our civilizations. Our culture is the most scientific and more in harmony with the nature. When the big Abrahamic nations talk of climate change, Bharat has to stand tall and give a proper intellectual spanking and speak the truth.

The Abrahamic nations in the quest for material pleasures have destroyed the nature and are now sermonizing the people of Bharat how to lead a life. The leaders of our country are so pusillanimous that there is no hard truths that are put out. But one thing that is not understandable is that why the leaders of Bharat are giving a befitting reply to the leaders of Abrahamic nations when it comes to the atrocities that are committed. The atrocities are committed on the people, nature, cultures etc. Only Bharat can stand alone and tall among all the nations of the world and give the direction for that we have be unapologetic hindu.

Let us take the name given to us and let us identify ourselves as hindus, but we not be apologetic for anything. If we become unapologetic when we interact with the outside cultures or alien cultures then alone we can progress or we can become better. To stop this journey the alien cultures when they were driven out of this land, we were given something that wouldn't allow us to achieve our full potential. The ideology of "ahimsa paramoh dharma" by Gandhi is the worst ideology that we are entrusted with and we as slaves keep chanting his praises day in and day out.

Bharat has to defend itself from all external and internal aggression. The internal aggression is from the people who donot link themselves to the native culture or who donot accept the rules of the land. These internal aggressors are the most dangerous kind of people who want special provisions. The two predominant internal aggressors are the Muslims and Christians. Many of muslims of Bharat donot relate themselves as natives, but believe to be decendants of Arabs, and hence can never live in harmony with the natives. There are many christians who donot believe to be natives, but decendants of the of some  higher force cannot live harmoniously with the natives. There are many who believe that once they were once followers of native cultures, but over time changed to alien cultures for reasons unnecessary.

Those who donot want to relate with the native culture are the real danger to the society. There is a scope to assimilate and harmonise the relations of various alien cultures and live together, but when there is no assimilation and acceptance of nativity there can never any harmony. It is for this reason the conversion to the alien culture are very bad for any society. The demography, economy, society. etc everything gets destroyed and there is a distrust. If for a moment these people accept that they are once natives and but nave converted to some alien, then there is no respect because there is a fear of being seen as traitors.

If they attach themselves to alien cultures and believe to be descendants of the alien cultures they are treated with respect due to the false ideology of Gandhi. This Gandhi used to worship the British, but couldn't even give respect to the Hindu kings. The hindu kings failed to deliver their duties of protecting their subjects from alien invasions. The ideology of Gandhi has pacified a whole civilization and it has stopped us from defending ourselves. The day the Bharat stands with pride, the Abrahamic nations will cease to exist and thus to keep the civilization of Bharat under mental subjugation the ideology of Gandhi is being praised by all these nations. The praise is in self-defence of these nations and not due to any real sense of respect.

The media has become an accomplice in the present day in mental subjugation of the people of Bharat. When political parties like MIM claim to be the voice of muslims and dalits there is no sense of suspicion and there is no communal angle given, But if a party claims to be the voice of Hindus it is condenmed. When muslims of India hold rallies and demonstrations to show solidarity with people of palestine,rohingya and even though there is a voilence it all shown as non issue. But when a Hindu is suffering in our neighbouring countries and if a rally is conducted or words of support are spoken all hell shall break loose.

A court allows a girl of 15years to be married in a muslim community but the MSM stays silent, but a child marriage in hindu community is shown even by BBC. A small untoward incident relating to hindu community is blown out of proportion but a large mistake done by people Abrahamic faiths is silently brushed under carpet. There are umpteen examples to prove this point and it may require several pages to list all of them. But the point is that assertion of natives of Bharat is not acceptable to the followers and believers of non-native cultures and this happens because the native Bharatiya has become too apologetic and takes on the burden of some historical mistakes that would have been committed.

Even though there are reforms to correct the historical mistakes, the Hindu of today is seeking respect from the people who belive to be belonging to alien civilizations which wants to subjugate us. Let the intellectuals of Bharat realize this fraud and take action necessary to confront the alien culture parasites living among us and speak the truth and make many more realize that we are the only civilization that allows diversity.


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Zero & Infinite - Shiva & Krishna The existential Dualities

It is a known fact that most of the universe that we can perceive is almost empty. This statement may sound foolish but we think for a second about the validity then more questions arise and one question remains, "what is empty?". This one question is very important because it was said a long time ago that "empty vessels make much noise" and today we have the most noise(distractions).

In everyday lives also people tend to feel bored and try to fill their day with more thrilling activities. People always try to keep the mind engaged in a variety of tasks and while some take to drawing, reading, etc other take to porn, drugs etc. Whatever the activity may be there is always an effort to keep the mind engaged. Only the trained can keep their mind still and rest have to flow with the thoughts.

Even Arjuna couldn't control his mind and Lord Krishna consoled Arjuna and told that it is a very common problem. If we come from mental plane to physical world, the word empty assumes a lot of significance. The advertisement czars make us believe that we are missing certain objects, ie., we are empty and train us to go after the object they create for our consumption.

The entire eco-system of business pushes, supports those who are after filling their empty lives in more thrills, better gadgets. It is here that our ancient sages have excelled and the world still has to come to understanding. If we assume that not possessing certain objects is being empty then it is better to be empty and not move. Only when the empty vessels get hit by external forces they produce noise or sound but on their own they are pretty quiet.

As a human if we are empty of the worries then we are the most peaceful and most satisfied but the material world that we are part of is designed in the opposite way. The world tells that we are empty and then we rush to full our empty lives with all mundane things. But our dear god, Shri Kirshna has told that he is every where, even in tiny atom and in the largest of elephants. Shri Krishna exists simultaneously inside our bodies, in all particles and outside. Shri Krishna or in general the one powerful omnipotent, omniscient god permeates the entire existence and beyond.

What exists between the electrons, between the protons and in between the sub atomic particles is Shri Krishna(dark). Today the scientists are telling the world that dark matter consists a huge portion of our universe and after 100years they may claim that by mental training it is possible to communicate with the energy and learn the infinite truths. In simpler words, practice yoga and with expertise you shall become peaceful and in sync with the external universe.

For the beings who are in insync with the universe there is no difference between external and internal one atom and other. The dark matter or Krishna supports all the universe and exists everywhere. There is no place in the universe where is absence of Krishna. If Krishna has to be absent then there should be Shiva, who has infinite density and no empty space in between. Such a condition will be a singularity, black hole but with a significantly very high density. As we know one infinity cannot be equal to another infinity. 

If there is a perfect material, then the question arises what it is made up. The material should be constructed of particles with out any gap in between. As we go into smaller or subatomic world the scales of empty space increases. If all the material of the universe contracts to being a perfect material we have pralaya and thus the pralayakarta is called Shiva and depicted as a linga or a seed from which everything gets created.

