Monday, 30 December 2013

Every party is for its survival

For many of the crore Indians, it will not matter much as to which party comes to power in Delhi or in their respective states. This carelessness is not due to the inability of the Indian citizens to understand and foresee the deeds of their leaders, but because there are much more urgent works that need their attention. When many of the intellectuals are working overtime to plan and secure the future of their bigger clients and others trying to secure the future of this nation, it may come as a big surprise why the ordinary Indian is indifferent to the politics.

After 66 years of independence the ordinary citizen has to worry about the basic needs of his life-food, water, housing. Many of the billion Indians don't have the basic needs fulfilled and have to struggle very hard to meet these demands. If anything that has changed is the addition of the basic needs apart from the above mentioned. The added basic needs are electricity, education, employment. The last one is the most important which has become a very scarce and the political masters have ensured that only a few will able to avail it.

The policies of the governments at the centre has ensured over a long period time that the basic needs should be provided by Government in the name of its family members. The idea is to ensure that several million gullible Indians are made to believe that the facilities are being given out at the personal expense of the political leaders and that the receivers should be at the feet of the masters. This philosophy of governance is called Welfare State and people will be perennially dependent on the government, and the same set of people will keep coming to power over and over again.

This cycle repeats and the elections though provide a chance for the citizens to select a alternative fail to understand the power of voting and elect their life provider. This is the politics practised by almost all of the political parties which includes Congress(I), BJP, BJD, SP, BSP, DMK, AIADMK, AAP, RJD, JDS, JDU, SAD, etc. No party is immune to the dole giving attitude, while some parties give out government money in the name of the current leaders, some give in the name of the past leaders, but the doles given out are a reminder to the people as to who their life providers are.

A poor man is not a weak citizen and doesnot need any support financially. He has to be given the skills so that he can fulfil his dreams. Only the way has to be shown and the citizen has to earn livelihood but instead the governments are helping more than it should have and wasting huge resources which could be better utilized in building the infrastructure. The man once made to depend on the government for his livelihood will forever remain dependent on the government. This sense of dependency  is manipulated by the governments for their for survival.

Friday, 6 December 2013


The oldest of the scientists are believed to be from the land of snake charmers, Bharatavarsha. Sanskrit though allegedly evolved later is the true language of scientists with perfect grammar and no scope for ambiguity. The thousands of slokas/texts that were created are not fully understood by the present citizens owing to the fetish for English language. It is natural to life to evolve but truth never evolves, it remains the same. The capacity to understand the truth only expands with time as the individual gains some skills and knowledge.

The questions as how this universe as we partially know was created has been the question which is not answered by the eminent scientists of this times. The vedic scientists has told that creation is the job of gods and then they went ahead with their works.The beginning and the end are not absolute since this world we live and let others live is a relative. We talk with a time scale or time being one dimension and we ponder about possibility of time travel or travel in interstellar space using worm holes in fiction.

The vedic scientists like Narada muni was travelling all over the known universe and was supposed to be first news reporter. The present scientists have still not understood the creation since they donot know anything about the dark matter is in more quantity that the material we are able to see/understand. the vedic knowledge is considered inferior and look down but who cares, we are proud of our scientists and we donot seek approval. this is one of the reason we believe in the 3crore or more number of gods with highly customized for the individual needs.

The concept of mass production and then customization is not a concept related to cars/ bikes, it can be extended even to the gods, else why would there 3crore gods when the world population was very less. There would have been a time when more gods than humans on this planet. The focus of scientists is to see the lens guided by the senses and the mind. The gods creation is definitely more simple than we perceive. The vedic scientists has found that the macro universe exists even in the tiniest of the speck of  dust anywhere.

The puranas say that universes are created by the vishnu who sleeps on the giant 1000 headed serpent while floating on the ocean of milk. The idea may be a fantasy or it may be a reality or it can be neither. Every time sperm meets a egg a universe is created or when a bacteria get divides into two, two universes are created. Big bang need not happen only once, but happen continuously. the amount of energy that is created by the big bang or during the creation of universe is not calculable because Einstein says energy and matter are bound by his equation, but the definition or distinction between energy and matter is not known to Einstein when he derived his equation.

Energy has no mass but when mass is manipulated energy is created. This ideally means energy has to gain mass and the source is not known. Scientists have set up a very costly project to find the source of mass and they might want to call it as Higgs Boson, but within the Higgs-boson there will a universe and within which there will be infinitely number of universes and there be exchange of matter between the universe on Boson particle and the universe we live through a worm hole. These concepts and questions will lead humanity to insanity.

The scale of time is as irrelevant as the existence of life only on planet earth. The vedic scientists having understood the truth, and unable to explain it in words understandable by fellow beings, gave the instructions as to how the truth could be realized. The path is very difficult, because the result is very unique and non changing on any scale be it time, space or other higher dimensions.

We are gods because we create universes, but since we are not the creators of ourselves, our parents are our creators and this chain will move in all directions. Thus Big Bangs we create are insignificant in the context that we donot have the complete knowledge of what we are creating and hence we cannot be Gods. Only the ultimate being, we can call God has the full knowledge of what is being created and to understand him is not like reading a story book.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Education - Dignity of labour

The education industry has been growing by leaps and bounds until two years ago when the new Engineering Colleges have failed to get started. The slump in the growth of Engineering colleges is a indication of a deep seated problem in the Education system that is being followed in our country. The children are pushed into the school at a very early age for a variety of reasons.

In urban areas the double income families cannot afford with single income and those who cannot afford a nanny(grandmother/father) are forced to send their toddlers to some play school in the hope of intellectual growth. A number of games and activity based learning methodologies are developed based on the study of low intelligent beings like chimpanzees and other apes. the games are good amount or fun and also some burden on the finances but have become inevitable. 

Once the child graduates from play school to kinder garden, the projects and creative assignments are forced so much so that, the parents have to do the most of the work for the happiness of their children. In an age when every effort or deed is measured in numerals, the usefulness of the curriculum of the children is not seen, but the greed for more hippocratic nature is highly appreciated. The need to be more different from the usual rest is highly visible. Every pressure tactic that is employed on children right from the kinder garden till they finish their high school results in deep seated frustration.

The demand for being first or in the top slots in the school/college is the most a fetish that many parents have developed. Since there can be only one top slot, many new avenues are being created so that many students can come in the top slot in one form or another. The numerical value is also not calculated by the great parents who would squeeze their customers for non-value addition works and ask for a better value addition jobs so that they can take better pay packets only to spend on more non value added items.

Many parents believe that there is no hope for children who donot do good in education. The loss of dignity of labour is the reason for the many of the ills that we are facing in the education system. Everyone talks about non availability of the labour for doing some kinds of small repair works and the parents would not like their children take up class to do the not so dignified works for loss of face in front of their peers. This fake peer pressure is more or less self made, but we crave for peer acceptance more than we believe.

The no dignity for jobs other than that pay in salary accounts in several tens of thousands of rupees per month are presumed to real jobs and others are all assumed to be worthless only if present in India.