When Shiva absorbs everything into a single point of perfect mass again then outside of shiva there is Krishna. Both cannot exist independently and are neither dependent on one another. Hence it is clear that Shiva is Krishna and both are on a cosmic platform one. We can neither see Shiva nor assume Krishna because our expectations are quite different. Einstein discovered that mass and energy can be converted but fell short of explaining what happens to mass and what exactly is nature of energy.

The scientists consider light sometimes as energy and sometimes as photos(having mass). All the theories are confronted with dual nature of light. There should be some relation between mass and energy as both are convertible and there should be clear understanding of the conversion process. But since many of the process are not understandable to the minutest details, they are assumed as universal truths and those on which the entire theories as we know exist.

When we take mass continuously divide, the size of portions keep reducing first to atoms. Upon further division there will be sub atomic particles and as the division continues we end up very minute particles not known to the world till now. Since division can never leave Zero and there is a infinity between zero and near zero. Hence infinity and empty are neither be defined not could be understood using the physical interactions.

Only by the way of spiritual interaction we can understand zero and infinite or in better terms we can come to understand Shiva and Krishna. But when the complete knowledge is attained there is no difference between zero and infinite as both are relative and related and dependent on the scale of perception.

Monday, 10 November 2014


The spirit trapped inside the material perceives the time by the changes that are taking place within and outside. The real state of the spirit is that which doesn't change, but due to interaction with material it perceives the change through the consciousness. If the consciousness of spirit merges with the super consciousness of the omnipotent, omnipresent being then again the spirit doesn't have a time to perceive. The universe becomes static yet the spirit holds its individual identity.

But within the material nature, the spirit reveals its true nature through a few highly qualified individuals who by practice bring out the full potential of the soul(spirit). These individuals can be called rishis, tantriks or by any other fancy name as may be necessary. Some of these are genuine but many of them are imposters.

The ordinary living entity continues its interaction with the universe in terms of material perspective. But the sages and rishis have told a many times that "TRUTH IS ONE, BUT PEOPLE CALL IT DIFFERENT NAMES". Many a living entities continue their existence without putting efforts to know the truth and those who go on the path of finding the truth are guided by their gurus. Some of these will realize the truth and most will different stages of realization.

We human beings perceive time though our senses which capture the information and sends it to the brain which processes the minute changes giving the individual a sense. Every being that exists has had a past, might have a future and then there is the present stage. The being who has  control of his senses and the mind can become oblivious to the changes in the universe outside and inside and thus can be independent of time.

For such a exalted being there is no time and he would have realized the his true self ie., the spiritual existence. These persons shall see everything as a mere interaction independent of time. The movie character of "Griffin" in MIB-III who is a fifth dimensional being and could see several universes simultaneously.  To understand the world through its material interactions we require position and time, but to understand the spiritual world I believe no dimensions are necessary because everything that exists is one single entity with one dimension i.e. the spiritual dimension.

There is no difference that exist between one spirit and another in the spiritual world and hence the dimension that becomes necessary is the level of consciousness. For the beings who have merged their consciousness with super consciousness, for the beings who have controlled their senses and mind there is no dimension of time and position or any other material dimensions. These beings just see the unlimited energy that exists.

To help those who are lower levels of consciousness they tend to interact with the beings of material world and give solutions to the seemingly permanent problems of temporary stage of beings. A pooja to the supreme being is a way of ensuring some interactions of certain energies to pave a way for a particular king of result. The universe is static for the spiritual being but is continuously changing for a material being. 

With a particular kind of interaction of a particular set of souls in the material world a certain result is expected and this can be achieved by the guidance of wise men. Hence the bigger the problem, the bigger is the requirement of kind of pooja is suggested so that a particular set of people have to come together and interact. With the people coming to these religious functions reducing, the result that could been achieved is also not becoming possible.

The learned people of this land have understood the spiritual realm and have given certain guidelines for the realization of the real world to the ordinary. But the ordinary men want to treat themselves with the material things, hence there shall be only suffering, misery. The levels of suffering that we are witnessing in the present times, are not necessarily required for the existence of the life as we are living it.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Forensics : Scientific tests or techniques used in connection with detection of crime
Black Magic : Magic involving the supposed invocation of evil spirits for evil purposes

The colour of magic doesnot affect the results. Black is associated with evil by westerners because they are very much slaves to the visual stimulation alone. But the natives of India have never associated colour to qualities of persons. Many of Sanathana Dharmic gods have very dark colours.

Black magic in telugu language is called chetabadi and is popularized by a few films. A doll or a object is connected to the living being and is pierced with needle to induce pain and suffering. The evil priest who does this practice demanded some hair, clothes of the person who is to be targeted.

If people believe in the existence of forces beyond our knowledge, then by nature and evolution process there might be people who could contact these forces. It may also be possible that these contacts be established by practice and hard work. With practice the forces might be controlled to achieve certain deeds.

If the practitioner does some good deeds using the forces he is a saint and if he does evil or immoral works, then he is a evil person. Hence we have two sides of a coin with the use of single force beyond human scope. The question that now should arise is "what is connection between forensics and black magic?"

Now in any crime scene, forensic experts screen and find every small bit of information ranging bits of hair, saliva, lipstick, fingerprints etc to identify the persons involved. By investigations the criminal is identified by either adding to the information collected for deducting the irrelevant information.

In black magic, the forensics are required so the particular person is properly targeted. Hence there is need for a object that is having a direct relation with the target person. Hence  a demand for a hair, used clothes, etc are made use of by the priest and using the forces locate the person and then induce pain, suffering or help depending on the need.

It might also be possible that the priest who does this practice knew about the DNA fingerprinting by the involvement of the spirits or forces that are beyond human grasp. People laughed at the practice of using hair, used clothes, etc a long time ago but now it is being practice as it comes from the west. The reasoning skills of native Indians is a dead art form which has to be given a fresh lease of life.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Green Livestock Energy

We Indians respect a cow and are supposed to treat a cow as our mother. This may sound very funny for the modern urban liberal intellectual Indian. For a rural liberal intellectual Indian it may sound less funny and for the illiterate it might make some sense. Milk produced by cows is very a nutritious food and to eliminate malnutrition and to increase the income of rural households dairy is one of the best industries to get people involved. Thanks to the groups and federations that make more milk production and supply to all the needy and still there is a shortage of milk and there is also malnutrition in our country.

Milk is also produced from buffaloes, goats and other animals which are consumed by different groups of people at different places. Such a diversity should be appreciated and is inherent to a vast country like India. The dark side of any good comes to the fore due to the nature of human beings. Greed is the source of all human misery and milk production is also affected by it. In order to produce more milk we have begun to import foreign breeds and began to neglect local varieties of livestock and developed nations are making billions of dollars just by supplying semen which should otherwise should have only a natural action.

Technological development has only increased the greed of the human mind and with new tools there are novel ways to accumulate. A cow is useful only till produces milk and because of technology the ox is rendered useless and sent to slaughter houses. The animal rights activists are more than happy to kill an animal than make to work tirelessly and be underfed. The activists prefer death to the animal, but strange are the ways of activists. A human being is kept in suffering against his wish in hospitals and treating him for incurable diseases sometimes even against his wish making loads of money and allowed to die when there is no further treatments are not possible.

The animal is not given such a chance to earn its livelihood because there are no offices for the animals to work and seek a decent livelihood. Thanks to some philanthropists and activists there are huge choultry like facilities for the livestock where they are fed and manure is collected and sold. The milk produced is sold and both the man and livestock are surviving on each other. the nature has crude sense of balance and we tend to disturb it. The females of the livestock are considered more useful because of the milk it can give but the males of livestock are considered as a burden and sent of to slaughter houses.

In the good old days, the male livestock could have worked in the fields but due to modernity- productivity issues and also grazing land issues male stock lost their jobs and hence their livelihood. Everyone who has lived in small towns and villages that a ox can pull considerable load on the roads and now it should be possible to use the same ox to generate some useful energy. Why is it not possible the ox be used to create electricity? The electricity can then be sold and the dung can used for production of gas and also as a manure there by increasing the income.

Having a huge population was once considered a curse but now it is a boon. Similarly having a huge livestock population was considered a curse but it should become a boon if we are able to efficiently generate electricity by making the animals earn their livelihood in a dignified manner. 

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is the idea that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions. A corollary idea is that because we cause our actions, we can be held morally accountable or legally liable.

On 28/09/2014 , @9PM in Madison Square our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has spoke to his target audience from a revolving state. A congressman joked that the revolutions that modi promised is the revolution of the stage on which he is standing. Another modi hater got himself into a avoidable fight with the paid RSS thugs in USA but the sad part is very few believed him due to history of chronic hatred for all things Indians love and respect.

PM Modi has earlier spoke in UNGC and it was a speech read from a script and the target audience are the TV room-glass house intellectuals, think-tanks and other world leaders. The speech at the MSG was for the masses who wanted to hear what their leader has to say, whether he would spew venom on the country that has denied visa on flimsy grounds. The TV audience back home expected some fireworks like they were used to during his election speeches.

Everyone was taken by surprise because there were no leaks about the contents of the speech. The hype surrounding the oratory skills of Modi just added to the thrill of the day long wait for the Indians back home and night long wait for the American Indians. Modi has not only addressed to the Indians who lived in America but to the whole of mankind who respect others equally. Americans would also have thrilled to hear the man from India who killed thousands of Muslims because he had no work.

Modi does no work, he relaxes all the time and this truth has been told by Modi himself. But Modi has told he has not taken any vacation after taking up the job as PM of India. The question then arises, what exactly Modi doing? The answer is Personal Responsibility for the actions of this government. Mr.Modi is ensuring that his government delivers on the promises he has made to the citizens and is ensuring that others do what they are supposed to do. There words might seem like sycophant of a Modi but from his speeches at Redfort, UNGC and MSG all tell the pain of the man due to his peoples' indifference. 

We Indians expect the government to take care of us because we are paying the taxes and are its rightful citizens. We Indians have forgotten the plegde

Mr.Modi is taking different platforms to tell the people about the pledge we have taken during our childhood and to be responsible. If we as citizens of India abide by this simple pledge then there would have been very problems for the government to tackle on a day-to-day basis and we would have been a developed nation. the indifference of us towards to the nation is making the government to venture in all sorts of activities that it should have not bothered and ensuring that government shall not fulfil its responsibility. 

Be it people's foolishness to fall trap into greed like chit fund scams that happen at regular intervals in some part of our country, or people's indifference to help the victims of road accidents, sexual assault or violent attacks on neighbours, etc. What Modi is asking is very simple. "DEAR INDIANS, PLEASE TAKE SOME PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WE SHALL PROGRESS FASTER THAN WE HOPED."

Monday, 22 September 2014

Engineering Student - Customer or Raw Material

Lets have a look at the fundamentals by listing the definitions
Student : A person who is studying at a university or other place of higher education (or) Denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession
Engineer : A person who designs, builds or maintains engines, machines or structures (or) A person who controls an engine especially on an ship or aircraft
Customer : A person who buys goods and services from a shop or business (or) A person of a specified kind with whom one has to deal
Raw material : The basic material from which the product is made

Engineering education is the activity of teaching knowledge ad principles related to the professional practice of engineering. It includes the initial education for becoming an engineer and any advanced education and specializations that follow. engineering education is typically accompanied by additional examinations and supervised training as the requirements for a professional engineering license. If a engineering student is treated as a customer in a consumer centric world where customer is the boss, then there is no control of who can get a engineering degree.

Only a few products are controlled by laws and rules as to whom they can be sold. Rolls-Royce cars are sold based on invitation from the company, who select the people who are eligible for purchase of their cars. This gives a sense of exclusivity that people crave and make them feel special. The car is just like any other used for travel, but the exclusivity is what costs the car several times more than its actual price. Other products that are controlled are high end technology goods related to weapons and other allied systems.

An engineering student who prefers exclusivity has to enter premier institutes by way of very hard work and his talents. the regular tom, dick and harry cannot enter register for an engineering course in the exclusive club of premier engineering institutes because only eligible people are customers for the institutes. When the institute selects who their customers can be, then the better analogy would be treat the engineering as a raw material who is screened based on the requirement for a particular process and then accepted or rejected.

After getting accepted, the student has to pay money for the services that the institutes offer. Here too the student is not centre of focus but the course and its contents are the focus. The student is put a certain process so that in the end, when he completes the several process pertaining to the choice he has made at the beginning. the education is and should always be content centric and should facilitate the student in understanding the contents of the course. Thus we have to treat student as a raw material who should undergo certain process and is verified for certain standards of quality and reprocessed as when necessary.

When education system starts to treat student as customer, then the requirements of the student will become prime focus. The system has to align to the needs of the majority of students. On an average, the students wants a easy time during the course and after a certain period of time wants a degree certificate. The system focus gets aligned in a such a way that education process is more oriented on giving degree to maximum number of students. Thus when the student comes out of the college after completing the course is found to be unemployable.

Each student is a raw material whose properties are to be with in a range so that he qualifies for the process. Based on the specific characteristic, the system should apply the appropriate additional processes to produce the engineer to certain standards acceptable to the next stage. The next stage may be job, business, research etc. Unless the focus of education system shifts from student centric to content centric and student being considered as a raw material rather than customer, there is no way forward. Big talks about advancement, development, innovation will be in the air alone.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

A Dead Nation - India

India is a very peculiar country where the citizens are usually taken for a ride by their leaders. The citizens are very much detached from the powerful and have belief system that the leaders have appeared from Mars. Otherwise why would MPs, MLAs and other government servants who have started from humble beginnings live a very royal life while the majority of citizens rot in their daily lives. The people who have elected these leaders rot in their hardships and seek small favours disproportionate to their allocations(usually very less). The wealth of the leaders grow the fastest and are usually disproportionate to their known sources of income, yet there are no concrete actions taken to bring in accountability.

The millions of poor citizens know that they are being looted and given doles by the government, yet they are very contended with their lives. The millions of poor citizens resign to their fate and hope for "Acche din" and every time a saint comes and says that "acche din ane wale hai" they believe. The foolish and intelligent people do so well in believing in all the jargon and sweet words that miracle men utter, hardly anybody escapes. Those who escape are hounded by the powerful and then ultimately everyone falls in line else they will simply disappear. There are many actions that can be taken to make people fall in line and the best methods are the most inhumane ones.

The ability to bear pain continuously with out retaliation has been drilled into the Indian citizen by the person who smiles in our currency notes. The smile is for our foolishness, for the honour we have given to this person who destroyed the retaliation spirit of India. Recent commentary by Radha Rajan in is an eye opener. How can a leader smile when the nation is rotting with poverty and his smiling face is put on the currency notes. May be the citizens are made to laugh looking at the joker's face on the currency note and is an effort by our leaders to bring in some cheers in our life. Where are the symbols of wealth on the higher currency notes.

When we look at our nation's state of affairs from a third person point view, it becomes very clear that there is a clear design for subjugation. It has been proven beyond belief that various attempts are being made to destroy the Hindu culture and impose something foreign and slowly this is being look up with awe. While there should have been alarms ringing there are sounds of jingle bells and cloaks of invisibility by the leaders who are supposed to take matters head on. No single individual has been successful in destroying the spirit of India as Gandhi and he is allegedly titled Father of Nation(which is spiritually killed). There is no life when the spirit leaves and inspite of having the best individual minds we are nation of poverty, disease.

When a foreign spirit accepts the body the behaviour changes which may not suit the build of the body. Either the foreign spirit should be exorcised or the body be burnt to ashes. The religious conversions in India, population explosion of Muslims, crimes on women & children, the biased self appointed caretakers of morals who are foreign in intellect are all small doses of poison to kill the body to ensure the spirit of India never comes back. We are in a coma or near dead situation intellectually and are unable to realize the damage that has occurred because we are forced to not think about the nation. We are in a race of dead rats and who ever wins is already dead. The happiness index of our nation will never rise because the curing the symptoms will never heal the body unless the root cause is traced and solutions applied.

A dead nation is bereft of any creativity nor life and we are waiting to give away our control as quickly as possible. The taker is readying his armour while we are packing-up our history and modifying our culture to gain acceptance. A dead society is only good for putting in a tomb or for doing dissection and studying by the alive. We have never learnt from our past mistakes as a society and will never learn. The history is biased to our native citizens and we are killed from insides.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

A case of Coconut & its Harvesting

The Coconut is a big consumable food item in the coastal regions and among many communities of our country. The coconut oil though being made to look as a dangerous for the long term health benefits is actually very good for health. In many of the culinary shows the non-Indian oils like Olive oil and others are being promoted. The foolish public are developing new taste senses and have pleasurable feeling due to consumption of olive oils and other foreign foods.

The principle of survival of the fittest is being accepted as the process of evolution, which in itself is highly debatable. But on the face of it, it is argued that when plants they make their seeds/fruits, better properties are passed for the continuity of the species. Thus in any given area the flora and fauna tend to fight the environment and aim for survival.  By this principle, it is a belief that local food consumption is better for the health on a regular basis than having foreign food. It is acceptable to have foreign/alien foods once in a while.

Animals are more dependant on plants because for the need for food which plants can make by photosynthesis while the animals can either other animals or plants. In the whole the food chain is more important and a lot of importance is to be given to the local foods than to alien foods. The long term effects are never studied because it will affect the short term gains for the corporations, societies and other for profit organizations.

Many of the systems and technologies that have been invented by us have an inspiration from nature and so far the reverse has not happened. with the shortage of manpower in general and agricultural labour in particular many activities are being mechanized and many patents are being generated with the purpose of making money. If not the innovator, the manufacturer will make profits, since some one has to make profit let us all make profits. This the modern mantra is development.

In this scenario, the coconut harvesting is a typical case. Many mechanisms have been developed for climbing up the coconut tree and then felling the coconuts to the ground. The tree climber charges the farmer either on basis of per tree, per coconut, per hour or any other basis and it will not be anywhere near cheap labour. There is also a shortage of tree climbers and there is a professional hazard of falling from the tree tops. Even though a number of mechanism have been developed their use has been limited due to the cumbersome nature of the machines.

In the present day, there is a wild fetish for electronic gadgets and remote/wireless control of machines. A flying machine has become a reality with Amazon delivering products, NETRA for surveillance are in use. The quadri-copter is being used for many applications and the load capacity is currently being limited due to the on-board battery whose weight is considerable and also limited the capabilities of the machine. The flying machines can be an answer to the coconut harvesting problem.

The flying machine should be provided with a cutting mechanism which may be a simple cutting wheel, scissor or like that of a wood pecker and attached with a camera. the machine when in flight should be operated manually using a control panel but should be wired to supply higher voltage from the ground operator. The weight of battery is replaced by the cutting mechanism and due to the presence of wire the weight of light gets added but will be negligible due to ability to transfer higher voltage. 

One such mechanism can be a solution to harvesting of even fruits, vegetables if provided by a proper collecting arrangements.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Improving the Evaluations in Subjective Examination

In Engineering many new methods of evaluation are being implemented to test the knowledge and understanding of the students in a given subject. Student interest may not be equal in all subjects and in the worst case a given student has no aptitude and understanding capability in a particular subjects(ex.mathematics). But a student may have good understanding in all other subjects. 

The great academicians are trying to do justice to the students by giving grace marks to students in one subject, if a student has passed in all remaining subjects. The grace marks will be deducted from the other subjects and the final total of the student remains the same. 

The above scheme of grace marks can be further extended in such a way that, the students have to score only the total marks in all the subjects combined without worrying about the score in individual subjects. The minimum marks that is required can be further reduced or eliminated and the total score of passing should be increased.

If for example in the the minimum marks is 35 for passing and there are 8 theory exams then in the changed system of evaluation, the total marks for passing can be changed from 210 ( 210 = 6 x 35) to any higher value. If the student is weak in subject then he has put more than extra effort to score in other subjects in which he as better understanding capabilities.

This type of evaluation will help the students to excel in the examinations and they might like the courses. The job of the teachers is to make the student to learn on their own and experiment and excel without making them to learn subjects in which they are never good at. We should allow Tendulkars to be good in cricket then work harder in aeronautics which is the domain Abdul Kalams.

The clubbing of subjects should be done judiciously and there should be continuity of subjects throughout the course be it 3years or 4years.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Can the Indian Muslim move beyond suspicion?

The post-poll debates of 2014 General Elections has showed one dangerous trend and indicated which party gets the majority of Indian Muslims votes. In many of the cases Indian Muslims have not voted for BJP or its allies and have voted strategically to defeat the BJP or its candidates. The beauty of Indian democracy is that is allows each citizen to have his opinion and also propagate it it, unless it is proved to be anti-national. There are these anti-national elements in ever group, colour etc.

The fake liberal, secular intelligentsia have appreciated the ghetto mentality of Muslims to vote in bulk to defeat the NDA. As citizens every group has its thinking but the reasons for this aversion for the BJP is more dangerous for the peaceful co-existence of the Indians. The blind belief that Modi, BJP, RSS are killers of muslims is so deeply ingrained in the minds of the Muslim masses is a tremendous achievement by the propaganda machinery at work.

The founders of the constitution of India have believed that by nature Hindus of this country are inclusive and have inherent capacity to take all varieties of people along. The diversity of the citizenry of this nation is the indication of the mindset and nature of the civilization and culture of this country. The present muslims most of whose ancestors might be once followers of the Bharatiya culture but got converted to their present religion.  Be it muslims or christians who are citizens of this India have their cultural roots in Hinduism.

The Muslim League believed that Muslims cannot live with Hindus and forced the national leaders of 1947 period to divide this peaceful and prosperous land. Large scale migrations have taken place along with flow of rivers of blood. Further Muslim nation got divided into separate entity called Bangladesh which was east Pakistan. The sinister designs have been partly successful and the idea of usurping India bit by bit has started from 15 August 1947. The infiltration of the borders of the migrations for economic benefit of the muslims and changing the demography of 7 sisters, Kashmir are all plans of breaking the nation.

The current Hindus have become cynical and suspicious of the muslim community and the reason for the ghetto mentality of muslim community is never researched. the propaganda machinery is working in full force to further alienate the two communities from one another. The nationalist voluntary service organization, RSS has been working in unifying the nation but the propaganda machinery is portraying RSS otherwise. The RSS has created a separate forum for muslims to come into its ranks and create harmony but the dividers of the communities have come up with PFI and other fronts.

Modi has time and again extended an olive branch and asked the muslims to participate in the growth story. Few muslims have participated and have seen benefits and are spreading the good message. This number is too less and has to work very hard to overcome the false propaganda machinery. The Hindus have by nature and culture are inclusive and the proof is visible in the neighbouring islamic countries ie. Pakistan and Bangladesh where the population of minorities(Hindus, Christians, etc) has decreased drastically over the period time. While the Muslims have grown in population and also economically the blind hatred to the philosophy of hinduism doesnot bode well for the nation.

The Muslim may be a equal patriot as an Hindu or any other citizen, but the collective voice is missing where it matters the most. When a Hindu leader has done a wrong according to the morals of a few, there is a strong feedback mechanism but this feedback mechanism seems to be nonexistant. A youth in America went missing during the time of bombings in america, and his name being a hindu name, theories were floated about Saffron terror in foreign soil. But there is no talk about the Islamic terror in the large muslim populations which is the black mark on the whole community.

The deeds of the islamic terrorists if doing more harm to the community than all other works combined. There are the many good muslims who have raised from their ghetto mentality to improve the relation between the hindus and muslims but these voices are choked by the propaganda machinery. It is the right time for all the citizens of this country be it hindu, muslim, christian, sikh, parsi, etc to work for the development and growth of India under the leadership of Modi.

India after a long time has got a visionary who is willing to walk the extra mile for the upliftment of all section of the society. Why not all the citizens work to make India the world leader in all spheres of life. We have the wisdom, manpower and all other required resources. What is missing is the collective will of majority of the citizens. Let us all work together to make "EK BHARAT, SHREST BHARAT"

Monday, 12 May 2014

Bipolar World - War of Religions

BJP has been a dormant party till Narendra Modi has been anointed its Prime Ministerial candidate for the 2014 general elections and credit must go to Rajnath Singh for seeing the support base. Opinion polls have clearly indicated that the popularity of Modi is more than that of BJP as a party. Many in the intellectually bankrupt media have declared that this decision would be a disaster and UPA was celebrating its success even before the declaration was made. As time progressed, Modi charged entire the party machinery and extended his reach to the whole country with an army of volunteers from various walks of life. Some are highly intellectual while some are the poor man on the street who went to Modi's rally to have a look at the man of the moment. While some others got people to vote for BJP and yet others have donated to the growth of party. Every bit of insignificant work by all the people has contributed to the success of the party and Modi after the last day of campaign thanked his dedicated group of volunteers. Some will get benefits in the aftermath of the government formation, some will decline the benefits, while others will see what this man is going to deliver to the nation which in a state of hopelessness.

Boko Haram is a group of fanatic fundamentalist groups who pledge their lives to philosophy of Islam have kidnapped school girls from Nigeria. The Western Egoistic World and the pseudo-intellectuals of the India and other developing nations have been silently watching the episode and hoping that the issue will be buried a the earliest else their true character will be revealed. These people have no moral standards to maintain but are interested in their self preservation.Till date no leader or gutter mouths have spoken against this dastardly act either from Saffron group or Secular group. This is the dark side of the Abrahamic faiths and their philosophies and Saffron group also in an appeasement mode has been keeping silence.

A group of volunteers have landed in India to educate the poor and also to harvest souls for the sake of planting cross in India, the Teacher of the World. Many of the religious leaders have been silent on the excesses of the religious converters and are distancing themselves from the problems in the area of spirituality. The religious heads of various groupings, instead of spreading the words of dharma busy in building ashramas and indulging in petty politics for the name and fame. If in the future any acts of extremism from the people of abrahamic faiths, then religious leaders are to be solely blamed for their failure in spreading the true meaning of faith. These pseudo-leaders are immersed in worldly matters and money that there seems to be no time for the real work like that of their acharyas. the focus has lost due to the materialistic exuberance.

The world as many believe is multipolar, but in reality is only bipolar and the flux in between. The observer sees the flux as different at different times and viewing directions but its reality remains the same. The peaceful way of life and non peaceful way of life are the two ways of human existence and survival and the rules are established for the continuity of life in the most peaceful manner for a given time. Wars that have done according laws(Dharma Yuddha) in our land called Bharatavarsha, is completely different in context and meaning than the wars that were led by the the leaders of Abrahamic faith who didn't follow rules. Their goal was to loot and take control and go for more pseudo-luxuries. It always amazes that India was a source of knowledge and wealth and never attacked other regions, but people who learnt from this land and remained backward for centuries, in a span of some 600 years have become psychotic-killers of humans. The only reason that can attributed is the lack of respect to the nature and life which is deeply inculcated in the ways of life of the people of this land.

The entire churning that is taking place is for the control of more resources and for the welfare of people. When everybody is rich, it means no body is. India may be looked down by the so called powers of the world because the idea is to erase the way of life of the people and to make the world bipolar and ultimately into single polar meaning the destruction of the human race. This destruction can only be stopped by the Indians and we hold the key to the human civilization. We existed even before there was knowledge elsewhere and we shall prevail. To achieve the leaders of this country should have a vision and revive in the right direction. Apart from the leader who does administrative works, the spiritual gurus must embark on the mission to revive the true meaning of life and thwart the efforts of the religious converters who are slowly killing our Bharatiyata.

The entire planet may tell us we Indians are the biggest racists, most corrupt, highly insensitive to the needy, destructors of nature and all other bad things that could be attributed to a society. Being the knowledge and spiritual center of the world, we are nothing but a mirror. On any given day, WE THE PEOPLE OF BHARAT ARE BETTER THAN REST. 

Friday, 11 April 2014


The word corruption and bias are heard throughout the day be it in informal discussions among colleagues at work or in TV debates. The words are repeated over and over again and many people are of the belief that those in power are not doing the things in the right way. The real tragedy is that everyone has a notion of what constitutes the right way.

Any human being in contact with other humans, ie., being part of society has his/her own preferences and this is inevitable. Having preferences will have a spillover effect in our actions and it is here that when giving judgements or evaluations people see some bias while those delivering don't see. If the difference in the expectations and the delivered results are huge then there can a unrest.

An example of this unrest can turnout into a gigantic monster like civil wars that we are witnessing in the Arab countries. Some of this wars are genuine while many of the civil wars are spread of the developed countries to sell their products and set-up puppet governments and have a reliable markets for their high priced goods and services.

Looking at the results the bias can generate it is in the better interests of the society that where possible the bias should be eliminated. In the field of education such bias can influence the marks allotted to the students in the examinations. To minimize this bias, the main examination evaluations are done together with a teacher getting to evaluate not his students.

The secrecy of the student even though maintained, the evaluators have formed cartels to give everyone good marks and thus the true capacity of the student is getting hidden in the scheme of things. To eliminate any kind of bias, the evaluation should be done by machines and one way to do this is by having objective type questions to numerical and objective type of questions.

With only 4 answers, the students can arrive at answers by the method of eliminations of worst answers and without having good grasp of the subject, it is possible to score marks. If all the questions are marked with the same letter, then by probability theory there is a chance of getting 25% marks. To reduce this mischief and incorrect ways of getting marks there should be atleast 8 solutions and each with slight variations so as to ensure that the elimination method of answering will fail.

Apart from this, the students should be given instructions to fix the calculators to a certain fixed decimals and the same number of decimals that are rounded off by the calculators should be used in the calculations. With such a condition if for a question the correct answer is 11.49 then the student should be provided with a choice of {11.19, 11.49, 11.69, 12.19, 12.49, 12.69, 13.49, 13.69, ...}. This will ensure that the student has to calculate the answers by himself. But now the choices given to the students will be {11.49, 111.49, 0.1149, 1.149}. 

Giving many choices and making the student to really calculate accurately should be the goal. For the non numerical type of questions where possible multiple answers should be given and the student should identify both the answers to getting the marks. Negative marking should be full deduction instead of partial deductions which makes the student to not take risk and go for answering questioning when he doesnot know the answer or the topic fully.

The students will always try to overcome the exam scheme with short-cuts and thumb rules but as the valuators the scheme of the exam should be continuously upgraded and new ways and means should be created to identity the best from the group. The bubble marking sheets which the students could then be evaluated by the computer to remove the bias, or else on-line tests can be conducted where the results can obtained instantaneously and the eliminated the bias. With more choice in the solutions the student should be made to work the problems to answer.

If on-line tests are conducted each student could be provided a unique set of numbers for a given numerical problem and students could be asked to enter the results achieved by calculation which can be evaluated for correctness. The bubble sheets could be modified to look similar to having 8 shaped spaced regions to darken the appropriate digits(as in calculators) to mark the answer in the required units. 

In any system there will be rules made by those who are in power and there is always a struggle by those who are kept under the rules. One group try to bypass the rules while the other comes up with tougher rules. But in education the later group and some of them have joined the former to bypass the rules and the evaluations have become skewed and the results are not becoming indicative of the subject knowledge of the students.

There is a urgent need of changing the system of evaluations and implement unbiased evaluations.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Education - Digitalization, Rot that set in

"One size fits all". This is the manthra of the corporate style of governance or running a organization. There will a huge number of systems in place, where in ever activity is digitalized(conversion into numbers). The digits are then run through complex algorithms to detect relations between the input and the out. Bottle necks and wastages are reduced to improve the system.

In the remade movie "Tron", the Creator of the digital world says that, after he has created a image of himself for improving the efficiency and speeding the creation of digital world with high efficiency. The Creator then finds that the Iso, the original inhabitants of the digital world are destroyed to improve and confirm to the new system that has been created.

When industries strive for very high efficiencies to cut down costs and to improve the bottom lines, there will be huge layoffs. As the technology adoption takes place at a very fast rate, the need for humans reduces and there will be cycles of huge job opportunities to huge layoffs creating tension among communities. The people at the top of the food chain will always stay alive and be safe because they have made themselves safe from the turmoil.

The need for a safety is what drives many to get to the topmost position as possible and be safe from the anxiety cycles or ordinary mortals. We often hear the talks/speeches of the people at the top, who would have destroyed and cannibalized the lives of several of their colleagues to reach certain position. A Mr.Perfectly Nice Guy finds it very difficult to reach to the top, and those who are at the top are not gentle but cruel and brutal competitors whose sole aim to take the profits of the organization higher.

But when the system of education also becomes digitalized, then there should have been huge debates about the direction and the purpose of the education itself. The vicious cycle is now in full swing. The students enter a course to enrich themselves with basic knowledge and skill sets to perform tasks in real world by application. The employers would evaluate the students based on their academic credentials and conduct some simple tests to evaluate the real calibre of the students.

The less capable students don't get jobs and it shows poorly on the institute. The students donot like the institute as it couldnot provide the required skill sets. Meetings take place blaming the teacher for not imparting the skill sets. The teachers put more pressure by way of assignments/tasks to improve the skills of students. The students then complain of overload/torture to management and teachers are forced to find more innovative methods of imparting skill sets.

More marks are given to students who donot have the calibre and students get the jobs. Industry conducts simple tests to select students for jobs only to find on a later date that the students donot know basics. The employers come up with own set of tests for evaluation. Colleges train the students to clear the employer's tests so as to make the students to get jobs. The cycle branches into unknown territories and the blame game starts. The students, management blame the poor quality of teachers and teachers come with more innovative methods of teaching with each passing year.

The only sufferers are the students who donot find jobs for the degrees they possess. It is the responsibility of the teacher to have the knowledge about the subject as to impart the basic knowledge. The responsibility and ability of the student is to learn the subject and understand. When the focus shifts from understanding the subject to scoring marks the meaning of education is lost and the students are busy preparing for the test to clear the campus exams and go on to take special trainings.

The technical and managerial skills cannot be imparted to all the sutdents at an equal level and unless the education systems imparts this basic knowledge that not all students are equal. The equality of students come in the skill sets that they have and can work hard to improve upon. Some students are good in management, some may be good in art, some may be excellent communicator, etc. The job the education system is to evaluate and give the student, the path that he has to lead to achieve in the improvement of his skills.

The evaluation schemes and education system is completely rotten with more stress on innovation then inventions. The concept of patents, papers published etc are all taking the education system into a digital realm which can never match the accuracy and quality of analogue systems where there can be good manual interventions. Either you are in zero level or one level the only possibilities of digital system.

So long the digital system continues in education, the rot is only going to get worse and industries will come up with courses that will suit their demands. The meaning of the education and the method we know are going to fade faster then expected. The days of the present system of education and evaluation are numbered.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Life and Death - Time Scale

The Helix of time is the only all permeating dimension of this universe. The various objects present in this Helix of time cross one another at all the times and leading the universe as we know it. Even the minutest of the viruses to the biggest of the mammals are moving forward in time passing through various stages of life. The movement is along the Helix of time, going continuously forward at various diameters of the helix. 

If not for the movement of the matter, be it the giant stars or the smallest bosons, there would be any sense of the universe and there would not be any consciousness or will. The animate and inanimate universe as we know exists only to the movement. Everything that exists and doesn't exist is due to the movement and everything has to move forward in the Helix of time. The laws of conversation state that mass, energy cannot be created and destroyed from converted from one form to another.

Ever particle is part of the living beings at some point or other and hence the universe as a whole is a giant living entity. The unknown universe should then be a dead entity and there is no sense of time in it. For a dead entity to exist there should not be any movement and if there is movement/motion it is living entity. the protons/neutrons/bosons/blue-whale are all moving and the smaller the particles the faster is the movement and this movement given them the life and capability to move forward in time.

Einstein's Theory of relativity gives a chance of going back in time and correcting the past and chancing the course of future from being in present. The helix of times are moving in the forward and we jump to different helix and try to move in the backward direction, then the events that have taken place are different and the modified present may not exist. The present as we know it is only due to the precise movements of the all the moving particles present in the universe and the hidden particles beyond the universe.

When the particle is locked in space, the dependent dimension of time, the particle can spin about any one of its infinite axis. As the particle rotates, the mass is shifted outward away from the centre. The centre loses all the matter over a period of time if the rotation speed continuously increases and after a long period of time we can see only a static ring but in reality the ring is the mass of particle that is revolving and the mater is distorted and the vacuum at the centre is the creation.

What we might tend to say vacuum is a creation due to the motion of the particles. Thus even the tiniest particles tend to move to have their existence. If the movement stops then the mass might get attracted to the centre and continue to contract and finally become so dense that it gets converted into energy and get dissipated into the vacuum. Vacuum and black are the absolute source of all energy and a lot of motion is present. The nature of particle present in the dark vacuum is called Krishna, the all powerful one.

The names given to the dark vacuum might be different but the most powerful existence is the dark vacuum, where light cannot go and where everything gets dissolved/absorbed. This dark vacuum is present within the bosons/stars etc. It is the only common in the entire existence. For the universe to have life as we know then there should be motion, meaning the dark vacuum should move forward in the time Scale. The Helix of time is premeating and is said to have no start and the great Lord Vishnu rests on the bed of Helix created by the 1000 headed by Adishesha.

The giant 1000headed snake which should have curved and moved along the space just coils and remains static so as to give a bed to Vishnu is the indication that the time is a Helix and the Dark Universe and Time are the same entities. If the motion stops there is no time and hence there can be no Dark Universe and where there is motion, the Dark universe doesn't exist. Thus time and dark universe are part of the whole and are in effect the same.

The duality of Life and Death appears meaningful on the Time Scale of the living entities as we call ourselves, but for the lord of the Universe there is no duality, there is no difference and there is just movement. Even in a state of samadhi when the mind is held still, breathing is bought to a very slow halt, the various atoms present in the body as we know, are in motion, and hence even in samadhi there is no death. When the soul which directs the atoms to act in a particular way and decides to leave the set of matter and chance the helix of time, there comes to the death to a animate shape.

Monday, 3 March 2014


A living entity born in this known world starts to learn to survive each and every moment. The entities that donot learn will perish sooner than those which learn. There are some tests that have to be passed with varying degrees of success to continue to exist in the world as we know it. The tests range from diseases to first time of doing things, and some of the tests can be escaped by clever planning while some cannot be escaped. Overall, a entity that entered this world should exist and the journey is called life.

The humans as a species have evolved from single celled beings as per the popular perception. The great Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest" is being strengthened by like minded intellectuals and those who oppose are not given the drink of Ego and Wealth. These opposing intellectuals have to struggle for survival in the intellectual space and some learn new tricks while other simply perish in time. Time (Kala) as we donot understood is the only witness of all the events that happen and it moves forward and taken everthing along.

Time is the only thing that doesn't distinguish between anything and doesnot leave anything. The Kala is supposed to be a chakra, meaning repeating. The closest geometrical shape that can be attributed to KalaChakra canot be a circle, but a helical with pitch being near zero. There can be different sizes of kala chakras for different materials that exist and everything are included in one one. The several concentric helix of diameter zero to infinite encompass the whole universe and we are moving in the helix from one stage to another and one form to the next always moving forward.

Sages can transgress the helix of times of various sizes while retaining their material bodies but ordinary beings cannot do so. A change in the time helix for the ordinary demands the giving up of material body and taking up of a new. The journey is infnite and continuous without any stop. When this time dimension is a helix, the space dimensions cannot be straight. A curved line can look straight when the radius is very large. thus the space time as we know may not be correct.

When the fundamental dimensions as we know are not correct but are evolving over a period of time from earth being flat as started in the west, and earth revolved around the sun as started in the east, but the credit being taken again by the west. This meek surrender also shows the tendency of survival of the fittest. The Eastern nations(bharat) has been attacked and destroyed by several enemies from the west and even though great wars are pursued to upkeep the pride of this land, the backbone has been continuously destroyed by using means and methods that couldn't be identified by the people of this land.

The theoretical basis of this land, its culture has been destroyed by the interventions of the West. The brave and never tiring young of Bharat are yet to take upon the task of reclaiming the position of "Jagadguru" that once our land was. Lord Vishnu sleeping on the spiral bed of the Adishesha tells that he is beyond time and cycles. The hanuman sitting in front of the egoistic Ravana over his tail spun in a helix is also symbolic indication of people overcoming or transgressing the time.

The script is present, but the intrepretations are many, but the true meaning is lost for ever. Even though the TRUTH is one we are not coming to terms to accept. But time will never wait for us to understand and believe in something, it moves on.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Beware - Congress Has Not Yet Started Playing

During the recent Presidential elections, BJP was in a very happy mood since the UPA was having bad relations with its allies. BJP fantasized and had come to a conclusion that many of the allies would support its candidate for the post of President. BJP leaders also expected that the time was ripe for it to stitch alliances for the 2014 polls and got punch on its face, when its own ally Shiv Sena has not supported it and went on to support Pranab and earlier Prathiba. This makes the BJP leaders look more foolish than they are.

A galaxy of leaders, a record of sorts for working closely with the Congress and for the benefit of Congress has destroyed the party. The lack of vision among its top leaders for building the party where it has no strong existence has made it a laughing stock in some states. The building of party in the south is a glaring example of the failure of the central leadership to promote its leaders and to ensure that the party grows in all states.

The BJP worked with Congress to destroy its first South Indian government led by BSY and made way for Congress to come, even after a lot of good work done by BSY. Fate has its own plans for people who work overtime to deny the rights of simple people. The Super Power of the BJP has been more willing to accommodate Congress demands than the demands of his party workers as the time went by. If BSY government was supported by Delhi leadership then BJP would have been in a much better position for 2014 elections in the south.

Past cannot be changed, but future course can be set with a proper vision and hard-work. A leader has to have a vision and a strong sense of ownership, else he will be very malleable by external forces. The BJP is blessed with huge set of people who have very good leadership skills and its many CMs are good leaders. The most aggressive of them all Modi, has been selected for reasons unknown to few to lead the BJP in 2014 elections. The party cadre, a majority of them are happy with the BJP decision after a long time and as by the rule of nature, there should be some disgruntled voices too.

This set of grumbling voices should be in lesser numbers who can act as the brakes for a overspeeding, over confident Modi juggernaut. The opinion polls show that BJP is set win big in this 2014 elections and many of the leaders are very happy externally, but internally there is a doubt about the opinion polls. The truth of opinion polls in 2004, 2009 are used by the grumblers to hold down the Modi Engine to earth and make them to work harder to ensure more votes for the party. The grumblers whoever they are in BJP should be appreciated for all their negativity to put the other cadres in reality.

In any elections there are many parties that are contesting to win and in 2014 it is BJP VS Rest. Many of the regional parties have allied with BJP, Congress either in their states or at the Centre for sharing or benefiting from the ministerial posts. How much good has come out of such alliances is to be analysed by statisticians and the result can be very tricky and is not a important. The only important thing is to stay in power at any cost. This concept has been perfected by the Congress.

Congress could get the support of BSP, SP and stay in power. Congress can hound BJP to sack its CM in Karnataka and destroy the party electoral prospects in the state. Congress could prop up PRP, AAP to reduce the vote share of other parties. The tricks with Congress are many and with a fool like RaGa leading the party is only a cover-up to show a innocent and idiotic appearance. The Gandhis are half-intelligent and the knack of winning elections hence has to come from outside.The external forces that are trying to put Congress back to power again and again are very obvious. The forces don't want a resurgent India.

A huge mandate Congress acquired due to sympathy has been wasted by the party to set India on the path of progress. There are some works that should be done by the government unlike AAP which did nothing during its 49 day period of governance. All other parties which have been power have taken decisions for setting up industries, starting projects, giving out doles to citizens, taxing people, taking loans from foreign banks, controlling CBI, making family members very rich, etc. But there are things that are not very common but need to be done by government like connecting various parts of country with roads, railways, air ways, connecting rivers, creating green cover and protecting wildlife, building defence facilities, improving the conditions of the soldiers, reforming the laws of police, judiciary, etc. 

Few parties can claim to have done extraordinary things for the improvement and other have simply done the regular works. Those leaders who have vision think for the future and do extra work so that the present condition is set to match the future needs. A stitch in time saves nine. But there are leaders who want to take India back to Stone Age. The citizens despite knowing everything have been fooled by the illusion called congress and the BJP has more than once fooled by the illusion too. Illusion called Congress has to be rid from this land for making long term progress, peace and prosperity of this land once called Bharat.

BJP has still a very long and hard way to travel to win the 2014 elections ans Congress has not yet started playing.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

TATA NANO - Why not make it electric

A lot of noise is present regarding the electric vehicles. While much of it is bad since there is no good battery technology and the growing saner noise is good for the environment. The electric vehicles store electric energy in batteries and drive the DC motors to move the vehicle. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are also being pursued but it is more complicated due to the unavailability of safe storage technologies. A porous material which could hold hydrogen gas and liberate the same when heated is also being tried. A number of players local and global are working to capture the market share in the new type of vehicles that work on fuels other than petroleum based.

It is in this scenario that TATA group can lead others. The Nano platform is designed as a low cost passenger vehicle and is also proved in crash test while other small cars made by rivals have not completed crash tests and may be marketed and sold at lower prices giving a blow to the original low cost car. the complete body design and looks of the TATA NANO are good and also the car is compact. This car could be converted into a electric one which is capable of carrying passengers comfortably because of its lower weight and can carry passengers with more motor power.

The cost of the vehicle could be still highly competitive and the problem of travel length now limited due to the capacity of batteries. With a good network of Tata service stations the group should tie up with fuel stations. Every battery should be identified with a non tamper-able chip or a sim and also ever car should be uniquely identified electrically.  At the various stations a group of batteries should be kept in constant charging and any empty batter should be replaced with a charge of power and other maintenance/user charges. For a city commuter a 100KM per day would mostly suffice and in case of complete charge drain, a mobile unit should be available to replace the battery with a touch of a phone.

If this type of system is not possible, may be due to higher costs of holding and charging several batteries, then the TATA NANO platform could be made with petro-electirc platform and still maintaining the low cost and high class profile. The platform NANO is a too big to be wasted and the current SWIFT will make many user to move away from the TATA NANO because of the high cost of two lakh plus.

The main complaints of the TATA NANO are not is design or leg space or any others. The design is highly satisfactory, but the noise that the car produced was dragging the class/status because the noise was similar to an auto. People were having a feeling of drivnig an auto instead of a car. If an electric platform is introduced then the noise issue is not there and the car can become owners pride. Sales could also improve. It is a real wonder, that the TATA having implemented a NANO are not willing to venture into the electric car platform where REVA is a leading its space and trying to spread across the nation.

The battery support issue could be taken up together by these two companies and may create new type of market and business opportunities  in India.